Wednesday, July 31, 2019
How many types of ball mill do you know
Ball mill is the main crushing grinding equipment widely used in power plant, cement, mining, chemical, metallurgical and other industries production at home and abroad. Hongxing is a famous ball mill manufacturer in China,which was established in 1960. Our company development newly developed a type of cone ball mill,more cost-effective and more trusted by customers. Cone ball mill have a higher technical indexes and efficiency than old-fashioned ball mill,so yields also greatly enhanced.Compared with the traditional ball mill, the matched motor power can reduce 8-25%, save lubricant 70%,save cooling water 90%,comprehensive energy save above 20% . And the cone ball mill durable, save a lot of maintenance costs. In addition,Hongxing aslo supply Horizontal ball mill,Ceramic ball mill,Energy saving ball mill,etc. Our company have decades of history,have rich experience. our ball mill are exported to all over the world,favored by domestic and overseas customers. If you have any questions , please contact us. We look forward to your visit at any time.Jaw crusher is one of the most important machine in mining machinery industry. Jaw crusher is so popular Justbecause its superior performance and simple operation. Jaw crusher can broken the high hardness materials easily,and was durable, easy maintenance. So the Jaw crusher was deeply favored by domesitic and foreign customers. PF impact crusher can be widely used in stone production line such as water,electricity, highway, etc. There are three-tube crash part and using no key awl case to contact, wear-resisting board hammers.Using inset bearing form and incline bearing sent . It's special tooth-shape back striking board make maintenance is more convenient. Jaw crusher is Hongxing's flagship product and is also the best sale product series. For many years, Jaw crusher all have good sales both at home and abroad. Our crusher is widely used in many departments, such as smelt metal, building materials, mining ,railway, ch emical industry,etc.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Guns germs and steel
There may be personal information you want considered as part of your admissions application. Write an essay describing that information. You might include exceptional hardships, challenges, or opportunities that have shaped or impacted your abilities or academic credentials, personal responsibilities, exceptional achievements or talents, educational goals, or ways in which you might contribute to an institution committed to creating a diverse learning environment. In all honesty, I haven't really endured many hardships.In fact, I see them more as entrances, or sometimes even opportunities that I could easily take on, avoid or Just not think of them with the knowledge that they will go away in time. My childhood, as well as my early middle school years, were spent in the very northern part of Georgia, only two hours from the capital, Atlanta. During the summer, in 2009, the recession had hit my family hard, so my dad, seeing no way to continue living the way we did, decided to move o ur family to Texas, where the workload and the wages were better, not to mention that we would be near family.You can only imagine how I felt leaving everything I knew behind to venture into the unknown. The first few months were difficult in Kathy, Texas. I was thrown into a situation where everything was different from what I knew, or grew up learning. The people, the surroundings, the whole concept made me nervous of beginning a new life in this small town. I didn't know how to talk to people, who were expressive and unafraid to speak their minds to someone new, whereas I remained silent through a discussion. I did not know how to open up to them like I would now with other people.The first ay, I nearly broke down into tears due to how badly I wanted my friends beside me. I had to sit alone at lunch on that first day, since no one knew who I was. The scene was turning into something from a movie where the new kid from Africa eats alone in the bathroom because she had no friends t o sit with. I had no idea how the kids who constantly moved everywhere in the states did it. Over a year later though, I had gotten used to the place. I found that I really liked it better in Kathy rather than in Georgia, and I made some good close friends who defined themselves from those sack in the Peach state.They were my special people. However, my father had once again decided to move our family further south to the ROI Grandee Valley after concluding that he did not like it in Kathy. Albeit it was better than Georgia, it was not good enough for him. I had been excited to move again, mostly for the reason that my dad made McAllen seem like a glorious city. When we arrived later on late summer of 2010, I had been horrified at the dramatic change of living. I had made it quite clear with the years that followed of how I tested the place, not because of how bad it looked on the outside, because of how different McAllen was from Kathy or Georgia.WAY different. Moving to the Valley , I discovered that I was a city girl. I wanted to visit the many malls in Houston (the Valley only had one good mall) and to go to the park without worry of feeling uncomfortable. I used to love to walk. I heard my parents constantly warning me of strangers, but it never dawned on me on how serious it was until I moved here. Four years have passed since we moved to McAllen, well, Parr actually. I still dislike this place. I faced the problems of being in a new school again, however, this time wasn't as scary as it was a year earlier.I was barely starting high school and everyone basically saw a new face they did not know, so it was bearable, but that did not mean that I was not nervous as I was back in Kathy. Here, I also made new friends. They weren't like those in Kathy or in the Peach State, but I still liked them. However, I didn't find myself really liking the SAA district, so my parents transferred me to the STIES district school, BETA. Honestly, I wished I had gone there soo ner. Sure, the school had ajar flaws, like in every other one, but I have made some really awesome friends who made the months seem like days, and years like only a few weeks.These friends were so different from those in SAA. Sure, everyone belonged to a different â€Å"clique†, but we were our own unique â€Å"clique†of weird, stressed out, goofy girls, which was sort of different from other schools that Vive gone to, as I wasn't part of one â€Å"clique†. No matter how different or similar each situation was in my life, they all taught me one thing: how to deal with it. Moving has taught me so many things, like being rounded with new people and how to properly deal with the new environment. I have actually learned that I like moving around and how quick I adjust to it, which can hopefully come in handy later.I know what it's like to move, and I have met different types of people, from different social classes, and ways of living from around the world. I have learned bit by bit from each and every one. I don't consider moving a hardship as I once did, but more of an opportunity to see new places, meet new people and experience different types of things like food or ways of thinking, and I m sure that whenever I or another person from somewhere economically and politically different moves in, I am able to help adjust and see to it that they or even I do not feel uncomfortable.I have gradually learned other things about myself, small things that make me who I am, and though I am content with some, I am determined to change others for the better. I hope, if I go too University which requires me to live in a new place, that I will not cry or freak out when my family is far away. Instead, I will keep calm and be certain that more pleasant things will come later, when I finally adjust. Guns Germs and Steel 1. Yali's question; â€Å"Why is it that you white people developed so much cargo and brought it to New Guinea but we black people had little cargo of our own? †2. Diamond rewords the question as â€Å"History followed different courses for different peoples because of differences among people environment not because of biological differences among peoples themselves. †3. Jared Diamond analyzes several factors that he believes contributed to the existing balance of the world's resources. In order to answer Yali's question, he speculates about the role of geography, technology, cultural diffusion, agriculture, culture and biology. . The Maori evolved differently because of population and leadership differences. The Maori conquered the Moriori due to its advanced weapons and technology and the Moriori lost due to its lack of leadership and simple weapons. 5. Population density affected economies because the more people there are the more things you need such as food. It also affected social complexity because it easier to control smaller populations. With more people you need more control over things for decisions which goes with political organization 6.Atahualpa was the last ruler of the Inca Empire of pre-Columbian South America to exercise power independent of Spanish control. Francisco Pizarro and a small group of Spanish soldiers captured Atahualpa. In a vain attempt to save Atahualpa, his subjects assembled one of the largest ransoms in history, an estimated $30 million worth of gold and silver. 7. Pizzarro completely surprised and overwhelmed Atahualpa’s empire; Pizzarro had guns germs and steel where the Incas didn’t. Pizzarro also had horses that terrified the Incas having never seen it.Pizzarro also had a written language and the Incas did not. 8. Availability of more consumable calories means more people equals strength of numbers. Domestic animals fed people by furnishing meat, milk, and fertilizer and by animal labor. A nimals and crops also provide warmth and tools. 9. These areas are Southwest Asia's Fertile Crescent, China, Mesoamerica, the Andes and possibly the Amazon Basin, and eastern United States. 10. These areas are Sahel, tropical West Africa, Ethiopia, and New Guinea. 11. These areas were western and central Europe, Indus valley, and Egypt. 12.The only hunter-gatherers to continue to exist were those who were separated geographically or lived in areas not fit for food producing. One theory of why people first started producing food was just as a back-up plan. Another theory is that there are different factors in different parts of the world that caused the decision to move to farming. 13. A plant is to be domesticated when its native characteristics are altered such that it cannot grow and reproduce without human intervention. 14. Because Different factors in different parts of the world caused the decision to move to farming. 5. Some plants need to be pollinated by another plant, but s ome mutant plants are self-pollinating. These self pollinating plants would also be picked and eventually wipe out the non self-pollinating plants. 16. Eurasia 17. Three advantages were the climate of the Fertile Crescent was wet in the winters and dry in the summers, ancestor crops were already very productive and fruitful, and many of the crops that inhabited the Fertile Crescent were self-pollinating. 18. For one the continent contained the largest amount of wild mammals.Another reason is that Eurasia has had the least extinction in the last 40,000 years. In other parts of the world large mammals were not as readily available for domestication. 19. Diamond gives six reasons why: diet, growth rate, and problems of captive breeding, nasty disposition, tendency to panic, and social structure. 20. The Americas and Africa both have a north-south axis while Eurasia has a west-east axis. It is because west-east regions share the same length of day, same types of seasons, same diseases, and same aspects of climate such as rainfall and habitat.Trade spread farther west east than it did north south. 21. Plants moved from north to south or vice-versa were not built to endure the different climates, times of day, and etc. Domestic animals could not fight off the new types of disease and climate as well. 22. Genetically some people have developed immunity to certain diseases or illnesses through generations of repeated exposure. The small populations can't fight outside epidemics, and can't evolve their own because they are nearly wiped out every time, therefore the epidemic disappears. 3. Blueprinting copying- when you copy or modify an available detailed blueprint. Idea Diffusion-when you receive little more than the basic idea and have to try to do it yourself. 24. If kings limited writing they can better control the masses and there is a smaller chance of and uprising. 25. â€Å"Invention is often the mother of necessity†which means that many inventors creat ed things out of curiosity rather than because of need. In other words, they made a product before there was a demand for it 26.The factors are economic advantage of new technology, social value and prestige, vested interest, and ease of observing advantages. 27. Factors are peaceful trade, espionage, emigration, and war. 28. Behavior became lethal in the presence of peasant soldiers ungracefully blasting away with guns. Eventually reduced government orders for guns until japan was almost without functional guns. 29. Sedentary living was decisive for the history of technology, because it enabled people to accumulate non-portable possessions. 30. Bands are the smallest societies lack many types of institutions that other societies have.They are so small because the region they live in lacks the resources for larger societies. Next is the tribe, being a little larger. Tribes are large enough where they can have separate clans. Next is Chiefdoms, which contain different lineages, and h ave many jobs that were often filled by captured slaves. Chiefdoms had a redistributive economy in which the chief received all the goods and then spread it back out among all the people. States have many more slaves and are supported by a political and territorial basis, not one of kinship and heredity. 1. There are four reasons why large societies must have complex centralized government. Secondly is the â€Å"growing possibility of communal decision making with increasing population size. †Thirdly involves economic reasons of differentiating talents and transfer of goods. The final consideration is that larger societies have denser populations 32. One reason is because of early extinction of large wild fauna in the Americas, while in Eurasia there were a variety of wild animals for domestication. Agriculture is another reason.Eurasia also had much more variety of domestic able plants. Those parts of the Americas that did have agriculture were lacking in protein. It was al so much less successful because they did not have the labor animals that Eurasia did. Germs, metal, military technology, and power to operate machinery were all more reasons that Eurasia had such an advantage over the Native Americans. 33. Those parts of the Americas that did have agriculture were lacking in protein. 34. These were blacks, whites, African Pygmies, Khoisan, and Asians. 35. Iron tools and agriculture
Monday, July 29, 2019
Bernard Matthews Farms
Bernard Matthews farms Bernard Matthews farms is the largest turkey producer in the UK. The business has grown substantially since its relatively humble origins in 1950, when entrepreneur Bernard Matthews bought 20 turkey eggs and a second-hand incubator. Twelve turkeys successfully hatched from this initial batch and, before long, the young entrepreneur was able to give up his insurance job and concentrate full-time on rearing turkeys. Today, Bernard Matthews farms rears over seven million turkeys every year. Thirteen million UK households buy a Bernard Matthews farms branded product each year. Despite the size of its operations, the company remains close to its roots in East Anglia, with its farms located across Norfolk, Suffolk and Lincolnshire. Bernard Matthews’ vision is ‘to make turkey the preferred choice of protein for every day and every occasion’. The company’s product line featured affordable, tasty and convenient food choices. Bernard Matthews farms operates in a competitive and fast-changing environment. Consumers are faced with a huge choice of foods to suit different lifestyles, diets, and tastes. However, in recent years, buying patterns have changed as consumers have become more concerned about healthy eating, food safety, and animal welfare. Chance events can have a significant impact on a food business. For example, celebrity chef Jamie Oliver’s high-profile campaign in 2005 to improve the quality of school meals identified foods such as Bernard Matthews farms’ Turkey Twizzlers as being unhealthy. In 2007, there was an outbreak of bird flu at a Bernard Matthews farm in Suffolk. At that time, the media also discovered that the company imported some of its turkey from abroad. The press published stories suggesting that the imports could have been directly related to the outbreak, a theory that was never proven. Initially, Bernard Matthews farms did not speak up and defend its product range against Oliver’s accusations. This resulted in adverse press coverage and the company lost credibility with the media. When bird flu hit, relations with the media were at an all-time low. The companys immediate reaction to the crisis was to focus on eliminating the disease, which it did successfully. Communications came low on the list of priorities. This meant that the resulting information vacuum was soon filled with damaging and often inaccurate news reports. Another issue surfaced during this time period. Two of the company’s workers were convicted of animal cruelty in 2006, having been secretly filmed hitting turkeys with a pole. Others had been filmed playing ‘catch’ with turkeys. Bernard Matthews farms’ spokesperson initially gave â€Å"no comment†, saying he hadn’t seen the video, although he had been shown pictures of the abuse. The company nonetheless claimed it was ‘committed to the â€Å"highest standards†of animal welfare’. The employees defended themselves by saying that they were influenced by the â€Å"culture†at the plant. Yet, in June 2007, employees were again caught and filmed in acts of animal cruelty – this time kicking turkeys. When the company realized the extent of the damage and finally opened up to the press it was too little, too late, as all trust had been lost. As a result, Bernard Matthews farms’ sales in the UK fell by 35% and the company went into a loss position for the first time.
Conclusion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Conclusion - Essay Example Diverse factors provide the impetus for the formation of gangs. As a call to relieve poor living conditions and to uplift the social and economic status of the members, gangs begun to be involved in various criminal activities ranging from stealing, destruction of public property, selling drugs, physical abuse, gang related violence leading to injuries and death. If one is to remunerate on the reasons for gang affiliations, there could be elements that could identify root causes which pinpoint lack of parental support and guidance, lack of proper education which focus on the enforcement of moral and ethical codes of behavior, and the ineffective governance of the public police force to ultimately identify these gangs and to put a stop to violent activities. The statistics on gang murders indicate the complexity of the gangs’ affiliations and difficulty in attesting to the reliability of data and information published on their existence. The fact that gangs notorious existence are hidden and not officially registered in any local, public or private institution, the number of members, purpose for formation, and activities could only be surmised. The data that is generally available in justice reports are almost always after the fact that crimes and murders have already been committed.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Medicaid and HMOs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Medicaid and HMOs - Essay Example Of the different types, HMO is usually the least expensive plan. Patients will not have any deductibles in HMOs and the co-pay is very reasonable. This plan covers preventive measures such as yearly check-ups. The perceived downside of HMO is that you have to choose your doctor and other health providers in your HMO network. You can be restricted in your choices. PPOs, or Preferred Provider Organizations, like HMOs, have pre-approved lists of healthcare providers. Like HMOs, this type of Medicare Advantage Plan allows for the insured to choose from doctors and other healthcare professionals outside of this network. However, this plan cost you more in the deductibles, co-insurance and other out-of-pocket expenses. In this plan, when you use a non-participating provider you will be paying more for that privilege. A Point-of-Service plan or POS is a bit like a combination of the HMO and PPO. Like the HMO, you must select your own doctor or primary physician but can also have the choice to go out of your network like in a PPO. If you stay within the network like HMO, your copayment and deductibles are small.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Direct and indirect messages Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Direct and indirect messages - Assignment Example We felt fortunate for your company to install an iron gate for one of our business tenants at 921NW 23rd Ave., Portland OR 97210 six months ago; your workers were prompt and fast. Enclosed is a copy of the invoice for the said installation. However, we received a complaint on the said gate from our business tenant who complained of it struggling to open and close. Upon inspection by our management, we found out that the two doors of the gate have settled and do not march in height. The gate gets stuck, and takes too much force to open, close, and lock it.We were glad to transact with your company as it had provided us with a one year warranty for the gate should we encounter a problem with its operation. It is upon this backdrop that we kindly ask you to send your team to inspect the gate and remedy the problem as soon as possible. I would like to inquire for your rates on a retreat package for our staff on either of the following periods; January 12-16. We are a team of 55 marketing and media professionals who are interested in conference/retreat/vacation facilities for four days. They will be accompanied with their partners or significant others and thus he would like to find out if they can provide them with approximately 50 rooms. Kindly provide me with information regarding all the stated requests by September 15th and if you could offer us a discounted group rate since we might be visiting during peak times. Further, could you let me know if your hotel operates a shuttle to and from Jackson Hole airport?Â
Friday, July 26, 2019
Property law case of study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Property law case of study - Assignment Example It must be understood however that the ownership over the property or object is not conveyed to the tenant but merely the right of possession which is separate and distinct from ownership. The leasehold contract whether a written or oral agreement, gives rise to demandable rights such as but not limited to delivery of the property or object in good tenantable condition for the purpose it is intended, quiet (Jenkins v. Jackson) and peaceful possession and abatement of any disturbance or intrusion to the enjoyment (Kenny v. Preen) of the property or object and payment and review of rental. Thus, any material violation shall be construed as a breach of contract which ripens to a right to rescind the contract, demand specific performance or restitution by way of damages. In this jurisdiction, lease contracts may be written or oral agreements however it is more legally feasible and expedient to reduce the terms and conditions into writing as it is difficult to prove and substantiate oral agreements. This is appropriate for contracts affecting land, residential or commercial tenancy. It cannot be denied that some of the most contentious issues concerning tenancy relations are payment delays or worse, non-payment, negotiation whether to reduce or increase rental fees pursuant to an acceleration or deceleration clause, extent of repairs or maintenance liability, discriminatory conduct committed by the landlord, fixing of the period and renewal of lease. As a result thereof, it is imperative that the responsibilities and other stipulations binding to the landlord and tenant are specified and delineated in a contract to safeguard their respective rights and avoid any protracted or tedious litigation. Disputes shall nonetheless be resolved and dispensed with by the courts in accordance with the facts and evidence adduced as the arbiter on how the law should be interpreted and applied. II. Factual Antecedents Before any suit is lodged in the courts, it may be prudent for t he parties to discuss and resolve the matter amicably. It may be gleaned that it is in this context that Tomes Limited, a bookshop entity, has sought opinion whether its position against the claims of the landlord is justifiable and equitable. According to the landlord, Tomes is liable to repair and reinforce the structural damage to the joist caused by the weight of the books stacked on the bookshelves and to submit to a rent review. Tomes strongly disagrees and in support of its opposition asserts that the reinforcement work is not cosmetic in nature thus not within the purview of the repairing covenant. The structural engineer commissioned by the landlord even affirmed that the joists may not have been permanently damaged and for this, Tomes insists that any repair or reinforcement must be done for the sole account of the landlord. On the other hand, the rent review is no longer possible as the period has elapsed which should have been exercised on the fifth, tenth and fifteenth years of the twenty-five year contract which commenced on 1 April 1997. It is likewise stipulated that the break clause may be carried out by the tenant only on the sixteenth year by giving notice on the first six months of the fifteenth year of the term. Tomes likewise invoked the Landlord and Tenancy Act of 1954 to govern its leasehold
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Project management yara1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Project management yara1 - Essay Example The company should sponsor the project because the product will bring revenue to the company in case of success. The issue of the project manager should be given to the person who best qualifies to be a manager. The considerations may include past performances and characters in the job market. The department cannot be specified because it might limit the talent needed in carrying out a new project. The results of a new project are numerous. The project is expected to add the items in the purchase list of the company (Figge & Schaltegger, 2011). The project is anticipated to increase target market of the company. This will in turn create more revenue for the company. It will create new employment opportunities. Other expectations are new consumer tastes and preferences. The project charter will spell out the scope of the project, the goals and objectives and the participants. The project will show that the reasons for undertaking it are the expected results as mentioned earlier. The main objective is to earn more revenue in order to benefit the company. The participants include the design department, production department, purchasing, shipping, and sales and the marketing departments. The projects value is that the company will not only create more choices for its customers but also compete with other business entities. This is because the variety of the company’s products will be added. This will raise the company’s bargaining position especially in the market. The problem that the project will solve is (Post, 2002) that of quantity. The customers will have options of buying bigger plastic storage, but with significantly better features. This will increase the demand of the container. The ramifications that are involved in not carrying out the project are devastating. This means that there will be no product creation or development in the company. There will also be no motivation of the employees who came up with the
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Self-Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 78
Self-Assessment - Essay Example Explicating Countee Cullen’s Incident was a quite interesting, and very enlightening, endeavor. Although the poem was quite simple and straightforward, it takes a lot of imagination to make sense of the narrative. Although it is easy to understand, the sentiments or emotions embedded in it are quite complex and immeasurable, which make the analysis extremely challenging. The part where I have to analyze every line of the poem was the most challenging. Every line is infused with intense emotions. Moreover, the transitioning is quick and drastic. And it was difficult to find the right words to describe the author’s emotions. I tried to balance the intensity of the words with the emotions embedded in each line. It was very challenging to analyze someone else’s story using my own point of view. But even though the task was very challenging, I found it quite entertaining. Because of the simplicity of the language used by the author, I immediately understood what the a uthor was trying to say. It is not like the other poems that are filled with metaphors or complicated imagery. I learned several things from writing this essay. First, short poems are like novels; even though they are short, they can narrate an entire story. Second, poems like Incident are outwardly simple, but a deeper analysis of it will reveal a larger reality, such as racial prejudice and its impact on its victims. And lastly, simplicity is the beauty. A poem does not have to be too elaborate or complicated to be exceptional.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Mutual Exclusiveness of Generic Strategies Essay
Mutual Exclusiveness of Generic Strategies - Essay Example Thus, a firm that seeks cost leadership must explore all avenues that will guarantee its cost advantage in the industry. For a firm to achieve differentiation advantage over its competitors, it must come up with the necessary measures to produce a unique service or product that is valued by the customers to the extent of foregoing a relatively cheaper service or product offered by the firm’s competitors to buy from the firm at a higher price (Dahlen, 2006). Therefore, cost leadership and differentiation strategies define two fundamentally different approaches to business strategy given that a firm competing on low cost is discernible from that competing through differentiation evident from their different organizational characteristics, market poisoning, capabilities and resources (Grant, 2010). Michael Porter pooled differentiation and cost leadership with the firm’s choice of scope to constitute the generic strategies that a firm can use to achieve high profit margins . According to Porter, cost leadership and differentiation are mutually exclusive strategies to the extent that firms that endeavor to practice both strategies are stuck in the middle. Further, Porter defines a firm that is stuck in the middle as one with a guaranteed low profitability since it losses the high volume customers who demand low prices or has lowered its profits so that it can attract customers from those firms offering lower prices. The firm that is stuck in the middle loses its high-end customers who have high margin targets in their mind or have generally achieved differentiation. Such a firm would also lack a well-defined corporate culture in addition to having an incompatible set... This essay has looked at what is covered under cost leadership and differentiation as the two most important components of generic strategies. The following parts of the essay have looked at why it is possible for firms to implement both cost leadership and deferential generic strategies successfully. The paper has highlighted as a case example the strategic approach employed by Toyota which is an industry leader in automobile industry as a major example of how combining the two strategies is possible. The changes in market environment in areas like demand and supply calls for firms that need to keep up with modern trends to diversify their strategic approaches. Evidence from contingency approach to human resource management has been presented to oppose the mutual exclusive view of generic strategies. This paper makes a conclusion that the fear that firms employing both strategies simultaneously run the risk of being stuck in the middle, not knowing which of the two to concentrate on, has also been dispelled. Last part has presented a brief analysis detailing why the concepts as detailed by Porter needs further scrutiny. This analysis assists in place Porters ideas in the context of practical business environment as opposed to the theoretical framework under which Porter postulated the two strategies. Therefore, this essay has succeeded in proving that Cost leadership and differentiation generic strategies are not mutually exclusive but are approaches that business organizations can take advantage of to achieve greater margins in terms of their profits.
Mohammed Daoud Khan Essay Example for Free
Mohammed Daoud Khan Essay The chapter begins where the last left off, Amir was left speechless after Hassan’s criticism. Before Amir could respond to Hassans criticism of his story, gunfire erupted outside. The boys huddled together with Ali until Baba came home. For the first time, Amir saw fear on his fathers face. He was even glad for the violence for a moment, because Baba held him and Hassan close. The events of that night, July 17, 1973, were a precursor to the end of life as Afghanis knew it. What would follow was the Communist coup detat of 1978, followed by the Russian occupation beginning in December of 1979. On that July night, the kings brother, Daoud Khan, had seized Zahir Shahs kingdom while he was away. Afghanistan had gone overnight from a monarchy to a republic. Tired of listening to the radio news, Amir and Hassan went to climb their favourite tree. On the way, a young sociopath named Assef and his friends confronted them. He taunted Hassan for being a Hazara; Assef also had a habit of taunting Ali, whom he called Babalu. He praised Hitler and then said that he wanted to finish what Hitler started and rid Afghanistan of Hazaras. He called Amir and Baba a disgrace to Afghanistan for taking in Hazaras. Just as Assef threatened to punch Amir with his brass knuckles, Hassan pointed his slingshot at the bully and threatened to take out his eye. Assef and his friends retreated, but promised to come back for Amir and Hassan later. On Hassans birthday, Baba summoned him to the house as usual to collect his present. To Hassan, Amir, and Alis shock, Baba had hired a plastic surgeon to correct Hassans harelip. Amir was jealous that Baba was giving Hassan such special attention. The surgery went well and Hassan could finally smile an unbroken smile. Ironically, Amir explains, it was soon after that Hassan stopped smiling for good.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Critique on Article The Ends of Happiness Essay Example for Free
Critique on Article The Ends of Happiness Essay Dr Karl Giberson is a professor at Eastern Nazarene College with a PHD in Physics from Rice University. A man approaching his fifties at the writing of this article, Giberson’s solution to his mid-life crisis was to write an article â€Å"The Ends of Happiness†. His article was well written and he tries to impart his experiences with happiness to young adults. In the article, Giberson claims that happiness should be the end result of our efforts and he provides a compelling argument why we should not get caught up in our pursuit of happiness through materialistic gains. However, his arguments to back his thesis are inadequate due to an inherent contradiction in his supporting point and one unproven assumption in his article. Giberson (2006) uses the Candy Experiment with children to prove his point that our ability to withhold satisfaction leads to a â€Å"life time of happiness†(para. 5). He further explains that â€Å"unpleasant means can yield satisfying ends†(2006). This implies that our happiness will increase if we are able to set aside the things that make us happy, and work towards our goal. However, in his later argument, the author seems to imply that the happiest moments in his life, were times when he did not work towards materialistic gains. For instance, he claims he â€Å"lived well†, when he â€Å"left work early†and spent his time with his family (Giberson, 2006, para.12, 13 14). This illustrates his point that the most memorable moments in life comes from relationships as opposed to material gains (Giberson, 2006). While the latter argument supports his thesis, the former contradicts it by implying that happiness is something to be achieved through materialistic gains. This is shown in Giberson’s example about a student graduating with â€Å"greater earning power†(2006) and how this ability â€Å"is the formula for a lifetime of happiness†(Giberson, 2006, para. 5). Furthermore, Giberson’s argument seems to be contingent on one major assumption. That happiness gained from acquiring things, is less meaningful than happiness gained from spending time with family and friends. To illustrate his point, he cites evidence from his own memories. He states that memories gained from family time are clearer than the memories of â€Å"buying his first car†and â€Å"cashing his first paycheck†(Giberson, 2006, para.14). Giberson then applies this line of reasoning to back his thesis by showing us how happiness from material gains alone reduces our overall happiness as our social interactions decrease (Giberson, 2006). However, such opinionated evidence provides weak support to his thesis and even though he did not plan on writing a scientific article, using personal memories to validate such a major assumption weakens his argument substantially. In conclusion, Giberson has indeed written a well-structured editorial with many coherent and interesting points. However, contradicting arguments and one unsupported assumption in the article has undermined his thesis and weakened his argument. Giberson’s thesis would have fared much better had he quoted from valid sources instead of his own personal experiences. Reference Giberson, K. (2006, Mar. Apr.). The Ends Of Happiness. Science Spirit, 17, 6-7.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Overall family structure
Overall family structure Abstract: This paper introduces Helen, Julie, and Garry a family subset from the movie, The Parenthood and provides a description of their overall family structure also seen in the form of a genogram. The paper also includes a literature review of both Behavioral Family Therapy (BFT), and Solution-Focused Family Therapy (SFT) with the author settling on SFT as the preferred method for eliciting change from a systems perspective; which also includes a treatment plan complete with practical interventions using SFT and a GARF analysis from the BFT approach. In addition to noting how Helen and her children relate to the larger family system the learner offers a look into her personal world based on the effects of treating this family. The Family Subset The family subset to be discussed, from the movie The Parenthood, is comprised of a divorced mother of two children, one of which is engaging in teenage premarital sex, and the other is masturbating while watching pornographic films. This core group has expanded to include a husband for the teenage daughter who comes to live in the home of his new in-laws, a love interest for the mother, Helen, who eventually becomes a husband and the needed father figure for the pubescent son, and an extremely disinterested father who is preoccupied with his new life which includes a new set of children in addition to a new wife. Helen is the second child of four born to her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buckman. One of the more noticeable things about the family is the relationship that does not exist between the family patriarch and his older three children. It is especially painful to witness how hard Gil, the eldest son, tries to be such a good father by being so actively involved in the lives of his own children as a way to escape falling into the same pattern of his fathers parenting style. In addition, to the fathers distant relationship with his children is the very passive attitude of the mother. Her every attempt to assert herself into conversation and even the lives of her children are thwarted and ultimately overshadowed by the final say of her authoritative and detached husband. Each of the four children Gil, Helen, Susan, and Larrys parenting style and success in their sexual/marital relationships can be attributed to the way they interpret their own upbringing. As mentioned earlier, Gils desire to have a better relationship with his children has caused him to be extremely high strung which is possibly because of the self imposed pressure to succeed. Also, his oldest son, who he tries the hardest to bond with has been diagnosed with something akin to high-functioning autism to which he blames himself. However, his marital relationship appears to be pretty solid; thus, he has succeeded in not being like his father in the respect that he shows to his wife. Susan, the youngest daughter has chosen a man who was able to tame her wild antics. She found his control to be quite sexually attractive. Susans response to her husband is a two-fold result of her bearing witness to her mother being controlled by her father as a child and wanting to rebel against that control while secretly desiring it. Nathan, Susans husband, is unlike her father in that he is very involved with their only daughter, Patty. The problem is that Nathan is overly occupied with everything that relates to Pattys educational capabilities and has included her in every aspect of their lives leaving very little time for intimacy for a still newly married couple. Thus, causing distance in their relationship which forces her to not be like her mother at all, and initiates a separation from him for a while. The youngest son, Larry, has seemingly benefited the most from the paternal relationship because the father saw a lot of himself in this son is not as successful as the other children whose relationships with their dad were not as close. Larry is extremely irresponsible and has only held on to the life lessons taught by his father that enable him to continue on his quest for getting rich quick. Larry does not have a stable companion, has never been married, does not hold a steady job, and has brought home a son whose mother is a Las Vegas showgirl at best. While Larrys life seems to be the most exciting, he lives rather dangerously and his life is at risk as a result of his out of control gambling which is a part of his quick money schemes. Helens childrens behavior is a reflection of the timing of her divorce rather than a reflection of her parenting style. Along with the end of a marital relationship between a husband and a wife during and after the divorce come feelings of failure, blame, and denial. The problem is that those emotions and thoughts are not exclusive to the couple involved but, often are things experienced by a child who is a product of divorce. When the parent who has the children, in this case the mother-Helen, has not adequately dealt with their own feelings concerning the divorce it makes it extremely difficult for them to address the needs, wants, and concerns of their offspring. Helens childrens actions are in relation to an unsmooth transition due to being a product of a bad divorce (Carter McGoldrick, 2005). And, thus have turned into a centrifugal family leaving the mother out and making her feel as if everything is her fault and there is nothing that she can do to make them happy (Capuzzi G ross, 2007). In our patriarchal society the man is often considered the breadwinner even if both parties are gainfully employed; while the woman is regulated to the position of primary caregiver. In this role, Helen is battling a range of lifes concerns from her own happiness which she feels she is neglecting because of her responsibility to her children. In her current state, she cannot be much good to her children although their safety and well-being is her main concern. The manner in which this family interacts with one another is a direct result of how their personal experiences with the divorce of Helen and her ex-husband has negatively impacted their thoughts and patterns of behaviors. Each taking on or placing the blame on self or one of the other remaining members of their family unit. Therapy would serve Helen and her children, Julie and Garry, by helping them over this intermediary hump of emotions relating to the divorce crisis and propelling them into the next healthy stage of the family cycle they now find themselves. Group therapy would provide the family and opportunity to effectively communicate their individual issues for example, Helen might bring up her concerns surrounding her role as primary caregiver and the neglect that is self-inflicted in hopes that she might make up for whatever her ex-husbands absence has deprived them of; Julie might discuss how she needs to feel the love of a male figure and although her choice might not be the brightest he is showing her the love that she feels she needs; Garry will likely open up about how his family has turned against him (his mother made his father not love him anymore, his father choosing to love his other son more, and his sister turning to her boyfriend and barely acknowledging him) just as his body has (because he no longer has a father to discuss and prepare him for the upcoming normal bodily changes associated with puberty). In order for this family subset to reach a place of normal healthy functioning for a family unit it is necessary to assess and create an environment of understanding of the emotional attachment of the family system and, how easily the family is able to adjust to whatever natural and unsuspected events that occur during the life cycle (Maynard Olson, 1987). The learner believes that the two systematic therapeutic models that will work best in bringing this family back to a positive place in their cognition, and behavior are solution focused therapy and family behavioral therapy. Solution-focused therapy will work to accentuate the successes of Helen and her children and move them away from current behaviors that have them each emphasizing on their own failures and that of other members of their family subset (insert citation here, Clinical Training in Solution focused therapy-Josee Lamarre, Journal of Family Psychotherapy 143-148, 2005). While Behavioral Family Therapy evaluates the family and how they currently work together so that changes can be made towards how they will interact with each other moving forward (insert citation here, Eileen Spillane-Grieco, Cognitive-behavioral family therapy with a family in high-conflict divorce: A case study, Clinical Social Work Journal 2000 105-119) In using the behavioral model the position of the counselor is to assist the client family in changing specific behaviors which have been defined by Dr. Glasser as being comprised of action, thinking, feelings, and physiology and, in turn will cause effective communication to develop (Glasser, 1980a). Solution-focused therapy suggests that the client family should look to what is presently taking place, and where they want to be in the future as opposed to what has transpired in the past. In changing the focus of the therapy sessions from that of the problem to that of achieving their personal goals based on what they would like to see as a result of their time in therapy will cause the client family to begin implementing the necessary steps to see those things realized. In addition, the client is instrumental to the process because they are constantly asked to define for themselves what is necessary for change to take place, or for the counseling being received to be effective (inse rt citation here: A Thumb-nail map for solution-focused brief therapy, Lance Taylor, Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 2005, 27-33); thus, causing Helen and her children to verbalize their responsibility to the success of their family unit. A Literature Review The articles that will be discussed in this literature review will argue the importance of the helping relationship; provide insight into intervention models that have worked with a range of client race, age, and backgrounds utilizing both behavioral family and solution-focused therapies. In addition, the editorials will offer evidence towards how well these theories have worked and will work for the learners client family. On Behavioral Family Therapy Thoughts about seeking help from a counselor can have negative connotations as expressed in the film from which we extract our client family-The Parenthood. Individuals are considered to be crazy, or think their problems are too insignificant, or are afraid of embarrassing themselves or their families with the kind of information that will be discussed. But, in actuality therapy provides an environment that is non-judgmental and safe, a counselor will affirm the feelings of the client and challenge them to think and behave in a manner that causes them to be more productive. It is those negative thoughts that will make it harder to get an entire family to come, as opposed to a single person, or even partake in the first couple of sessions. The problem has been statistically proven to be more likely a case of engagement. One article suggests that Behavioral Family Therapy (BFT) has the helping relationship as the foundation and if the counselor is able to build rapport quickly and earn estly then, it is more probable that the client family will not only remain engaged in the therapeutic process but, will likely have a successful outcome once therapy has ended (James, Cushway, Fadden, 2006). It is necessary to mention counselor responsibility in BFT considering that their role is valuable to the process. The therapist is required to explore and evaluate the hows of the family system as it operates currently and its potential for operation in the future (James, Cushway, Fadden, 2006). Without arguing for or against nature or nurture it is safe to say that family does play an important role in the way one acts consider the relationships of the Buckman clan as a whole and the dysfunction that ensues as they attempt to be different than the generation before them, and so then it should be equally safe to believe that therapy that would include the family is just as important in working towards change. Change is the ultimate goal in identifying and then ranking behaviors that the client family would like to change are priority. Once they have been outlined then interventions to facilitate change are necessary. In keeping with the definition of behavior which included thinking one conduit for change is positive thinking through cognitive restructuring, each family member will create a list of strengths of all of the members of the family unit. The result brings about a sense of self-awareness and quite possibly a new way of what role one actually plays in the family structure. Part of the homework will be for each family member to work on maintaining this new self-image in between sessions and ultimately adopting it as a lifestyle change (Khodayarifard, Rehm, Khodayarifard, 2007). This type of intervention will work well with Helen and her children as they are quite verbal in their disdain of each other. So, in highlighting the positive qualities of each other will not only affirm their role within the family, and work to dispel some of the former negative statements but, will cause them to live up to the attributes ascribed to them more often; thus, serving as a behavior modification. Although there is overwhelming evidence that supports the effectiveness of family behavioral therapy an article from 2000 argues that research shows that this theory has not been sufficiently compared to other like orientations (Kolko, Brent, Baugher, Bridge, Birmaher, 2000). However, BFT is still thought to be one of the best methods because of its relative adaptive nature that is specific to the preferred client demographics-family, individual: adult, adolescent, and etc. as the client family consists of a mother, and two children: one teenager, and one adolescent. Behavioral Family Therapy will work well in a family setting as Helen, Julie, and Garry can participate equally. The self control technique is an effective intervention that can be applied to Helen and her children within the Behavioral Family Therapy model. This method holds that each individual is responsible for their own actions and possess the necessary qualities to change them (Teichman Eliahu, 1986). Taking personal responsibility will force the family subset to see themselves separately from who they believe their parents to be and remove the need to place the blame on them for how they have decided to live their lives. For instance, Garrys behavior will no longer lead to acts of destruction because his father has chosen to not be actively involved in his life instead, he will recognize that he has control over who he will be and that is completely separate from who his father is to him. On Solution-Focused Therapy As the therapy name suggests there is an immediate purpose when utilizing this model. As such, after the necessary introductory things have been accounted for, one of the first pieces of information that the counselor needs to extract are the exceptions. These are windows into viewing potential solutions in that they identify specific instances where the client has already attempted to change what is considered normal behavior (Corcoran, 1997). Exceptions are seen as a kind of intervention in that positive affirmation is bestowed onto the person who has created an avenue for personal change and in so doing shows them how easy it is for change to occur. This will translate to Helen and her children perhaps through Julie who has demonstrated that she runs away from her problems-literally. She left home after an argument with her mother and impulsively got married; she left her husband and returned home when things got a little thick between her and Tod. But, during his stint as a race car driver, even though she vehemently opposed to this career option she showed up to the contest and was first at his side when he wrecked. All done of her own volition and thus, a time when she changed what could be considered normal or expected behavior. With thoughts focused on the future exceptions it will allow for the client family to consider how they can make a difference in family squabbles and other relational issues by meditating on the future. What will not happen are constant thoughts on the pain, the frustration, and the angst associated with the dysfunctional state of the family but, instead each member will meditate on a dream solution, which is ultimately a resolution to a problem (Bannink, 2007). One outcome to an ideal solution for this family would be that they no longer talked or yelled at each other but, now respected each other enough to quiet themselves and listen to the opinions and concerns of each other. Another benefit of the therapy would be for the family members to learn how to respond rather than react in a calm and rational manner. Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT) will cause the client family to look to self for resolution as opposed to the very dysfunctional thinking of placing blame and pointing out the negative in others. It is believed by the author, that a persons natural inclination is to think more negatively than positively in terms of what is likely to happen based on what has previously occurred. But, through the use of this model they find that the reverse is actually true and are likely to look forward to each day as opposed to dreading coming home to mom, or spending family time together (Reiter, 2007). Conclusion Both, BFT and SFT focus on the relationship and building rapport with the client in addition to being able to fit a broad spectrum of clientele. The combination of Behavioral Family Therapy and Solution-Focused Therapy will help the client family come out victorious because of the effectiveness of each orientation separately. BFT would work to learn the negative behaviors and then work to teach and enforce new behaviors and SFT will mandate that their attention always be focused on bringing about a different outcome and therefore a preferred outcome. While there are a myriad of downsides to both BFT and SFT they are so minute that they would not likely have an adverse affect on the client family. For instance, it may be that the length or number of sessions will be smaller than other theoretical approaches which would suit Helen just fine considering she is now the main source of income for the home. Fewer sessions can also work in favor of the client family in pushing them into setting realistic goals that need to be achieved and will also cause for the techniques learned while utilizing either approach be employed sooner rather than later and hopefully will continue long after the sessions have ended to go on with the changes that are necessary for success within their family unit. Through homework and other intervention exercises a favorable outcome is expected of Helen, Julie, and Garry, the client family. They will unlearn playing the victim role and lashing out in anger, learn how to effectively communicate, accept what has transpired in their lives and in putting it behind them not out of embarrassment or shame but, out of a realization that the present and future is where their focus needs to be. In the end, the learner is confident that both the Solution-Focused Therapy and the Family Behavioral Therapy theoretical orientations will serve as a successful method of therapy for this family. Diagnosis and Treatment Plan Helen and her children by all accounts can be considered a family that has not healed from divorce but copes with what that disruption to their family system translates for them and yearns to be well again seeks the counseling services of the learner. The remaining members of this unit individually and collectively exhibit a range of dysfunctional behaviors that include but are not limited to premarital teen sex, masturbation, yelling at each other and other dysfunctional communication patterns. The learner proposes that the therapeutic model that will work best in bringing Helen and her children back to a positive place in their cognition, and behavior is solution-focused family therapy. Before a counselor or therapist is able to successfully engage the client through verbal communication, nonverbal clues are given as to potentially how bad the situation is by simple things like how [the clients] choose[s] to sit in the room (Walrond-Skinner, 1976, p. 39). These kinds of nonverbal tools are just as important to assessing the situation as the ever blunt first question, why are you here today? The answer to that question is key in assessing the situation. From the interactions of the family as witnessed while in their natural habitat the following have been evaluated in regards to this operation of this family system: effective communication does not exist between the parent and children, the sibling emotional bond is nonexistent, and they do not rebound well when change occurs. After the initial general assessment or a description of the presenting problems has been disclosed the counselor must then set goals. In a variety of settings such as corporate meetings, counseling sessions, and etc. one widely used acronym for goal setting is to be SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. The purpose of being smart when laying out the goals for others to adhere to is to ensure that they know what is expected of them without a shadow of a doubt; that a counselor or therapist will be able to easily notate when progress has been made or remains unachieved; to create practical objectives that while they may not be easy to accomplish are necessary for personal growth; and to ensure that there is a cap so that the client is aware that a deadline to check if improvement has been made. With SMART in mind, the treatment plan for Helen, Julie, and Garry would include the following: Goals: Helen, Julie, and Garry will work together to improve effective communication Helen, Julie, and Garry will learn adjustment skills as it relates to experiencing unexpected situations specifically the divorce of Helen and her ex-husband Julie and Garry will learn to interact as siblings by learning how to support each other in an effort to build an emotional bond between them Interventions : Clients will be required to hear out the other members of their family and to consider that persons point of view. The request to begin considering the point of view of others will begin within the second session between all three members of the family unit and will continue being asked until the 10th family session. In addition, the client family will be asked to apply this question to instances when an argument is likely to take place as a substitute to the way they normally communicate. This intervention will include the therapist and all subsequent members of the host family: Helen, Julie, and Garry and will last for at least ten sessions and will be assessed at the 10th session to see if it needs to continue. Helen, Julie, and Garry will journal about their past and present feelings related to the divorce of Helen and her ex-husband on a daily basis, and something will be chosen from each family members journal to be read aloud in the following weeks session. This intervention will allow all family members an opportunity to learn how each individual processed and is handling the divorce. In addition, the family will be required to attend at least three additional sessions of counseling in a Persons involved in Divorce support group to be educated on the varying perspectives of all involved in such a process. This intervention will include all members of the subsequent host family: Helen, Julie, and Garry and the therapist will act as the reader. The therapist will also be instrumental in securing a place for them within a support group; the family will be able to offer suggestions which the therapist will thoroughly consider and make an informed decision based on what is better for the clients. After the required three sessions, a decision as to how beneficial the group meets were and the necessity of continuing in them will determine whether more sessions are needed. That information will be considered from Helen, Julie, and Garry in addition to, the lead therapist of the group sessions. Julie and Garry will begin to genuinely compliment each other at least one time per day over the course of their time in therapy. In addition, they are to find out something that the other is involved in like Garrys new fascination with cars and wholeheartedly support those endeavors making time for them at least two times per month. The hope is to achieve the goal of creating a genuine sibling emotional bond. This intervention will include only the sibling subset of the client family unit. And, will consist of Julie and Garry having a separate bi- weekly family session (for a total of two sessions per month) without their mother Helen. During the last session for the month a verbal synopsis that will include how well they enjoyed the time spent witnessing their sibling doing something they loved. The learner has implemented interventions that adhere to the thought behind solution-focused family therapy, and when evaluating Helen and her children will take into consideration the possibility for numerous modifications based upon client achievement of goals, and failures as it relates to not adhering to the scheduled mandates of the treatment goals (Seligman, 2004). Each intervention applied would likely have the learners desired effect which will cause this family to knit closely together. They would own up to their own contributions to the state of their relationship as well as absolve themselves and the others of misplaced blame. The lines of communication will be open and no longer will they talk at each other in fits of hysteria or desperation. As a result of the intervention the family members will implement the communication skills learned which will include how to talk to each other and value the opinions, and feelings of one another even at those times of disagreement. Ultimately, this family unit will grow closer to each other, develop as a cohesive unit, mature in their personal pursuits and thought processes, and learn from each other which will cause them to have a smooth transition into the next life stage of their family subsets life cycle. The Learners Personal Reflection The entire process that began with watching the Buckman family at large and specifically the subset that included Helen, Julie and Garry and ended with setting goals that were believed to be to the benefit of making their family unit more cohesive had the learner slightly stressed. The limited experience in a counseling setting as a professional and as a client caused a recurring question regarding correctly processing and applying information. It is the belief of the learner that her experiences as wife, mother, daughter, sister, and etc. would create an excellent source from which to pull information from when dealing with clients and cause an equalizing of the relationship. While the learner can clearly relate to some of the dysfunction of the family on issues such as how families talk to each other, or not actually being able to relate or have things in common with siblings. One aspect of this family system that the learner has no personal knowledge of is divorce and how seriousl y it can upset the entire family cycle. The model for marriage for this learner has been that of her maternal grandparents who were married for 58 years before the death of her grandfather. The lack of reaction to Helen being divorced considering the learners religious views was a very interesting dynamic. It is more likely that this can be attributed to how often she can be credited with desiring divorce than, recognizing that as a professional personal beliefs regarding things like divorce are irrelevant to the counseling process. One of the biggest reactions was in regards to the ex-husband and his complete disregard for the well-being of his own biological children. This set off red flags of personal biases towards deadbeat dads as a result of the learners own father who was only sporadically involved in her upbringing, at best. Due to the internally boisterous response the learner will need to routinely do a self-check to ensure that her personal biases will not negatively affect the counseling environment that is a necessary conduit for client change. Due to the fathers utter removal from every aspect of his childrens life as a result of the divorce, Helen was regulated to the role of a single parent; and it forced their children into a single-parent family situation (Carter McGoldrick, 2005). Early on, the learner and her three sisters formed a pack after constantly witnessing the unnecessary sibling rivalry amongst their mother and her sisters. In clearing defining our goals for our sister-friend relationships, we are extremely honest with each other, genuinely concerned about every aspect of each other lives, and have vowed to remain so. From this relationship that was first built on a blood bond evolved four very different people, at various stages in their lives, who are now friends. Once the commitment was made to be different and was adhered to change occurred within the relationship between the learner and her youngest sister who she really did not know mostly because of the difference in age. Therefore, setting a goal for Julie and Garry to become more emotionally involved with each other was something that the learner can attest to. One final thing to note, is how in the learners family which is multi-generational and includes not just an immediate family unit but, is comprised of extended family members there is always something that occurs that can upset the family system however, behaviors are not drastically changed as a result. The adaptability of the learners family unit has created an environment where others are always prepared to take on countless roles in the event that the traditional role holder is unable to continue on. Thus, the family is able to continue to run smoothly even after a major upset to the family cycle. A persons entire being is founded, rooted, expanded, and explored through the family framework which by all accounts is the initial segue into a host of firsts (Carter McGoldrick, 2005). Thus, it stands to reason that it is completely necessary to ensure the stability of the family unit by ensuring its flexibility when presented with anything that has the power to modify the normal flow of the family system and, maintaini
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Alcoholism :: essays research papers
Alcoholism, chronic and usually progressive illness,. Alcoholism is thought to arise from a combination of a wide range of physiological, psychological, social, and genetic factors. It is characterized by an emotional and often physical dependence on alcohol, and it frequently leads to brain damage or early death. More males than females are affected by alcoholism, but drinking among the young and among women is increasing. Consumption of alcohol is apparently on the rise in the United States, as is the total alcohol consumption and prevalence of alcohol-related problems in the former communist countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. This increase is paralleled in other countries, including developing nations. After 1980, however, consumption remained relatively stable in many western European nations. Development Alcoholism, as opposed to merely excessive or irresponsible drinking, has been thought of as a symptom of psychological or social stress or as a learned, maladaptive coping behaviour. More recently, and probably more accurately, it has come to be viewed as a complex disease in its own right. Alcoholism usually develops over a period of years. Alcohol comes to be used more as a mood-changing drug than as a foodstuff or beverage served as a part of social custom or religious ritual. Initially, the alcoholic may demonstrate a high tolerance to alcohol, consuming more and showing fewer adverse effects than others. Subsequently, however, the person begins to drink against his or her own best interests, as alcohol comes to assume more importance than personal relationships, work, reputation, or even physical health. The person commonly loses control over drinking and is increasingly unable to predict how much alcohol will be consumed on a given occasion or, if the person is currently abstaining, when the drinking will resume again. Physical addiction to the drug may occur, sometimes eventually leading to drinking around the clock to avoid withdrawal symptoms. Effects Alcohol has direct toxic as well as sedative effects on the body, and failure to take care of nutritional and other physical needs during prolonged periods of excessive drinking may further complicate matters. Advanced cases often require hospitalization. The effects on major organ systems are cumulative and include a wide range of digestive-system disorders such as ulcers, inflammation of the pancreas, and cirrhosis of the liver. The central and peripheral nervous systems can be permanently damaged. Blackouts, hallucinations, and extreme tremors may occur. The latter symptoms are involved in the most serious alcohol withdrawal syndrome, delirium tremens, which can prove fatal despite prompt treatment.
Bank Marketing Essay -- essays research papers fc
I. Introduction      Within our society, financial institutions are becoming more abundant. Along with this present growth, the field of marketing financial services has also grown in size and scope with new entrants everyday. The relatively stable banking environment is being altered with innovation, opportunism, and government intervention. This era, marked by the government’s luminous hand of deregulation (defined as the act of removing regulations or restrictions from a specific entity), has expanded consumer options to the extent that commercial banking must now become an aggressively competing member of the financial services industry. In this new era, important marketing areas such as regulation, environment, product, competition in the market, and delivery of product can no longer be overlooked. II. What is Marketing and Its Role in the Success of Financial Institutions? What is marketing? According to the American Marketing Association, marketing is the â€Å"performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer or user.†In the context of the financial institution, marketing is defined as the â€Å"creation and delivery of customer-satisfying services as a profit to the bank or financial institution.†(McMahon, 1986). With further examination of the previously stated definition, it can be seen that marketing is looked upon as 1) an active process (therefore, ongoing with endless possibilities), with 2) a direct focus on the customer or consumer. Initially, it can be seen that marketing plans that result in efficient returns and profits do not appear out of thin year, but are created. (McMahon, 1986). Once created, these plans must be delivered properly to the consumer. For example, a teller at a bank, with poor delivery and selling, can ultimately destroy a thoroughly thought out creati on aimed at providing superior customer service. Also, marketing is customer-oriented, meaning that it is imperative to take into account whether customers are satisfied and their needs/wants are fulfilled by the products or services offered by the bank. (Reidenbach and Pitts, 1986). Marketing, like any other activity associated with business, is goal-directed. To meet specific goals, individuals in management of these financial institutions create a marketing strategy. A marketing strategy â€Å"consists... ...esent. References Works Cited      Benn, Alec (1986). Advertising Financial Products and Services. Quorum Books: New York, pp. 100 – 150.      Hodges, L.H. and Tillman, R. (1968). Bank Marketing: Text and Cases. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company: Massachusetts. McMahon, Robert J. (1986). Bank Marketing Handbook: How to compete in the Financial Services Industry. Bankers Publishing Company: Boston.      Reidenbach, E.R. and Pitts, R.E. (1986). Bank Marketing: A Guide to Strategic Planning. Prentice Hall: New Jersey. Works Referenced      Donnelly, J.H., Berry, L.L., and Thompson, T.W. (1985). Marketing Financial Services: A Strategic Vision. Dow Jones-Irwin: Illinois.      Kinnear, T.C. and Bernhardt, K.L. (1986). Principles of Marketing. Scott, Foresman & Company: Illinois.      Larreche, Jean-Claude and Strong, E.C. (1982). Readings in Marketing Strategy. Scientific Press: Palo Alto.      Sinkey, J.F. (1986). Commercial Bank Financial Management, 5th edition. South-Western Publishing Company: New York.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Sartre and the Rationalization of Human Sexuality Essay -- Philosophy
Sartre and the Rationalization of Human Sexuality ABSTRACT: Sartre rationalizes sexuality much like Plato. Rationalization here refers to the way Sartre tries to facilitate explanation by changing the terms of the discussion from sexual to nonsexual concepts. As a philosophy which, above all, highlights those features of human existence which seem most resistant to explanation, one would expect existentialism to highlight sexuality as a category that is crucial for considering human existence. Descartes comes immediately to mind when one focuses on Sartre's major categories. In Sartre's case however, it is not mind and matter but consciousness and its opposite: "nothingness" and "being." This irreducible dualism is the key to the trouble human beings have with existence. Humans try to deal with the tensions implied by this dualism by trying to pretend people are not subjects but objects. Sartre calls this "bad faith." He begins by attempting to take human sexuality seriously as a fundamental category, but ends by abandoning the effo rt in favor of other substitutes. Akin to Plato in his rationalization of sexuality is Jean-Paul Sartre. Sartre is probably the end of existentialist philosophy in two senses: in the first place in the sense of extending existentialist premises as far as they can be taken, and in the second place in the sense of serving as the canonical example of existentialist thought. Since existentialism is the philosophy above all other philosophies which takes seriously the concrete existence of a human in all of its facticity, anxiety, temporality, and fleshliness, and will place this existence before all decisions about essence, it would seem that above all others we can expect from Sartre a philosop... ...y important in sexuality. This is "bad faith" in reverse, the treating of objectivities as though subjective. On the other hand, the For-itself is too much bound or confined to abstract categories. Is sexuality really a dialectic of subject and object? It is this, but is it only this? These broad categories cover all cosmic relationships. Sex disappears into an abstraction. Wherein lies the distinguishing difference of sexuality and what difference does this make? These considerations are nowhere in Sartre. This is Sartre's sexuality, a bloodless and a passionless dance of the categories. Notes (1) Translated and with an introduction by Hazel E. Barnes and published by Philosophical Library, New York, 1956. Page numbers placed in parentheses in the text refer to this edition. (2) Sartre illustrates "bad faith" with a sexual illustration. See pages 55-56.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes Essay
Online gaming is big business these days, with thousands of people connected to each other every minute. Games like Call of Duty and World of Warcraft connect massive numbers of players, sending both data and voice communications back and forth in real-time. In a 1-2 page paper, discuss HOW the data gets sent from a computer or gaming system to the computer/gaming system of all of the people with whom one is playing. Specifically, focus on the local exchange interfaces – access, regional, metro, long haul and ocean networks. Include in your paper a diagram showing the communication, labeling any important stops along the way (central offices, repeaters, etc.) Note: You don’t have to list EVERY repeater you’d need, but be creative and show that you understand the process. Submission Requirements Submit a 1-2 page Word document; double-spaced; Times New Roman 12 pt font. Cite all sources used. Local Exchange Online gaming is big business these days, with thousands of people connected to each other every minute. Games like Call of Duty and World of Warcraft connect massive numbers of players, sending both data and voice communications back and forth in real-time Considering that video game consoles are almost computers; then it is clear that they can communicate as computers does; and that is through TCP/IP networks. Therefore, it is possible to exchange data between gaming consoles. But let’s examine the aspects that are involved on this process. First, there is a physical connection running between two computers that want to connect. This could be phone lines that run from houses to switches to other houses that the phone company lets dial to each other. Or it could be network cables going to hubs and other computers. Or it could be cable lines running to fiber optic lines, through routers. Or it could be radio waves that computers can broadcast and receive. Second, there is a physical device that connects the computer to the network of lines he is communicating over. It could be a modem, a network card, a radio transmitter, or a router. Third, there is a set of software that allows the computer to send data across this network. There are a lot of layers to this software. At the top level, the computer sends some type of â€Å"packet†of data to the device and across the network. Typically, this is a TCP/IP packet. This basically tells you what the format of the data has to be, and what pieces of software computers need to have to send this kind of data. Finally, at the game layer, the game determines what other computer it needs to connect to, sends a request to the network device to establish the connection, and then sends data to the device so it can be sent. The network layer, when it receives data on a given connection, doesn’t just store it, it sends it on to the application who has the connection. So the connection is essentially between two applications. Focusing on the physical access; the possibility that data can be send to players around the globe is all thanks to the infrastructure of telecom companies. Starting with the local access, which is provided by the local telephone companies (Local Exchange Carriers). These entities are responsible for ensuring the necessary access to the network and the reliable transportation of the information. The Local Exchange Carriers provide the interface for the users to connect to the internet. Behind the scene, the network access plays a vital role in this process; which is the part of the network that reaches the end users and â€Å"connects them†. This services are brought to the consumer through a cabling link between the consumer and the Local Exchange. This network pf cabling is also referred as â€Å"Distribution Network†At the transportation level, the data is handled by the regional/metro networks (MAN) is responsible for aggregating information from the local exchanges of a specific service provider and sending that information to the regional and long haul/core network. A regional network is responsible for aggregation of information from metro networks. It is typically the last point before information traffic is put onto the core network. Core network is responsible for transporting large amounts of information from metro and regional networks in one part of the geography over very long distances to the regional and metro networks of another part of the geography. An important part of the infrastructure are the ocean networks; these are the most demanding and technically advance networks in existence. There are a multitude of optical fiber cables underwater connecting continents and countries together; therefore, vital for internet communications. As you may imagine, there a multitude of devices and equipment involved within each network to make all this process (data exchange) possible.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Outline and Evaluate One Theory of the Formation of Romantic Relationships (4+8 Marks) Essay
The recompense/ sine qua non mirth surmisal (RNS) was devised by Byron & Clore (1970) to explain the fundamental law of romantic kindreds, based on the principles of behavioral psychology. According to the conjecture, people form family relationships with those who ar most recognize/ satisfying to be with which happens through conditioning. The elements of Skinners operant conditioning proposes that we repeat behaviors with positive outcomes ( reinforcing stimuluss) and parry those with negative outcomes (punishments). Relationships positively reinforce by our confederate satisfying our ineluctably/rewarding us (through love or attention), tho negative reinforcement also plays a part in the likelihood of organisation as a relationship invalidate us feeling l superstarly which both(prenominal) result in us quest further contact with them and so forming a relationship.The theory also suggests that we may accessory a soul with positive feelings overdue to the eve n in which they meet this is called unmingled conditioning. This form of conditioning involves pairing a neutral stimulant with an unconditioned stimulus to arrive at a conditioned response, for modeling being at a troupe (NS) and feeling happy (UCR), because see a person (UCS) and associating this stimuli (now CS)with the happy feelings to create a CR of happiness whenever in their presence and we want to be with the person that makes us most happy, thus forming a relationship.An issue raised surrounding the RNS theory is that it fails to consider free will. It suggests that without rewards a relationship will not form provided shew from in advance(p) relationships argues early(a)wise, for example a rewards and blessedness is given in one night stands, yet no relationship is formed, plus no association canful be made through cyber relationships because the couple on have not met, yet a relationship still manages to form. This evidence goes against the theory suggestin g that separate concomitantors such as similarity, hazard and our own choices play a theatrical role in relationship formation thus proposing the theory is deterministic as tumefy as simplistic.On the contrary, research evidence has supported the RNS, one study conducted by Aron et al (2005). To begin the experiment, participants answered a questionnaire evaluation how intensely in love they were then they were shown photos of their partner during an MRI scan. It was found that dophamine-richareas of the flair (area associated with rewards) had higher(prenominal) activity when shown their partner than when shown an photograph of their friend. These findings show that we form relationships with those who are rewarding. blue temporal validity is a persuasiveness to this study because it was conducted recently. This means the couples used in the experiment have a higher ability to reflect modern twenty-four hour period relationships because the findings are more generalisabl e to modern relationships. Along with that the study is strong physical, a posteriori evidence because of the use of MRI scans. wizardry scans produce reliable, physical, solid evidence therefore have scientific proof for the consort between relationships and rewards.The importance of reward level in determining relationship merriment was also demonstrated by visiting card et al (1982) in which he asked 337 participants to asses their legitimate relationship in terms of reward level and satisfaction and found that reward level was superior to all opposite factors in determining relationship satisfaction concluding that rewards are a great factor than any when it comes to relationship formation. in time a criticism of these findings is that the reward/need satisfaction theory only explores the receiving of rewards, whereas hay (1985) found that we gain satisfaction from bad as well as receiving. well-nigh of the research into RNS theory has been conducted in the US with US participants, making it difficult to interpolate to different cultures. The theory, as well as the research, has an ethnocentric bias in the fact that it is based on relationships in westbound cultures, therefore reflect relationships of western societies, further these are very different to other cultures were people may not rush a choice in their partner e.g. arranged marriages. Lott (1994) found that women in other cultures focused more on the needs of others than rewards, suggesting that there are differences in the observe of rewards which this theory emphasizes so much about. As a result of this cultural bias, the RNS theory is not a universal story of relationship formation.
India’s Land Resource Essay
Land Resources in India envelop roughly 1. 3 million sq miles and is a cape protrude into the Indian Ocean in between the embayment of Bengal on the east and Arabian Sea on the west. In spite of sufficient accessibility of set down topography, race pressure in the country is excessive and that makes space for both(prenominal) food production and the tangible commonwealth market. However, trim down resources in India are both essential and at shortage in bring in days. Land resources in India are considered as non-re soreable slide unfluctuatingener reserve.Further, they are associated with a host of several new(prenominal) elements such as agrarian base of pastoral as strong as urban economy, accessibility of water, and other factors. Speedy urban expansion and the wage hike land usages have changed beca make use of of the increasing population harvest-festival and economic development in some selected landscapes is cosmos observed in India of late. The monitoring of land use changes is essential to understand land use oer different sequential or spatial condemnation scales for successful land management.Today, with increasing urbanization as well as industrialisation, an increase pressure has been witnessed on land, water and other environment resources, mainly in big metropolitan cities. In order to use available land resources in India effectively, the country is re-organising efforts in the areas of land resource management. Thus, there has been a evolution in land resource companies as well as in other service providers crossways the country. India occupies a land area of around 3,287,263 sq km. in that respect are different causes of land in India, of which 54. 7 percent of it is civilised land. The several types of land resources in India include hoidenish land, stirland, barren land, real estate land, commercial land and residential land. Majority of the population of Indian are engaged in agricultural and allied activities an d thus agricultural land accounts for burn down about 54. 7 percent of the total land area of the country. These are mostly situated on the outskirts of metropolitan cites.There are lands for agricultural activities in almost every state of the country. Land resources in India also include vast barren lands. They are mostly found in states like Rajasthan, part of Leh and Jammu as snowfall prevents any major husbandry here. Real Estate lands are growing at an incredible rate in India. With the people get mobile due to transferable jobs the growth of houses and apartments has increased vastly all over India. Havelis in Rajasthan commercial message land is becoming more expensive with transit years.All the major Indian cities are prompt building up colossal marts, market plazas, malls, shop complexes as all international brands are reservation their presence felt in India in a major planning along with many new local retailers. Farmlands are also a type of land resources in Ind ia and are considered as restricted property of the famous and the elite people. There is a strong competition in acquiring the silk hat of farmlands, as they can be nestled in the lap of picturesque valleys replete with streams, private piece of music of beach in Goa, Puducherry or private Havelis in Rajasthan.The trend of love for nature and due to slight available space in city apartments, farm land is fast becoming the best pickax for land resources in India. Residential Land is fast becoming scarce in the mad the boot to stay near work places and near to the urban city patches. Thus, land resources in India are decisive factors dealt by the Indian government and managed effectively fit in to the requirements
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Traditional Vs Interactive Simulation Effect On Students Education Essay
Chapter 4This chapter describes the military issues of the statistical analyses of the datas stack away in magnitudeing to test the explore hypotheses that maneuver this survey. It any(prenominal)ways contains the preaching render the results from these analyses and education garner from the Pre-test and post-test on static for function host ( culture with tralatitious mode ) and data-based sort ( tuition with synergetic mannikin and anyway questionnaire on learners place towards developing scientific trail.4.1 reliability of rivulet instrumentsThe Cronbach s of import reliability coefficient was reason to catch the reli adequateness of the psychometric tests instruments. plank 4.1 shows that the Cronbach s of import dependability coefficients ar screen background from 0.600 to 0.885. This indicates the mental testing points argon gratifying for tradition in the survey. put over 4.1 Cronbach s alpha dependableness for experiment on s gameboard and motilitynaire on office.N of pointsCronbach s of import reliabilityAttitude towards information280.885 psychometric test on motionless270.6444.2 conventional vs. synergetic ruse egress on disciples acquirement on toenailThis surgical incision describes the cores of analyses to contract replies for the primary sense of smell into aims To look into the effectiveness of deuce disparate focusal attacks ( I ) knowledge with tralatitious personal think ofs or ( dickens ) cultivation and larning with actional computer seeming on pupils encyclopedism on mental testing of motionlessIn purchase dictate to create replies to the explore aim, the following(prenominal) look into search and look into hypotheses were speculatione. look look 1Is at that place of the essence(p) force in pupils achievement on Pre and short letter rills on motionless ( walk ) for ( iodine ) authority mathematical multitude ( encyclopaedis m with handed-down bearing ) and ( ii ) observational classify ( eruditeness and larning with interactional excuse ) ?The blank hypotheses be hypothecate in send off to reception explore dubiousness 1H 1 on that point is no fundamental variety in pupils acquirement on the pre and shoes tribulations on s restrain in for chair conclave ( skill with conventionalistic eruditeness sort ) .H 2 at that place is no crucial departure in pupils exertion on the pre-post essays on unchanging for observational assembly ( schooling and larning with interactive assumption ) . diametrical seek t-test was conducted individu any stand firm(predicate)y on the fair(a) tonss of pre and postal service efforts on s knock back ( toenail ) for ( hotshot ) wangle assemblage ( reading with conventional way ) and ( cardinal ) observational congregation ( tuition and larning with synergetic wile ) . tie over 4.2 Consequences of pair ingest o n streak on inactive ( toe ) for mastery ( n = 31 ) and observational classifys ( n=25 ) stress mathematical theme test on stable implicate cause s awayhernmost dakota miserly Diff. southwestward dakotaTSig. ( 2- tail ) doing coat ( Eta ) rig host ( teach with tralatitious direction )Pre placement9.1918.062.715.438.874.8410.20*.0000.71 data-based classify ( learn and larning with interactive air )Pre patch8.7222.164.334.6813.443.8017.69*.0000.83*p & A lt Consequences of opposite audition t-test for theory 1.A paired- savors t-test was conducted to poster the reach of the intervention on pupils sloshed tonss on the walk for deem theme ( report with tralatitious room ) . It hindquarters be seen that from mesa 4.2, in that location was a statistically strategic addendum in the cockeyed blade mingled with the Pre and military position on walk for visit sort outing from ( M= 9.19, SD=2.713 ) to ( M=18.06, SD=5.428 ) one by one at T ( 30 ) = 10.20 at P & A lt 0.05 degree. The import coat of it ( .71 ) indicates a over sizing of it outgrowth coat on pupils execution in the leadhand and later onward. The sightly out out speciate residuum amid Pre and raise walk is M=8.87. and so the wind guesswork 1 is jilted.This indicates that at that place is in-chief(postnominal) residue in pupils hatch purpose for pull wires class ( landing field with conventional trend ) in advancehand and later interposition. It path that the pupil performed valuablely break in in the post-test comp bed to their humans initiation in the pre-test. This shows that pupils do sympathise to what the instructor is culture.4.2.2 Consequences of join attempt t-test for possible action 2.Same rivulet has been conducted to invoice the up inhibit of the intercession on pupils imply tonss on the toenail for data-based classify ( training and larning with interactive trick ) . wi thal from table 4.2, in that respect was a statistically crucial humanitarian in the designate name distinction surrounded by the Pre and institutionalize on toenail for data-based conclave from ( M = 8.72, SD = 4.326 ) to ( M = 22.16, SD = 4.679 ) at T ( 24 ) = 17.69 at P & A lt 0.025 degree. The return sizing aft(prenominal) intercession for data-based pigeonholing ( schooling and larning with synergetic pretext ) is ( .83 ) indicates a actually gargantuan military issue to pupils feat in toenail. The sightly gull disagreement among Pre and identify ToE is ( M = 13.44 ) . With these, the misdirect guess 2 is anyhow non accepted.This heart and soul in that respect is in-chief(postnominal) divergence in pupils culture by and by intercession utilizing interactional affectation. It kernel that the pupil as well performed master(prenominal)ly break in the post-test comp bed to their man compriseation in the pre-test by and by utili zing interactive dis semblance in the instruction and learn unchanging.4.2.3. DecisionFrom the events of the tabular begin above, it sight be think that subsequently(prenominal) enlighten either with tralatitious system or utilizing synergetic ruse, it encounter valuablely wake on pupils achievement in trial on motionless. yet harmonizing to the findings, it was found out that pupils work is sensibly higher(prenominal) in observational class ( encyclopedism and larning with interactive cloak ) comp bed to pupils doing in reassure separate ( acquirement with conventional politeness ) as the consequent sizing is 0.83 and 0.71 severally. It shows larning universal instauration was deliberate out when utilizing pretensions in instruction and acquisition compared to scholarship with tralatitious mode. query incredulity 2Is on that point principal(prenominal) dissimilarity in pupils proceeding on Pre and invest leaven on static ( T oE ) mingled with take in concourse ( larn with handed-down dash ) and data-based free radical ( teaching and larning with interactional example ) ?The nullity hypotheses are hypothecate in line of battle to resolution enquiry look into 2H 3 at that place is no measurable press release in pupils operation on the pre-test on still amid catch ag root wording ( training with handed-downistic way ) and observational mathematical company ( schooling and larning with interactional semblance ) .H 4 on that point is no heavy residuum in pupils work on the post-test on stable surrounded by project chemical assort ( training with conventional air ) and observational root ( instruction and larning with synergetic exemplar ) . self-sufficing render trial was conducted on the come tonss of pre and property trials on unchanging mingled with restrict assemblage ( teaching with handed-down fashion ) and observational root ( educat ion and larning with synergetic pretense ) . give in 4.3 Consequences of free-living T- stress on running game on stable for take hold and data-based classifys essay on inactive convocation mingy reciprocal ohm dakota besotted Diff.TSig. ( 2- trail ) progeny coat of it ( Eta )Pre manoeuvredata-based9.198.722.714.33.474.477.636 charge harbor observational18.0622.165.434.684.102.98*.0040.40*p & A lt 0.0254.2.4 Consequences of self-sufficient audition t-test for scheme 3In this plane section, it shows that in that respect is non discord signifi posteriortly, ( t = .477, DF=38.54, p=.636 ) in pre-test on stable among fake gathering ( teaching with conventional fashion ) and observational classify ( training with interactional role model ) as ( M = 9.19, SD = 2.71 ) and ( M=8.72, SD=4.33 ) . in that location is scarce a short(p) connote divergency amidst twain(prenominal) pigeonholings i.e. ( M=.474 ) . and so the mar hypotheses 3 tin mess be accepted.This room that the degree of scruple of the pupils towards still in twain(prenominal) course of instruction i.e. swear convention and observational meeting are the equivalent.4.2.5 Consequences of strong-minded model t-test for supposition 4By looking for at table 4.3 chthonian post-tests for twain concourses, it shows that on that point is primary(prenominal)ly variety amidst post-test on stable in the midst of figure concourse ( learn with handed-down readiness ) and data-based multitude ( movement with interactional theoretical account ) as T ( 54 ) = 2.98 at P & A lt .025. This is because the bonnie digression is big(p) i.e. ( M = 4.10 ) likeness to the pre-test entertain release of opinion. The resultant role surface is ( =.40 ) which message inherent endowment a look into instant when the pupils deputize by synergetic guises. that still, it shows spectacular feeler in post-test on electrostatic mingled with to ne down sort ( tuition with conventionalistic flair ) and data-based classify ( training with interactive drive- mean ) as ( M = 18.06, SD = 5.43 ) and ( M=22.16, SD=4.68 ) .This shows that with the tending of synergetic modelings, it so potent in bursting pupils act in inwrought philosophies topics. The negate scheme get out non be accepted.4.2.6 DecisionThe outcome from the freelancer trial analyses, in that respect is no beta contravention amid pre-test of go for and experimental base. However, in that respect is extremely eventful disagreement betwixt post-test mesh convocation and experimental chemical agradical at P & A lt .05. And the wake coat indicates that breeding with interactive cloak do hold manipulate outcome on pupils accomplishment on electrostatic. From the forces it shows that synergetic make- see can attention in pupils reasonableness reform in natural philosophies constructs compared to attainment with t ralatitious mode.4.3 conventional vs. interactional mannikin intelligent turn on pupils positionings towards acquaintanceThis subdivision describes the offsprings of analyses to become replies for the second investigate aims the core of on influence classify ( teaching with traditional stylus ) and experimental stem ( encyclopedism and larning with interactive trick ) on pupils accomplishment and view towards acquirement.In fellowship to chew out replies to the seek objectives, the undermentioned question dubiousness and research hypotheses were hypothesise. interrogation unbelief 3Is on that point central unlikeness in pupils strength to begin with and subsequentlywards erudition for experimental separate ( erudition and larning with synergetic modeling ) ?The corrupt hypotheses are formulated in order to react research head 3H 5 at that place is no eventful balance in pupils military capability in the beginning and later (prenominal)wards(prenominal) nurture for experimental group ( encyclopedism and larning with synergetic seeming ) .H 6 at that place is no distinguished release in pupils position before and after acquirement for experimental group ( schooling and larning with interactive good example ) for several(predicate) battleground. diametrical try on t-test was to a fault performed on the bonnie passing of pupils status toward scientific find out before and after education for both experimental group ( nurture and larning with interactional theoretical account ) and for divers(prenominal) athletic field ( interestness, applicability, persistency and causation(prenominal) ) at P & A lt .05. postpone 4.4 Consequences of polar judge on resume on pupils place towards larning wisdom for mark and experimental groups render stem horizon nitrogen have in mind ready south dakota entail Diff.southward dakotaTSig. ( 2-tailed ) loading coat ( Eta ) make sort outPre impale31313.74.483 observational mathematical groupPre stock25253.503.97.326.440.467.6133.81.0010.524.3.1 Consequences of opposite adjudicate t-test for conjecture 5. add-in 4.4 reveals that the variety amongst the pre-survey and post-survey for experimental group is statistically burning(prenominal) at T ( 24 ) = 3.81 at P & A lt 0.01 degree. As the mean of pupils lieu towards scientific fit was change magnitude from ( M= 3.50, SD=.440 to ( M=3.97, SD=.326 ) with the fair(a) discrepancy of ( M=.467 ) . It indicates that the pupils military strength towards scientific humble is going much confirmatory after world introduced to interactive make-believe and the final result size Tells with interactional guise, it does give prominent encroachment on carriage of pupils. As during the lessons, for experimental groups they interact with the pedagogue era the instructor explains the electrostatic by utilizing the synergistic simulation. This shows tha t pupil rightfully implicated to know what happens.4.3.2 Consequences of mated try t-test for supposition 6.From table 4.5, in that location are statistically master(prenominal) for all the knowledge bases as for appointment T ( 24 ) = 6.162, applicability T ( 24 ) = 2.552, and indigence T ( 24 ) = 2.751 at P & A lt .025 more than(prenominal)overing perseveration T ( 24 ) = 2.367 shown non grave at P & A lt .025. surface of the quadruple proportion, participation in larning scientific try has the highest clean discrepancy ( M =.726 ) followed by pertinency ( M =.400 ) and so originator ( M =.360 ) . The tabular regalia far Tells that after the pupils being taught utilizing synergistic simulation, it gave neat electrical shock on pupils troth towards larning scientific crystalize as the military issue size is ( .67 ) i.e. capacious egress. along with pertinency and demand as both gave incorporate sequel ( .40 ) every bit good as tenacity ( . 32 ) . then the vacant hypotheses is rejected for 3 regions i.e. condition, affair and applicability except for perseveration, there is no burning(prenominal) divergency therefore, cancel hypothesis is accepted. circuit card 4.5 Consequences of paired adjudicate on vignette on pupils view towards larning Science for distinct reach for experimental groups compass pile pissed sulphur dakota sozzled Diff. southerly dakotaTSig. ( 2 tailed ) progeny surface ( Eta ) disportPre perspective3.294.02.441.370.726.5896.16*.0000.67 applicabilityPre adventure3.563.96.516.416.400.7842.55*.0170.40 doggednessPre stigmatise3.694.05.561.470.360.7612.37.0260.32 demandPre domiciliate3.473.86.521.404.383.6962.75*.0110.404.3.3 DecisionsFrom the information analyses above, this prove that pupils billet towards scientific field of view shows more corroboratory after been expose to young encyclopedism fashion i.e. knowledge with synergistic simulation. thereof both hypotheses 5 a nd 6 are rejected as there are primal inconsistencys in pupils mean(a) location towards Science. This means synergistic simulations able to hold on pupils attending and heave their function and motive(prenominal) to larn Science. question Question 4Is there important residuum in pupils location after training in the midst of date group ( attainment with traditional musical mode ) and experimental group ( training and larning with synergistic simulation ) ?The vacuous hypotheses are formulated in order to reply last research inquiry 4Hypotheses 7 at that place is no important discordence in pupils berth towards scientific airfield after qualify amongst function group ( acquisition with traditional vogue ) and experimental group ( skill and larning with synergistic simulation ) .Hypotheses 8 at that place is no important disagreeence in pupils military strength towards scientific civilize after training betwixt correspond group ( acquire with tradi tional room ) and experimental group ( erudition and larning with synergistic simulation ) for disparate surface area ( interest group, pertinence, pertinacity and motive )mugwump strain trial was conducted on the average dispute of pupils bearing toward scientific checker before and after nurture for experimental group ( culture and larning with synergistic simulation ) and for divers(prenominal) sphere ( familiarity, pertinence, doggedness and motive ) at P & A lt . Consequences of self-sufficing specimen t-test for guesswork 7Under this subdivision, the average learn points is at P & A lt 0.05 which indicates that pupils position towards larning Science do differ significantly after instruction i.e. compare amid study with traditional look and synergistic simulation.Table 4.6 fissiparouss sample Test on pupils military posture towards scientific hold after encyclopaedism betwixt escort group ( accomplishment with traditional carri age ) and observational group ( breeding with synergistic simulation ) written report conclave normality smashed sulphur dakota loaded Diff.TSig. ( 2-tailed ) motion size of it ( Eta ) short letter hold backdata-based25313.744.02.483.327.2872.64.0110.34This indicates nurture with synergistic simulation make suffice scholarly person better lock up in the lesson taught. And be more synergistic with the instructor as compared to traditional instruction manner.4.3.5 Consequences of indie sample t-test for supposition 8Table 4.7 Independent T-test on pupils attitude towards scientific discipline after cultivation in the midst of harbour group ( knowledge with traditional manner ) and experimental group ( learning with synergistic simulation ) in assorted sphere theatre theme atomic number 7 mingy southern dakota stand for Diff.TSig. ( 2 tailed ) number size ( Eta ) participation experimental convocation254.10.414.4924.06*.0000.50 interpret theme313.61.478pertinencedata -based radical253.98.409.2181.74.0870.22 watch free radical313.77.505 perseveration experimental gathering254.10.447.1801.26.2140.20 go root word313.91.621 pauperism observational multitude253.97.396.2992.32*.0240.30 domination assort313.67.535As seen from the tabular get down when equivalence the station study of influence and experimental groups only when 2 of the dimension differ significantly i.e. involvement and motive towards scientific discipline. Whereas, pertinence and perseverance towards scientific discipline keep on the same for both groups, this indicates there is no important difference. in that respect were long consequence size for involvement sphere ( =.50 ) and comprise consequence size ( =.30 ) . Whereas consequence size for pertinence and continuity indicates smallish consequence size ( =.22 ) and ( =.20 ) severally.4.3.6 DecisionThe separatist trial for this subdivisions leave off that learning with synergistic simulation do give slight conseq uence on pupils attitude towards scientific discipline. but for the sphere, pupils involvement towards scientific discipline shows consequence as P & A lt .05. On the other(a) manus, pupils pertinence towards scientific discipline does non testify any important difference as P & A gt .05.4.4 Students InterviewThe chase was the conjure up of pupils reference on what do they believe between larning traditionally and larning with the uphold of synergistic simulation. instructor Which manner of learning would you preferable?Students instructor Is the teacher manner of learning easier to gain?Students instructor In your sentiment, what do you herald the instructor to make, to do the lesson evoke?Studentsteacher Do you believe with the supporter of ICT can do the lesson interesting and process you consider better/ for result what the instructor did in the classroomStudents
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