Saturday, August 31, 2019
Market Segmentation for Lawn Mowers Essay
Introduction In this document, we will analyse the current market of lawnmowers in Portugal. By recognising this market and its products with distinct characteristics, we will perform a customer segmentation, which will allow us to divide the market into small groups. Through the segmentation of the lawnmower market, it will be possible to achieve a greater proximity to the final customer; create advertising media that target the identified segments; facilitate the positioning of the product; and obtain the return on investment by the company. The developments and technological diversity provided by all the competitors operating in the sector has shown that this market is very competitive nowadays. Thus, it is imperative that a strategic shift is implemented, which is more focused on meeting the needs of the customer. The notorious falling sales in the sector since 2008 were of equal importance, although the explanation of this phenomenon lies in the national and international economy situation. To analyze the current market of lawnmowers in Portugal, we started to make a small market research. To get a concrete â€Å"shape†, we went to one of the biggest players in the market – Leroy Merlin, who kindly gave us some informations which served as basis for this assignment and which allow us to have a better vision of what is happening in the lawn care industry. GOALS By segmenting the market of mowers you can:  · Get a closer relationship with the end consumer;  · Create advertising media that are targeted to the identified segments;  · Facilitate the positioning of the product;  · And monetize coveted by the company. This last point is usually associated with Increase sales, Increase profits, Increase sales dealer channel. Segmentation There are several types of lawnmowers available on the market: manual, battery – powered or gas – powered models, are some of the options. There are ways to segment the lawnmower market : Customer characteristics †¢ Geographic ( region, city size, and so on ) †¢ Demographic ( gender, age, race, household size, and so on ) †¢ Socioeconomic ( income, education, occupation, and so on ) †¢ Psychographic ( lifestyle, personality, and so on ) Buying situation †¢ Benefits sought ( product features, quality, service, warranty ) †¢ Usage rate – quantity purchased during a specific period Based on the market research that we conducted, we restricted the types of lawn mowers to non-powered, powered and powered riding for three different market segments : urban, suburban and rural. (POR TABELA DE PERCENTAGEM) The percentages given are based on the literature, as well as the information given by the head of the gardening sector at Leroy Merlin, which we visited, in Alfragide. Against this backdrop, the most attractive segment seems to be that of the consumers who live in the suburban area and who use powered walk-behind lawn mowers. However, this segment may already be flooded with competition, it may be more beneficial to target a small segment of consumers, like urban consumers using non-powered or powered walking mowers. The smallest segment may be the most profitable and lucrative. Conclusion From our research we ​​can segment the market of lawnmowers in Portugal as: mainly directed to male gender, between 35-55 years old, who lives in the suburbs of large cities, in a house with a garden area between 1.000 to 2.150 square feet of grass; with a household of four people and average income between â‚ ¬ 20.000 and â‚ ¬ 30.000 per year. The most chosen mower for this kind of segment is the electric powered one, in spite of major disadvantage of requiring a wire plugged to work, which makes that their use is impractical for those who have large estates. It is noteworthy that one of the great advantages of an electric lawn mower is that it does not require extensive maintenance. With the displacement of many ex-urbanites to the most suburban areas of large cities, the growth of lawnmowers little by little began to live better days. With this segmentation, we believe that the Finnish company will take advantage of this kind of market penetration. Faced with fierce competition (AKI Group, IZI-MESTRE MACO, LEROY MERLIN, BRICOMARCHÉ, BRICO LECLERC and also in many other customers in traditional market said: Garden Centres, Hardware Stores, Drugstores, Building Materials Stores and other sited North to South), the Finnish company will have to differentiate the products presented, as well as in the developed marketing campaigns, satisfying specific needs and desires of this kind of consumers. Bibliography: Market Segmentation: How to Do It and How to Profit from It, Malcolm McDonald Butterworth-Heinemann, 2012 Market Segmentation: Conceptual and Methodological Foundations, Michel Wedel, ‎Wagner A. Kamakura – 2000 Handbook of Market Segmentation: Strategic Targeting for Business and Technology firms, 3rd edition, Art Weinstein, PhD, 2004 Market Segmentation Success: Making It Happen!, Sally Dibb, ‎Lyndon Simkin – 2013 a
Friday, August 30, 2019
Lilian Kim Global II
Throughout the course of written history, people have made great changes that have made the society, government, and traditions what they are today. Even before written history, some individual made huge a revolution in the world by creating a writing system. People try hard to change and mold the world and many have come out positively, and others negatively. A great time of change and revolution in history is the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution. Some people who have had a great impact during this time were the Scientists Copernicus and Galileo, and the philosopher Locke. Before Copernicus's time people had agreed with Ptolemy's Geocentric Theory, that the Earth was the center of the universe and the sun and everything else revolved around the earth. This also went with the church's teachings and the church was basically the law in that time, so they influenced and stressed that idea, and most people agreed and believed it. However Copernicus went against the church, the people, and the accepted law and said that the sun was the center of the universe and not the earth. He declared that the Sun was a solitary object while all the other planets including the earth rotated around the sun, called the Heliocentric Theory. This caused turmoil and confusion within the people with some still believing the old law and others siding with Copernicus. If Copernicus did not have the courage to stand out and speak against the church then who knows when we would've figured that out. Another scientist backing the Heliocentric Theory was Galileo, probably one of the most famous scientists of this time period, and was also a heretic. Not only did he help prove that the Theory was true, he also proved all of Aristotle's ancient theories wrong. The church had been teaching and believing these century old teachings Aristotle had made and it had been the law for decades. Yet Galileo came and proved every single theory wrong thus angering the church and he was taken to inquisition by the church and took back all that he said for his life, which was a little negative, but the fact that he had said it so people would know was good because then the people would know and more people would finish the studies that he started. A great philosopher of this time was Locke. He declared many things that still affect many nations today. He came up with three natural rights that he said were, life, liberty, and property. In the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America, there are three rights that are unable to be taken away from you, which are, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Although the one of the rights were changed, Locke's Philosophy still influenced it. Another nation that has taken his philosophies into account is France. However in their declaration, the rights are life, liberty, and resistance to oppression. He also stated that if the government takes one or more of these rights away from anyone, the people should rebel and abolish the unjust rulers /government, and create a new system that will preserve those rights. He also wrote two treatises on government in 1690. His ideas have affected the world's greatest nations and those nations have prospered during the time after him. These people, the scientists Copernicus and Galileo, and the philosopher Locke have made a huge impact on the world and what it has become today. Though these three had most positive effects, some great people did not have that result. Thanks to these three great men, the world is a more knowledgeable and prospering place to live.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Greed, Need and Money, Walter Williams Essay
In the article entitled, Greed, Need and Money, Walter Williams presents his take on the economics and logic of keeping CEOs highly paid. He essentially argues that these huge â€Å"golden parachutes†and corporate salaries are justified by return that these companies get in return. Just because a CEO gets a high salary does not mean that he does not deserve it or do anything to help the company recover that value. By comparing this to a simple supply and demand model, Walter Williams is able to show that the reason the salaries are so high is because the demand is high as well and supply is pretty scarce. One manner by which the mention of the word greed can be applied to the economic lessons that have been discussed is to juxtapose this to the application of greed as an economic theory. Greed can be said to be the primal instinct for self-preservation of people. In an attempt to protect one’s self, man seeks only to pursue his individual interests without care for the well-being of others. In relation to economics, this pursuit of individual interests is greed or the pursuit of economic self-interests, otherwise known as individual wealth accumulation. Greed as a driving force is not an entirely new concept as it was originally part of the Invisible Hand theory introduced by Adam Smith. The basic precept of the invisible hand is that in a free market a person who chooses to be greedy and pursue his own interests in invariably also furthering the good of the entire community. A perfect example is in a situation where a person seeks to maximize his personal profits in total disregard of other factors. By applying the Invisible Hand theory of Adam Smith, it can be shown that when the total revenue of society is calculated this becomes identical to the summation of the individual revenues of every member of that society. In order to arrive at a better understanding of how greed, which is a key concept under the Invisible Hand Theory, both drives and regulates capitalist markets, it is essential to have a brief discussion of the basic supply and demand model. This is because production is driven by the willingness of the seller to supply and the basic goal of every seller is to increase profits (greed). This can be understood from two approaches, however, the first being profit maximization through an increase in the volume of units sold (assuming ceteris paribus) and the second being profit maximization through a decrease in the cost of the factors of production which in turn increases the profit margins per unit sold. The basic supply-demand model becomes critical in this understanding because under the market model sales will only willingly occur at the equilibrium point. The price level of a good essentially is determined by the point at which quantity supplied equals quantity demanded. The law of supply and demand predicts that the price level will move toward the point that equalizes quantities supplied and demanded. Greed is crucial in this sense because it is the basic assumption or behavior under this model. Without greed, there would be no drive for the individuals in society to pursue their own self-interests. The absence of this driving mechanism would mean that there will be no individual revenues and thus leading to the failure of the community revenue to equalize with its summation. This basically means that society’s scarce resources become more efficiently allocated through the regulatory nature of greed in capitalist markets. While the Invisible Hand theory has already been rejected as an acceptable economic model by the works of John Maynard Keynes and Milton Friedman, the more complex markets of today have shown that the pursuit of self-interests, while natural of human behavior, must be regulated by external systems in order to ensure a more equitable and efficient allocation of resources. This means that greed is not necessarily good in today’s current economic situation. As used in this discussion and in the article, this greed may not only be the effect of supply and demand but the pursuits of an individual’s self-interests for the improvement of the economic system.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Is social inequality meritocratic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Is social inequality meritocratic - Essay Example One motive for the incredible persistence of social hierarchies is that they are reinforced by ideology, cultural viewpoints that cause and maintain the interest of definite categories of people and justify stratification. Naturally, ideology takes the structure of developing cultural patterns that are confirmed directly and indirectly in accordance with a disproportionate distribution of resources and rights to definite categories of people. Melvin M. Tumin studied social stratification and inequality and summarized: functional justification is similar to class system; we act according to certain patterns or sets of ideas. Social stratification can in fact cause demotivation of people, those who are deprived of their rights might also be demotivated. Also Tumin states that social stratification depends on relations of power and distribution of power in society. "The main functional necessity explaining the universal presence of stratification is precisely the requirement faced by an y society of placing and motivating individuals in the social structure. As a functioning mechanism a society must somehow distribute its members in social positions and induce them to perform the duties of these positions. It must thus concern itself with motivation at two different levels: to instill in the proper individuals the desire to fill certain positions, and, once in these positions, the desire to perform the duties attached to them" (Tumin, 1953,, par. 5). Social inequality systems' purpose is to provide the privileged classes with the political power needed to obtain recognition and supremacy of an ideology which rationalizes the status quo, whatever it may be, as "logical," "natural" and "morally right. This way, social inequality systems are those of fundamentally conservative influences in the societies in which they are established. So Tumin states that meritocracy is based on the importance of one's status and occupation.Social-conflict perspec tive shows that, rather than benefiting society as a whole, social stratification guarantees that some people get advantage at the expense of others. Karl Marx states that the two main social classes match to the two basic relationships people have to the resources of production. People can own property or they can work for others. In industrialized class models, the capitalists (or the) manage plants, which use the manual labor of workers (the proletariat). Work that consists mostly of manual labor is known as "blue-collar" work whereas work that contains middle-management office jobs is known as "white-collar" jobs. Marx believed that social disparity was dangerous for society. Marx gives a vivid contraposition of those two classes and suggests that social inequality is exactly meritocratic, since 'white-collar' class is more privileged and comprises elite, which exploits proletarians, or people who have no own property. The inner merit of person from higher class is that he or sh e was born in such family and belongs to bourgeoisie.Marx's and Weber's concepts are similar in many aspects, so the author decided to compare them. The idea of class and class struggle does not occupy as significant a role in Weber as in Marx. In Weber's opinion, the rising speed of bureaucracy in all organizations is an unavoidable of the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Water cooler Innovation and Technology (MMBA - 6540 - 1) Essay
Water cooler Innovation and Technology (MMBA - 6540 - 1) - Essay Example n comes with ownership, creation of the correct conditions, recruitment of innovative workforce, and development of processes and culture that support innovation. I particularly like this article because of its depiction of signs of an innovative leader and his/her importance in making the organizational culture innovative. The author has supported the claims in the article with practical examples e.g. Steve Jobs asking the Why and What if questions and Apple employees following him in the same direction, thus depicting the organization’s innovative culture. None of the four philosophies proposed by the author can be developed unless innovation is taken seriously by every member of the organization. Innovation requires everybody’s participation. It is not just the Research and Development (R&D) job. A good idea could arise from the most unexpected source, so nobody should be underestimated in his/her creative thinking ability. Initially some failures may be encountered, but they guide the company towards the success. Overall, the article is very informative and allows a quick insight into the fundamentals of innovation and its
Monday, August 26, 2019
The Risks to the Health Care Staff and Quality of Service and Essay - 2
The Risks to the Health Care Staff and Quality of Service and Profitability - Essay Example When patients are pursuing the health care talents of care providers, they are usually already experiencing heightened emotions as they attempt to cope with their current health issues. When a client is ill, it can bring feelings of â€Å"guilt, resentment, bitterness, anger, fear, grief and even shame†which, when expressed through less-productive client behaviours, can be â€Å"alarming and unsettling†for care providers (MacDonald, 2004, p.14). For example, in a health care clinic devoted to providing walk-in care to multiple patient demographics, there is always going to be different personalities which adjust to health crises quite differently. Some patients will likely express their fear and anger in more productive, socially-civilized formats while others explode at the health care provider and can even exhibit aggressive behaviour. In this more volatile client environment, health care staff must recognize that these are normal human behaviours and consistently m aintain professional decorum. Unfortunately, however, in more volatile situations where patients are raging out of fear and anger, staff reactions to patient anger â€Å"is often a defensive one that actually fuels more anger†(Thomas, 2003, p.103). For example, in a health care environment where staffing levels are insufficient to meet client demand, the last thing a patient wants to hear are explanations for the delay in service provision. A staffer who offers, â€Å"We’re simply short of help and there are other people ahead of you waiting for service†, will likely create considerable animosity between the patient and the care provider (Thomas, p.103).
Postwar Urban Development in the Golden Horseshoe Research Paper - 1
Postwar Urban Development in the Golden Horseshoe - Research Paper Example Even though there were challenges in the urban development of Golden Horseshoe during the postwar period, there is a key contribution of demographic policies, which facilitated the rapid urban growth. Urban developments and expansion are due to planning policies, which are vital because they ensure that there is no exploitation of natural resources in the area. Urban housing is very strategic in the development process. Creation of a good security network should be embraced. Back ground information Postwar period are always difficult times in history of many countries. It is the most dangerous, when the resources and population are reduced during the war. In this respect, policies that conform to population trends are instrumental in planning any urban developments agenda. Demography reflects all the changes that occur in population growth. It covers some specific geographical location, gender concerns, age, education attainment, household income, and other valuable personal belongings. This research focuses on the housing developments policies, population variations, suburbanization, and impacts of immigration policies on the urban development and finally, the rise and dominance of the metropolis within Ontario. Population Increase and its Effects The Golden Horseshoe population is dense which makes up one fourth of the total population in Canada. The total population of the Greater Golden Horseshoe was 8.1 million individuals according to census results of 2006 (MacFarlane 65). By the year 2031, the population is projected to grow up to about 12 million (MacFarlane 66). This shows that the expected growth rate per year is about 12.5 %.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Training and assement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Training and assement - Essay Example Steps to take 1. Establish the scenario: gather background information needed, identify the target group, and determine training needs. 2. Research and identify two units of competency from a nationally-recognised qualification that address the training needs. Determine program outcomes based on these units. 3. Collaborate with others as needed to design, develop and review the learning program. 4. Evaluate and select available learning resources for content relevance and quality. 5. Document the learning program plan. Evidence to submit Please submit the following as proof that you have completed this project: RESULTS Assessor to complete shaded areas: S NYS 1. Cover page This training program was carried out to use training packages and accredited courses to meet client needs. The client organization was made up of workers of bakery shops at a cluster area in the city. Though the clients were not from one company, they were at a cluster place and so accessibility to them was not a problem. The job positions for these clients were mostly newly recruited bakers and their managers. There were however some of them who were mere apprentices at the job. The duties of the apprentices were to ensure the day to day upkeep of the companies, whiles learning to become qualified bakers. The newly recruited bakers were regular salaried workers whereas the managers supervised all activities at the various companies. Quite a lot of the clients possessed some of the required skills and knowledge. For instance there were a lot of them who could read and write, perform basic numeracy operations, have good interpersonal relations and could interpret the content of the whole course. An outstanding characteristic of the clients that may affect the learning program is the availability of time and the schedule of learning period. This is because their work is demanding and so they hardly make time for private learning. The overall aim of the training was to equip learners with manag erial skills. The decision to select this training issue was because most of the clients, after working for companies for some number of years left the companies to start their own business. Such clients need managerial skills to mange their own companies. Clients were assessed through written test, observation, answering of questionnaires and peer report. 1. Cover Paged Completed and Attached 2. Learning program plan Submit a typed workplace document (about 2 – 3 pages) that outlines the final (approved) version of the learning program. The 2 units of competence used were TAEDES402A and TAEDES401A. These learning programs were needed to equip me with the skills and knowledge to handle clients with diverse learning needs. My most immediate target learning group was a group of bakers who were to receive training in office management. Most of these clients had good knowledge of the skills and knowledge prescribed in the course content. Example interpersonal relations, goo d communication skills, ability to read and write and ability to work numeracy problems. The dimensions of the course undertaken were introduction to office management, basic management skills, human management, assert management and company growth. For
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Third World Country Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Third World Country - Research Paper Example This paper will focus on the developments that have occurred in India in society, politics as well as economics since the year 2000. Body During the period of 2000, the total population of India exceeded 1 billion, and during this year both the US and India’s foreign relations strengthened when the President of US visited India (Hardgrave, 2008, p.17). Later in 2001, the Presidents of two conflicting countries, India and Pakistan, met, but this meeting ended up without any positive outcomes. Later, the ruling party in India experienced setbacks due to the political scandals associated with them and their intelligence failures during the Kargil War with Pakistan. After September 11 attacks on the US, the ties between India and the US further strengthened as the US removed its sanctions due to the support India was providing to help them fight the war on terrorism (Hardgrave, 2008, p.180). By 2002, the political scenario of India had worsened due to events such as killing of Hin du pilgrims in the region of Ayodhya (Hardgrave, 2008, p.80). Later, during the year 2003, India started experiencing ample amount of political stability as its connections with it conflicting nation, Pakistan, started to move towards a positive path. During 2004, elections were held, and the alliance that was led by the Congress Party entered the government with Manmohan Singh becoming the Prime Minister, who continued to privatize India (Hardgrave, 2008, p.117). The privatization process came to a standstill as the communist and the socialist parties stood against this move. During the same year, the ties between India and Pakistan further strengthened with the introduction of Srinagar Muzaffarabad Bus Service; later, these ties experienced a setback due to the killings of Hindus in Kashmir, which is under the control of India (Gaur, 2009, p.348). In 2006, the nation made progress in the field of nuclear power, with the US removing the ban of sale of nuclear technology to India (H ardgrave, 2008, p.196). By 2007, the first female president of India came to power, and later in 2008 the ties between India and Pakistan again experienced damage due to the Samjhota Express Bombings (Hardgrave, 2008, p.71). India started experiencing economic liberalization during the 20th and the 21st century, and this led to humungous changes in the nation’s economic area. During the year 2000, the nation experienced a rise in GDP from the figure of 11,571,882 in 1995 to 20,791,898 in the session of 2000 (World Bank, 2011, p.157 & 192). One of the major developments in the economy of India was the expansion of the steel industry into the European regions during the 21st century. During 2006, Mittal Steel purchased Arcelor and became the world’s largest steel producer accounting for the 10% of the world total steel production, and similarly, Tata Steel made an offer of purchasing Corus Group steel manufacturing organization in the year 2007 (DePamphilis, 2010, p.120) . The GDP experienced by India during the year 2007 was around 7 to 8%. Great economic developments occurred during the period of 1998 to 2004 during the rule of the National Democratic Alliance, and during this time period the nation had two different finance ministers, namely, Yashwant Sinha and Jaswant Singh (Gaur, 2009, p.255). One of the major achievements in the sector of economy of the nation was the universal license, which allowed the CDMA license holders to establish as well as provide
Friday, August 23, 2019
Read the Inland Bank AND the Cisco cases and identify the Essay
Read the Inland Bank AND the Cisco cases and identify the stakeholders. Analyze each case separately (write 2 separate one page) - Essay Example erest is being entrusted with a regular paycheck as a reward for her efforts and without ongoing efficiency and profitability at the bank, Amy would not be able to sustain a quality lifestyle. Regular, low-level employees of the bank are also stakeholders of the firm. With closures, they are out of jobs. This impacts lifestyle and the local economy (to a moderate degree). Neighborhood citizens additionally, are stakeholders for Inland National. With positive business operations in the community, it promotes taxation and resource allocation benefits to the city government that can be used for urban development projects. If the bank in the region is to be closed, it can cut off these revenues and cause even further collapse of the neighborhood infrastructure. The case is about the long-term impact of business decision-making on internal and external stakeholders. As the business attempts to secure its own interests, it has a trickle down affect on the neighborhood and employees, thus anyone who conducts business with the bank, works at the bank or relies on economic benefits of bank operations have real concerns. The 20,000 employees that would be working at the huge industrial complex owned by Cisco are primary stakeholders. Cisco’s successes and ability to create local business environments would be advantageous for locally-recruited employees and ensure they have a quality lifestyle provided by continued company profitability and competitive advantages. As primary stakeholders, it would be highly beneficial for the company to stay financially lucrative to avoid being outperformed by rival companies. Local citizens in the region are also stakeholders. They were concerned that this new development, without provision for employee housing, would drive up costs of accommodations in the city and cause problems with roadway congestion by dramatically increasing the local population with recruited employee populations. Their main interest was ensuring that local
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Indian television in the era of globalization Essay Example for Free
Indian television in the era of globalization Essay Since its birth in 1959, it seems that Indian television has developed in a way that is similar to most of the world’s broadcasting sectors. Conquered by technological progress, particularly by the major advance that the introduction of satellite transmissions represents, the Indian television sector broke with its old practices to enter the era of globalization to which the opening to foreign players, the competition regime and the respect of commercial requirements are essential components. The successive evolutions that Indian television underwent seem to confirm Marshall McLuhan’s theory of a â€Å"global village†, which describes how the world has been contracted into a homogenized space by the media revolution. However, this simplistic vision denies the specificities of India as a culture and as a country, which became the specificities of Indian television. With 22 official languages, an enormous and heterogeneous population, one of the world’s largest territories and a tendency to continuously swing between tradition and modernity, India admittedly adapted its television sector to the globalized context but also imposed its restrictions and particularities. How did Indian television become integrated to the globalized media system while protecting its identity and imposing its requirements? With the successive evolutions – the technological progresses, the shift from an educational project to a competitive, consumer-oriented and profit-making market and the exportation of foreign programs and production methods – it underwent in the early 20th century, Indian television indeed got integrated into the globalized and transnational media system. As such it became a privileged target of know-how transfers coming from the West and a market of economic interest for foreign players. Heterogeneity constitutes India’s major specificity and its television sector could not have got established regardless to it. Even if it decided to enter the process of globalization, Indian television endeavored to defend and promote the country’s linguistic, territorial, social and cultural diversity. The Indian broadcasting space definitely does not get homogenized. On the contrary, it constantly reports the main oppositions that ceaselessly stimulate and drive the Indian population – tradition and modernity, local and global, urban and rural, well-off and impoverished. The example of the Indian television sector demonstrates that India is not passively affected by globalization but constitutes one of its major actors: it manages to make the country’s voice heard and to impose its requirements and its power of cultural appropriation at international level. BIBLIOGRAPHY DEPREZ C., La tà ©là ©vision indienne : un modà ¨le d’appropriation culturelle, De Boeck, 2006. DESAI M. K.,  « Indian television in the era of globalisation : unity, diversity or disparity ?  », in Quaderns del CAC, 202, no. 14 3-12. DURAND-DASTES F.,  « L’Inde dans la mondialisation  » in LEFORT I. and MORINIAUX V. (dir.), La mondialisation, Editions du temps, 2006, 235-256. JULURI V.,  « Music television and the invention of youth culture in India  », in Sage Journals, 2002, vol. 3 no. 4 367-386. KUMAR S., Gandhi meets primetime : globalization and nationalism in Indian television, University of Illinois Press, 2005. RANGANATHAN M., RODRIGUES U. M., Indian media in a globalised world, Sage publications, 2010. SINCLAIR J., HARRISON M.,  « Globalization, nation and television in Asia : the cases of India and China  », in Sage Journals, 2004, vol. 5 no. 1 41-54.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Police Officer Job Description Essay Example for Free
Police Officer Job Description Essay Police officers in cooperation with the general public are in front line to fight and prevent criminal activities. The officers respond to the needs of the people in the community. With the use of technology, the officers should be able to gather enough information that can help in the prosecution of offenders. The police officer is required to carry out some specific duties as directed by the shift sergeant, as a way of maintaining and enforcing laws. The officer has to investigate complaints, ensure order is maintained, help people, and identify criminals. Identifying problems associated with enforcing law, conflict resolution, and assisting the public whenever need be are also part of the officer’s duties. You will also be called to carry out some activities that require physique such as containing violent people or animals, and be able to run fast when responding to distress calls. The supervision for the officers is carried out in a general form (Higher Education Careers Professionals, 2008). Essential duties As an officer, there are essential duties you have to perform, but there are other duties that you might be required to carry out as well. The main duties include detecting and apprehending those who act against the laws. The officer will be required to take necessary steps incase of physical hazards and law breaking activities by criminals. You are also required to take necessary actions whenever there are distress and emergence calls (LS/TB/JO, 2006). While on shift, you will be required to carry out investigations on issues that might occur during the period, and come up with the best action to take. As an officer, you have to reassure the community of their safety by ensuring frequent presence. In all these, you will be required to write a report indicating all activities that took place while on shift. Finally, you have to complete a departmental report that will have to be forwarded to the relevant authorities (Higher Education Careers Professionals, 2008). Minor duties may include; carrying out a review on reports about the incidences occurring while on duty, giving testimony about such incidences, and finally, you will be required to carry out any duty assigned by the supervisor. Education, Ability and Skills Applicants must be at least high school graduates, but priority will be given to college graduates. The applicants should not be less than 21 years of age. The applicants should exhibit the ability to identify problems and come up with sound solutions from analyzing all the available alternatives. In case of unexpected situations, you should show the ability to respond very quickly and swiftly. There are different working conditions which you must have the ability to work in all of them. In case of emergency, you must have the ability to work with the patrol car, and must be able to get in and out of it easily. There is a physical and agility test that all the applicants must be able to pass during their graduation. With the increased technological use, you need to have knowledge of computer usage and cameras. Applicants must be able to communicate fluently both verbally and written means, to the departmental members and the entire public (LS/TB/JO, 2006). In general, the duties of the police expose the officers to the challenging tasks and diverse activities. After serving as a police officer for sometime, one is entitled to rise to the other specialized areas like the Criminal Investigation Department (CID).
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Sql Injection Attacks Pose Computer Science Essay
Sql Injection Attacks Pose Computer Science Essay In recent years, SQL injection attacks pose a common and serious security threat to web applications: they allow attackers to obtain unrestricted access to the database underlying the applications and to the potentially sensitive information these database contain, and it is becoming significantly more popular amongst hackers. According to recent data, between Q1 2012 and Q2 2012, there has been an estimated 69 percent increase of this attack type. [1][2] As you can imagine, a hacker gaining administrator access to your server means that you will have effectively lost all of the data on that server to the invader. Worse yet there is now a beachhead behind your firewall from which attacks on other server and services can now be made. In this way SQL injection can provide access to all company or personal data. In the web environment, end -user privacy is one of the most controversial legal issues, therefore, all types of SQL injections which are dangerous for the components of the web application must be prevented. This article introduces the SQL injection in the first section then provides some techniques for defecting and preventing this kind of attack in the second section. Section 1: Introduction of SQL injection attack SQL injection is an attack technique which can be used by the attacker to exploit the web application; as a result the attacker may gain unauthorized access to a database or to retrieve information directly from the database. Attacker can exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities remotely without any database or application authentication. SQL injection attackers are straightforward in nature an attacker just passes malicious string as an input to an application for stealing confidential information. There are four main kinds of SQL Injection attacks [3]: SQL manipulation, Code injection, Function call injection and Buffer overflows. SQL manipulating usually involves modifying the SQL query through altering the WHERE clause. In this class of attack, amend the WHERE clause of the statement so the WHERE clause constantly results in TRUE [4]. In the case of code injection an attacker introduces new SQL statements into the input field instead of valid input. The classic code or statement appends a SQL server command to make SQL statement vulnerable. Code injection only works when multiple SQL statements per database request are supported or keywords like AND, OR are supported by the database. Function call injection is the addition of database functions or user defined functions into a vulnerable SQL queries. These function calls can be used to make internal calls or modify data in the database that can be harmful to the users. SQL injection of buffer overflows is a subset of function call injection. In several commercial and open-source databases, vulnerabilities exist in a few database functions that may result in a buffer overflow. Once an attacker realizes that a system is vulnerable to SQL injection, he is able to execute any SQL command including DROP TABLE to the database; hence the attack must be prevented. Protection Methods for SQL Injection attacks: To build secure applications, security and privacy must be carefully considered, and developer must be aware about it. The main goals of information security are Confidentiality, Integrity and availability. A single unprotected query can be harmful for the application, data, or database server; hence the SQL injection must be prevented. SQL injection attacks can be protected with simple changes in server site programming as well as client side programming. Developers must be aware of all types of attacks and take care for all possible attacks. Developers should authenticate user input against rules; ensure users with the permission to access the database have the least privileges; also do not leak any critical info in error log files. Taking user input from predefined choices: In this way the web application can be secured from malicious attacks. The attacker cannot insert custom queries or any type of harmful script which can disturb the integrity of the database. This is a simple yet effective way to curb web application attacks. This can be established by making simple changes into the server site code. Bind variables mechanism: Bind variable is another technique to control SQL injection attacks. Using bind variables helps in improving web application performance. The web application developer should use bind variables in all SQL statements. In Java language there is a mechanism called prepared statement, this implements the concept of bind variables mechanism. Input validation: This is the simplest method for defense against SQL injection attacks. User input should always be treated with care and there a number of reasons to validate all of the user input before further processing. Every passed string parameter ought to be validated. Many web applications use hidden fields and other techniques, which also must be validated. If a bind variable is not being used, special database characters must be removed or escaped. In most databases the single quote character and other special characters are a big issue, the simplest method to avoid them is to escape all single quotes. This can be established by using client side scripting language. Validation code can help to avoid wasting server resources by restricting requests that would not return useful results and they can provide much more helpful messages to the user than a SQL error message or empty result set would likely provide. Also, they can help stop SQL injection by rejecting, outright, any forms of input that could be used to perform a SQL injection. With the benefits that validation can bring, it is generally wise to validate all user input, even when fully parameterized database calls and uses and uses an account with limited permissions. Use only stored procedures The greatest value for using stored procedures in preventing SQL injection is that the DBA can set permissions for the application account so that its only way to interact with the SQL server is through stored procedures. This would mean that most SQL injection attacks would fail due to lack of permissions even if the calling program did not parameterize. This of course still leaves open the possibility of SQL injection working through dynamic SQL inside the stored procedures, but the stored procedures can be given an execute as clause which limits their permission to only those needed by the procedure. It is generally easier to verify that all stored procedures are written to guard against SQL injection then it is to check every place where the application interacts with SQL server. Limit permission The most important thing is that we should never user admin rights for web based application. The safe way is to give the user as little rights as possible in other word user rights should allow him to do only what is necessary and nothing more. If the account does not have permission to drop a table, then it will not be dropped even if the command is slipped to SQL server. Similarly, if the account has only read access, although the attack my have right to gain some information, he/she will be not able to modify or destroy the data, which is frequently worse. Even the read permission should be strictly limited by database, to limit which tables can be viewed. And if the application only needs selected columns from a table, then read permission on the view can be granted rather than the full table. Conceal error messages: Injection attacks often depend on the attacker at least some information about the database schema. [4] One common way for hackers to spot code vulnerable to SQL injection is by using the developers own tools against them. For example, to simplify debugging of failed SQL queries, many developers echo the failed query and the database error to the log files and terminate the script. In this case, error messages are useful to an attacker because they give additional information about the database that might not otherwise be available. It is often thought of as being helpful for the application to return an error message to the user if something goes wrong so that if the problem persists they have some useful information to tell the technical support team. Hence, the generated error becomes a literal guideline to devising more tricky queries. For example, applications will often have some code that looks like this: try { } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(log on failed, exception.Message); } A better solution that does not compromise security would be to display a generic error message that simply states an error has occurred with a unique ID. The unique ID means nothing to the user, but it will be logged along with the actual error diagnostics on the server which the technical support team has access to. The code above would change to something like this instead: try { } catch (Exception exception) { int id = GetIdFromException(exception); MessageBox.Show(log on failed, id.ToString()); } Code review: Code review can be incredibly difficult to implement, especially in a team of old-timers who are not used to it. But once done, it will not only decrease the number of defects in your code, it will also increase the collaboration and help team building, improve brotherhood amongst developers and will propagate best practices and improvement of skill across an entire team or department. Use automated test tools: Even if developers follow the coding rules and do their best to avoid dynamic queries with unsafe user input, we still need to have a procedure to confirm this compliance. There are automated test tools to check for SQL injections and there is no excuse for not using them to check all the code of your database applications. To make a summary: Encrypt sensitive data Access the database using an account with the least privileges necessary Install the database using an account with the least privileges necessary Ensure that data is valid Do a code review to check for the possibility of second-order attacks Use parameterized queries Use stored procedures Re-validate data in stored procedures Ensure that error messages give nothing away about the internal architecture of the application or the database Conclusion SQL injection is one of the more common and more effective forms of attack on a system. Controlling the malicious SQL code/script on the web application and maintaining the end privacy is still a key challenge for the web developer. These issues must be considered seriously by the web developers involved in developing websites using databases.
The Growing Popularity of Extreme Sports Essay -- Extreme Sports
Extreme Sports Over the past ten years I have noticed that my local snowboarding park has become more crowded every season, especially with younger kids. This has not only been the case for snowboarding, but for all extreme sports. I’ve noticed this trend at my local skateboarding park also. More so, there has been a noticeable increase of extreme sports being broadcast on television today than ever before. These changes caused me to ask the question: why have extreme sports become so popular to youngsters? It could be the appeal people have toward the imminent possibility that someone might get seriously hurt, but I doubt it. I think the media, especially television, has definitely increased extreme sports popularity. In this essay I will explain how the media, and other dominant resources have sparked and created the presence and increased popularity of extreme sports. When extreme sports were first invented they were not meant to be a product of media culture. For example â€Å"Sherman Poppen was looking for an activity that would keep his young daughters occupied so his pregnant wife could get some me-time when he nailed two wooden skis together and called it a Snurfer. This was the snowboard born thirty-seven years ago.†(McCallum p.3) However, when extreme sports made it to television, they were became a huge product of the media culture and were not spread by word of mouth anymore. Media coverage of extreme sports has shown people what these new sports are all about. In 1995 ESPN started an extreme sports contest called the Extreme games; know now as simply â€Å"X Games†. This event is so popular that they broke the televised event into two annual shows: the â€Å"Winter X Games†and the â€Å"Summer X Games†to make it possible for s... products are reaching an all time high on the popularity scale. We can thank television and other media types for this trend. When we look at this increase we can’t leave out the support that local skate parks and resorts have made to support this uproar of extreme sport popularity. For example, the resort Keystone as added as of last year a super terrain park that extends all the way down the mountain. Two years ago, they had nothing. This is because Breckenridge, with one of the most well know terrain parks in the nation, has attracted more people in the past than Keystone. With this in mind, the up rise in extreme sports has not only changed the major business persona of attack, but has greatly influenced the activities performed by youngsters of today. Ten years ago, who would have thought a seven year old boy would pick up a skateboard instead of a baseball.
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Future of Space Travel Essay -- armstrong, moon, mars, food, fuel
An Astronomy Conversation: The Future of Space Travel An Astronomy topic that has always been intriguing is space travel. The ability to rocket into space, look down on Earth, and â€Å"†¦explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before†(IMDB) is an adventure that people dream of experiencing. On July 20, 1969, an estimated six million people watched Neil Armstrong become the first man to walk on the Moon (Nixon Library). Presently, people are paying Virgin Galactic $250,000 to reserve a seat on a spaceship that is expected to tour suborbital space in the near future (Virgin Galactic). Although space travel continues to be of interest, there is also some controversy. Controversies include: the allocation of government resources for space exploration, government verses commercial spacecrafts, and the need to colonize other planets for the survival of humanity. The intrigue and the controversy of space travel are the reasons for this Astronomy conversation . To prepare for the conversation, research was conducted to make sure there was enough information about the future of space flight; and that people of different ages and educational and professional backgrounds could engage in the topic. Two weeks before the conversation, twelve possible participants were emailed and asked to participate in the conversation. One and a half weeks before the conversation, an agenda, research resources, and the promise of food and drinks were emailed to the accepting participants. The invited participants were chosen from a diverse group based on his or her interest or knowledge of science and astronomy, work experience, and the ability to easily engage in conversation. Out of... ...ants, and give participants enough information to start researching the topic. In addition, definitely provide food and drinks. Overall, the Astronomy conversation was a success. Sharing of information led to new ideas and a great discussion on the future of space travel. All participants learned something new about the future of space travel. Last, it was obvious that regardless of age, education, or professional background, people are interested and excited about the future of space travel. References: IMDB. Star Trek (1966-1969) Quotes. Retrieved on April 21, 2014 from Nixon Library. Moon landing. Retrieved on April 21, 2014 from Virgin Galactic. Booking. Retrieved on April 21, 2014 from
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Merchant of Venice :: Free Merchant of Venice Essays
"The Merchant of Venice" by WIlliam Shakespeare. "The Merchant of Venice" is a play about revenge, justice, deseption and friendship. The story is about, Shylock a wealth Jew, lending one of his enemies, Antonoi, three thousand ducats. Although Antonio is a rich merchant all his resources are in his ships, trading too distant countries, but because he wants to help out his friend, Bassanio, he has no choice but to ask Shylock for a loan , not to know it could lead to his death. In this play there is a big difference between the Christian charaters and Shylock, the main difference being Shylock seems to be more interested in his money and business rather than human relationships, which the Christian charaters seem to b e more interested in. However, in one part of the play Shylock seems to be hurt at the fact his daughter has sold a ring, which his deceases wife gave him, for a monkey. (Act 3 Scene 1 ) " It was my turquoise, I had it off Leah when i was a bachelor. I Would not have given it for a Wilderness of monkeys. " This shows a side to Shylock that we have never seen. It shows the love he had and still has for his deceased wife Leah. Shylock shows how hurt and betrayed he feels that his daughter has sold his ring by saying that he wouldn't had given it away for a " wilderness of monkeys ". Another theme in the play that Shylock brings out is predjudice. He judges people before he gives them a chance to show what they are really like. He has different veiws on different characters depanding on who they are. ( Act 1 Scene 3 ) "I hat him for he is a Christian" This shows how he feels against antonio , a Christian whom he has never met and it shows how prejudice he can be. In one part of the play Shylock shows a side to him we have never seen before. Instead if seeing him as the man who is greedy and
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Nursing Process Essay
The nursing process has five key steps in it. There is an acronym to remember these by steps by; it is ADPIE. Assess Diagnose, Plan, Implement, and Evaluate. The assessment step is exactly as it states; a nursing assessment. The nurse assesses the patient and gathers information to make a diagnosis. The next step is diagnosing; in which means forming a nursing diagnosis based on subjective and objective data; and on the patient history. Once a nursing diagnosis is formed; the nurse must plan for patient care and make a care plan for treatment, setting appropriate and measurable goals to be reached. Next is implementation. In this step of the nursing process the nurse implements, or puts into action the plan of care. Lastly is evaluation; which may be last in the nursing process but needs to be done throughout the whole process. In the sense of it being stated as the last step though, it references measuring the outcome of the goal and asking some important questions. Was the goal met? Does anything need to be revised, added or removed? How has the patient responded to the care plan? I believe the nursing process is a great foundation to start with when beginning care with all patients. It sets clear guidelines to make rational decisions and ensure measured outcomes for each and every patient. Nursing Diagnosis Handbook, 9th edition Section I Pages 1-12 used as reference.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Effects of Social Networking Sites Essay
Traffic to social networking sites (SNS) like Facebook, Twitter and MySpace has increased due to ongoing popularity with younger Internet users. Online villainy, such as cyber-bullying and sexting among the younger generations, has become alarmingly frequent through these sites. Recently, teenagers and tweens have not only been the victims, but also the perpetrators of these acts. This growing trend is said to be attributed to the amount of time these children spend on the Internet, mainly on social networking sites. The Internet provides a place where its users feel that their identity is concealed, allowing them to post or distribute harmful things that they wouldn’t normally do in a social setting. Through this younger generation, the online self has found a way to escape from its confinements on the web and work its way into society. Schools are struggling to discipline students who speak out of line to authorities and use crude language inside what is supposed to be a secure environment. Some say that the Internet is causing intelligence and mannerisms to decrease with extended use. Another problem, that is being brought to light, is the evolving form of bullying through the Internet. Parents and educators are having a hard time preventing this due to unfamiliarity they still consider bullying to be a violent act through physical contact. With the new generation, bullying is virtual as well as physical, flip-flopping between settings. The extreme contrast between these two different types of bullying makes the online one both hard to spot, and hard to discipline; the rules are different. Read more: Social Networking Sites and its Impact on Youth The news has reported tragic stories of young adults committing rash acts after enduring online bullying that include: fighting back with escalated violence, sending computer viruses, dropping out of school and even committing suicide. A very small percent of children that are cyberbullied actually talk to their parents about the problem. With Internet violence rising with the increase in social networking sites’ members, younger Internet users must be educated on the dangers of the online world, and the emotional and mental affects that can come from Internet abuse.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Business Plan D&D Beauty Salon Essay
D&D (Dreams and Desires) Customize Beauty Salon is a unique salon of its kind. It tends to provide all barberry and cosmetology services under one roof in a unique way. What makes D&D so unique is its distinguish software. The software allows the client to see, realize and evaluate him/herself in a real time. It takes picture of the customer and instantly allows them to perform different functions, such as; try different hairstyles, change hair color, apply different types of facial hairstyle and for girls/women it allows them to apply wide range of makeup as well. The purpose behind such a unique idea is to fully satisfy the hidden needs and wants of the people which usually they are unaware of. Once they have the opportunity to realize and evaluate themselves there is more chance that the customer will leave as a happy customer. So using the same phenomenon we are going into the market with the different slogan â€Å"_No One Leaves unhappy_†. As the work of a beauty salon does not ends up here, it requires professional and well experienced staff to provide customers the services exactly what they perceive in their mind and what the software had shown them. For that we are striving to hire two foreign qualified professionals initially. Along with their regular duties they will also train our local beauticians/hairdressers. Our distinctive D&D software will act as a competitive advantage for us, through which we are going to compete with the well established big giants in the beauty clinic industry. As no one in the industry is currently serving the customers with this mind set so it’s a kind of gap we have identified and we have prepared a strong strategy to fulfill these hidden needs and wants of the customers in the market. The trend has shown that there is a boom going on in the beauty clinic industry, new salons are opening consistently and the current established brands are generating massive profits, so it’s a very good time for us to enter into the market with our unique selling proposition. To achieve our objectives we are seeking additional loan financing. Our capital structure will be 50% equity based and 50% external financing. Our 50% equity will be equally distribute among five owners of the company, however we will take a loan on 19% interest rate from UBL to fulfill our external financing requirement. The initial capital that is required to start our salon is Rs.4079500 hopefully by the end of year _ we will reach our break even. Our projected Income Statement shows that by the end of year 3 we will start earning substantial profits. Overall keeping in mind the industry and market attractiveness we are quite confident that future for D&D Beauty Salon looks quite bright. COMPANY DESCRIPTION COMPANY INTRODUCTION Dream and Desire is a unique kind of beauty salon. It is one of the most innovative beauty salon which is going to revolutionize the entire barberry and cosmetology segment. This is the era of technology and Dream and Desire provides customers with a blend of classic service with updated technology. At Dream and Desire we provide services to both males and females. Services include hair cutting, facial services; make up, waxing and a lot more services that are provided at any other beauty salon. We provide services for people from all genders and age. The innovation brought in by Dream and Desire is the addition of technology in the service. At Dream & Desire customers can have a look at their new looks before they actually get it. Customers can choose from different hair styles and cosmetology and then the specifically trained barbers and beautician at Dream and Desire would provide the customer with the required services. COMPANY HISTORY Dream and Desire is a new company in the industry. It does not have a history but it will surely create history by revolutionizing the barberry and cosmetology industry by introducing technology in the industry. In the past companies only used to cut hair and provide cosmetology services to customers on the basis of what customer told them about what the customers requires or how he wants to look but now with the most innovative beauty salon Dream and Desire customers can actually see how they would look in different hair styles and cosmetic before even getting the service performed on themselves. Where as in the past customers only used to get their hair cut and they could only see their new look after they used to get the service performed on them. Before Dream & Desire, all beauty salon, small and big barber shops and salons all used to just provide services without the much needed, dreamt and desired technology. MISSION STATEMENT _Our mission is to build the most innovative beauty salon in the industry. We at dream & desire are passionately committed at providing our customers with the most innovative barberry and cosmetology service that they can ever experience._ VISION STATEMENT _Our vision is to revolutionize the barberry and cosmetology industry by making customers happy and satisfied through our D&D Software Beauty Services._ SERVICE DESCRIPTION Dream and Desire provides all the services that any other beauty salon provides but the competitive edge that we have over other salons is the addition of technology. We can actually show the client how he would look after getting the service before even providing him services. At dream and desire we provide services and fulfill appearance desires of customers. Through our D&D software we can provide our customers with their pictures of what they would look like with different hair styles and cosmetics. Our services include Hair Cutting ,hair styling , hair dyeing , hair streaking, threading ,bleaching, waxing, make up , bridal make ups for both grooms and brides, manicure ,pedicure ,consultation, face massage and all the other services that you find on any other beauty salon but with an assurity of how you would look after the service is provided to you. We provide an additional service of D&D software but at a very reasonable price as compared to other salons .This shows that we at Dream and Desire really want the customers to look as they have always dreamt and desired. We use branded products for providing our services whether its bridal make up, party make up, hair streaking and dyeing and all the other services provided at our beauty salon are provided by branded products whether its scrubs, moisturizers , toners, hair color, wax, creams, hair masks, nail polishes ,gel and every other product used by our beauticians is branded. CURRENT STATUS Our business is currently in the building stage. A full-fledged business plan has been made for Dream & Desire but it’s not yet been implemented practically. LEGAL STATUS AND OWNERSHIP Our business is still in the building stage. We have a full-fledged business plan but we are still in the process of buying patents, copyrights and license for our business â€Å"Dream & Desire†. Dream & Desire is a partnership venture which is owned by 5 partners with each one having 20% ownership rights. KEY PARTNERSHIPS (IF ANY) Currently we do not have as such any partnership but in near future we are hoping to build some of them with the people in the same or different industries. Once we see the early growth of the company we will definitely going to look for companies like different garment stores and other fashion related segments to build partnerships with them which will be sustained for longer run. We will provide them the facility of our D&D software which will enhance the level of their current services. Similarly in our salon we will promote their brand and in return we will ask them to promote D&D. So will build long term sustainable relationship with other companies once we are ready for the boom. INDUSTRY ANALYSIS INDUSTRY SIZE AND GROWTH The beauty salon industry is mainly composed of small, independently owned salons. An average salon offers services such as haircutting, styling, coloring, shampooing and permanents. Other salons have expanded their businesses to offer services such as nail care, facials, makeup application, waxing, massage, tanning and other beauty treatments. Our services belong to the Beauty Clinics Industry. When we look at the industry we can see that there are a lot of hair salons and barber shops in Pakistan. In the past few years Pakistani people have become very beauty conscious especially the youth of Pakistan because of which the number of Hair and Beauty Salons in Pakistan have increased significantly. This industry caters one of the most common needs of all the people in the world. On daily basis about 15 to 20 people on an average visit the male beauty salon whereas about 20 to 25 females visit beauty parlor. The industry is very crowded and it’s still growing. Both the number of beauty salons and the number of beauty conscious people are increasing in Pakistan. There are uncountable beauty salons in Pakistan but none of them provide an innovative service as we do so the industry that our services belong to is very attractive and its attractiveness is increasing with time. People were beauty conscious in the past too but now the number has drastically increased and more and more beauty salon have been opened especially a large number for men so the industry is quiet new. Even though there were barbers in the early eras but beauty salons in Pakistan a comparatively newer industry. Major players in the Beauty Clinics are Depilex, Nabila, however in Lahore some other competitors are, New Look, Alle’Nora, Samia’s, Muneeba, Elysium. There is no administrative or regulatory body to govern the practices of this industry so there is no statistical data available regarding the exact number of players in the market. CURRENT INDUSTRY STRUCTURE The number of beauty clinics in Pakistan has increased at a fast pace over the last few years. The size of this sector of service industry is still growing. Due to very low amount of investment that is required to start beauty parlors, the number of such establishments has cropped up in houses all over the country. In Lahore, more professional and large clinics have been set up in commercial areas like M. M. AlamRoad, Defence, and Main Boulevard Gulberg. Professional experts are currently operating approximately 15 large beauty clinics in Lahore. The beauty industry today encompasses far more than cosmetics and skin care products, though they are still a significant portion of the sector. A wide range of services and products are available to help us put our best face forward, and the beauty industry now also encompasses hair styling and hair removal, nail and tanning salons, massage parlors, shower and shaving products, perfumes, colognes and more. Many people now treat their beauty ritual as an escape from the hustle of the information age, whether it’s a few minutes spoiling oneself with a high-end product or a full day at a luxury spa. Comprised of a diverse yet interrelated set of business lines, the beauty industry helps us look and smell our best. Before we leave the house each day, we have likely undergone our personalized beautification ritual. Included in this ritual are the daily shower and shave, the weekly nail trim, and the monthly haircut. And increasingly we are taking a more holistic view of our health, and our beautification ritual may now include a periodic massage and trip to the spa. But our concern with our appearance is hardly anything new; indeed the beauty industry has been expanding and growing for all of recorded history. For the interested entrepreneur this continuing growth and evolution offers a diverse menu of opportunity. KEY SUCCESS FACTORS Quality and skilled employees familiar with energy work and oriented to a soothing spiritual disposition. Use very good quality beauty products. Preferably imported and branded. The atmosphere of the clinic has to be according to the taste of targeted customers. The charges for different services should be set keeping in mind the price charged bythe competition. Establish trust within the community that each customer’s needs will be taken care of during every visit. Easily accessible location. Effective advertising. Ensure good quality of service at all times, and be consistent. NATURE OF PARTICIPANTS Industry participants are those whose services include salon. Salon services concern hair styling,haircutting, coloring, shampooing and permanents, nail care, facials, makeup application, waxing and other beauty treatment. INDUSTRY TREND The salon business is notoriously competitive and has really transformed itself in recent years. Previously, salons paid little attention to their decor and focused mainly on keeping it attractive and neat with good basic hairdressing furniture. Today, many of the leading salons are investing in proper interior design and product showcasing to build their retail income streams alongside their hairdressing and beauty services. Hair is an essential part of look gorgeous and one should pay extra attention to it to steal the show. In Pakistan the hair trends in (2012) there’s an absolute feast of looks. There are different hair trend like The Bob, Long and Wavy, Classy Ponytails, Straight Traces. MARKET ANALYSIS AND MARKETING PLAN: Effective marketing campaign is necessary to invite clients for a newly established beauty salon. For launching an effective marketing campaign we need to find some the following things. Market segmentation and Target Market Buyer behavior Competitor analysis MARKET SEGMENTATION Segmentation is a paramount to any businesses success. Identify the marketing segment for the product and explains why this segment was selected. DEMOGRAPHIC SEGMENTATION Demographic segmentation involves dividing the market on the basis of statistical differences in personal characteristics, such as age, gender, race, income, life stage, occupation, and education level. D&D Salon, for example, segment on the basis of age groups such as teenagers, young adults, and mature adults. D&D Beauty Salon will be targeting three dissimilar groups of clients. The salon will work hard to particularly appeal to each of these groups. D&D Beauty Salon will target Women, Men, and Children. Men will characteristically create up to 75% of the clientele. Men have shorter hair and require a faster, simpler job. D&D Salon will gear toward women who cannot meet the expense of an upscale salon. There is not often a dissimilarity in quality of an upscale salon comparative to a family hair salon other than a upscale salon will tend to pamper you more, only accepts appointments, and the salon itself is generally a bit plusher. Someone who is financially responsible as opposed to someone who likes lavishness will support a family style salon. Young mothers and children will also be welcome in our salon. Typically, children are disreputably complicated when it comes to getting haircuts. D&D Salon will be a laid-back environment where children can have fun while they are waiting and we will work with parents to compose children while haircuts are performed. Where you advertise is as important keeping several factors in mind when looking for the client. Our segments is the people who visits beauty and hair saloons irrespective of their age and gender Take a good look at your business you should always know where you should advertise and this works to your advantage if your goal is to get customers out of what would normally be your target group. The social media is always a great place to advertise so as another place, often overlooked, is high school and college and university newspapers, fashion magazines. Expected customers are following 60% male 25% females 15% young children with mother PSYCHOGRAPHIC SEGMENTATION VALS (â€Å"Values, Attitudes and Lifestyles†) is a proprietary research methodology used for psychographic market segmentation. Market segmentation is designed to guide companies in tailoring their products and services to appeal to the people most likely to purchase them. According to VALS our customers will be Innovators: These consumers are on the leading edge of change, have the highest incomes, and such high self-esteem and abundant resources that they can indulge in any or all self-orientations. They are located above the rectangle. Image is important to them as an expression of taste, independence and character. Their consumer choices are directed toward the â€Å"finer things in life.†Experiencers: These consumers are the high-resource group of those who are motivated by self-expression. They are the youngest of all the segments, with a median age of 25. They have a lot of energy, which they pour into physical exercise and social activities. They are eager consumers, spending heavily on clothing, fast-foods, fashion, music, and other youthful favorites, with particular emphasis on new products and services. GEOGRAPHIC SEGMENTATION Geographic segmentation involves dividing the market on the basis of where people live. Divisions may be in terms of neighborhoods, cities, counties, states, regions, or even countries. Considerations related to geographic grouping may include the makeup of the areas, that is, urban, suburban, or rural; size of the area; climate; or population. For example, D&D salon will focus on identifying potential user segments in areas where there are potential customers It is based on variables such as customer concentration and macro-economic factors; we will be targeting the residents of Gulberg, GOR, shadman, defense, model town, faisal town. As these areas are near to the place where we will be operating and people residing in these can afford these services PRODUCT-BENEFIT Segmentation is based on the perceived value or advantage consumers receive from a good or service over alternatives. Our customers will be satisfied because of our uniqueness Thus; markets can be divided in terms of the quality, performance, image, service, special features, or other benefits we will provide to our customers. BUYER BEHAVIOR To design our salon around the emotional buying patterns of the consumer, We have to go beyond simple design. We must incorporate the vision of environmental psychology. We have to match the best-proven practices of successful service providers and marketers inside the beauty industry. The salon of today and of the future, must combine elements of dependable science, blended with wishful thinking to create an alluring cocktail of reality and desirable fantasy. The fundamental principle of market research is that you can ask people questions and what they tell you will be the truth. In fact, it turns out that the opposite is far closer to the truth.. When the mind considers the future, it does so with idealism that is both optimistic and simultaneously devoid of any objective assessment of the past. There is a way to obtain a deeper understanding of consumers and make better-informed decisions. Humans have virtually lost the ability to appreciate the present, so wrapped up are we in dwelling on the past and wondering about the future. UNDERSTANDING THE CONSCIOUS MIND The unconscious mind is the real driver of consumer behavior. Understanding consumers is largely a matter of understanding how the consumer’s mind operates. The saying ‘first impression’ applies to more than just the visual when a consumer enters a salon. It is also important in verbal communication with a consumer. ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES Humans like animals, interact and respond to their environment far more than we are aware of at a conscious level. If we want to change people’s behavior, the first thing we can do is change the environment. Changing the environment is uniquely powerful in changing behavior. There is no greater single influence. If we want to know why someone does or doesn’t buy, we have to understand how the environment shapes behavior. To maximize sales or impact of communication, the environment has to be right. It is not a revelation to learn that music and lighting can affect our mood and as a result, our behavior, the extent to which both can cause people to spend more is surprising. ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN + PERSONAL CONSUMER EXPERIENCE = SUSTAINABLE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE COMPETITOR ANALYSIS Knowing Your Enemy is key and could help traffic into your salon. Knowing your competition is as important as anything else you will ever do in business. You need to learn who their customers are, how they work as a salon, number of employees they have on hand, what their range of services and products are and where and how they advertise. This way we will be able to know how to better serve your clients and run your business. Major competitors are the following Diplex Sobia’s New looks Alenora Tony and Guy Nabeela STRATEGY AND IMPLEMENTATION Skill at what we do, good customer service, and creating a pleasant environment for our customers will be important to implementing our business plan. COMPETITIVE EDGE We are unique from others, our customized style of beauty and our software’s is unique of its own kind there is no other such saloon operating in Pakistan D&D wants to set itself apart from other beauty salons that may offer only one or two types of services. Having come from such a salon, they desire all of the services that we are proposing. Although the focus of D&D is hair services, we do wish to offer our clients the convenience of these other services in one location. There are a number of salons. But they are mainly in the very high income parts of our city and surrounding areas. We do not intend to compete with these we wish to offer a middle ground for those clients who can’t quite afford those high-end luxury salons. Our business atmosphere will be a relaxing one where clients can kick back and be pampered. Soft drinks will be offered to clients as they enter for service. Televisions will be located in the waiting and hair-drying area area MARKETING STRATEGY Our marketing strategy is a simple one: satisfied clients are our best marketing tool. When a client leaves our salon with a new look, he or she is broadcasting our name and quality to the public. Most of our clients will be referrals from existing clients. No major advertising campaigns are expected. Our research has shown that word of mouth is the best advertising for this type of business. We will, however, run specials throughout the week. We will also ask clients for referrals, and reward them with discounted or free services depending on the number of clients they bring. We will also offer discounts to the new clients who have been referred. A client would simply refer new clients to us, and we will place a card in a box for each client he or she brings. The more they bring, the more chances they have of winning the free services Our marketing strategy is the key to our success: Emphasize our name and unique services through advertising. Focus on the convenience of our location. Build community relationships through unique and quality service, friendly and caring atmosphere, and establishing absolute dependability of our services. PROMOTION STRATEGY _ADVERTISING_ We will utilize local newspaper, local social and health magazines, local radio, local television, mail-outs to all households within the immediate five mile radius, and mail-outs to all local business within a five-mile radius. Often overlooked, is high school and college and university newspapers, fashion magazines. _INTERNET_ we will have a comprehensive website and on social media such as face book page and twitter. We will also add our salon placed on Google maps. The social media is always a great place to advertise so as another place _ALLIANCES_ this type of advertising will be implemented once we have grown beyond our break-even point. We will also form advertising alliances with any business with whom we share common business goals. We will also implement mutual perks with our business and restaurant neighbors which will aid in local visibility. Advertising promotions with certain clothing brands such as Stone Age, outfitters, cross roads and in the ladies clothing we will alliance with Rang ja and wardah clothing and in ladies foot wear we will alliance with Heels. POSITIONING STATEMENT We will automatically position ourselves as one of the top customized beauty salons in the greater area. Considering that none of the other competitors will offer the range of services we will, or that their staffs will be trained like ours, and that there are not any beauty salons of our type in our target locations. PRICING STRATEGY Our pricing strategy will not be similar to that of our competitors. We will not charge over, or substantially under, standard prices for our services. We will be implementing a price penetration strategy PRODUCT PROMOTION We will manipulate our prices and offer discounts with services such as haircuts, shampoos and coloring treatments. Offering customers 10 or 25 percent off the purchase of a particular shampoo and conditioner with the purchase of a haircut and shampoo combination can help move merchandise and increase our service sales. Customers can be tempted by the desire to take the salon experience home with them and, with discounted prices on premier products MANAGEMENT TEAM & COMPANY STRUCTURE MANAGEMENT TEAM Dream and Desire has 5 founders who are also going to be the member of the board of directors. They would have the voting power for any decision that has to be made. All the five founders of Dream & Desire are Business Management Students with corporate experience. The founders are also going to act as operational managers who are going to visit the salon according to their shift times. Marketing and Finance Manager are also going to be hired for promotional and financial purposes respectively. Operational Managers are going to lead a team of stylists, beauticians and barbers. There is going to be one assistant operational manager for Male customers and one for female customers. The male assistant operational manager is going to lead a team of a signature stylist ,top stylist and two barbers and the female assistant operational manager is going to lead a team of a signature stylist ,a a top stylist and two beauticians. Operational managers are also going to deal with the activities of the staff. BOARD OF DIRECTORS The founders of Dream and Desire are also going to be the member of board of directors. Dream and Desire has 5 founders and each one would have 20% voting right. 80% of the vote should be in favor for any decision to pass. The board of directors is also going to responsible for HR activities (hiring & Firing). All the 5 members are also going to serve as the operational managers who are going to visit the salon according to their fixed days. BOARD OF ADVISORS Our resource person Mr. Rashid Hussain will assist us in implementing this project so he and some of our other teachers will act as Board of Advisors as well. We will seek help and guidance from them time to time. Other than there is a person, Mr.Nasir who has been successfully running his hair salon, he has helped us a lot in this project and he will further assist us in implementation phase of our project. COMPANY STRUCTURE The company is owned by 5 founders who are equal stock holders of the Dream & Desire. The sister concern of the board of directors is the board of advisors who advise the board on different issues mostly when the board or the owners are facing any problem with the business. The Board of directors perform the activities of HR Department themselves but they directly control three managers below them i.e. Operational manager, financial manager and marketing manager. The operational manager further controls 2 assistant operational managers one for the females and other for the males. Assistant operational managers report to the operation manager where as the operational manager directly reports to the board of directors. The operational manager also controls the duties of the staff (Receptionist, Security guard, clerk and sweeper). The two assistant operational managers further supervise 4 employees each. i.e. Signature Stylist, Top Stylist and two beauticians or barbers on each male and female case.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
The Negative Effects the Media Has on the Pit Bull Breed
The Negative Effects The Media Has On The Pit Bull Breed Did you know that for over one hundred years the Pit Bull was called the â€Å"Nanny Dog†by Americans, and was the breed that symbolized our country? One of the most famous Pit Bulls was Petey from The Little Rascals. For generations people got a Pit Bull to keep their children safe because these dogs were the most trustworthy of any breed with children and adults. Now the Nanny Dog is being persecuted by the media, and being called the hellion breed that frightens people. Even though plenty of other dogs bite people, they only publish stories about Pit Bulls. Poodle bites man†is not a very eye catching headline. The media publicizes crazy myths, and they label any dog a Pit Bull even if it is not. The media also zeros in on the specifically negative and extreme incidents; they often do not provide the circumstance surrounding the incidents, and also neglect to mention important statistical information and compar isons to other similar incidents. Being a Pit Bull owner, and having many friends who own them as well, I know that the media is incorrect in their portrayal of the Pit Bull. They are the most loving and gentle breed I have ever known.The media had labeled certain dog breeds as bad breeds for a long time. The Pit Bull is just the most recent victim of the media’s criticism. Before Pit Bulls it was the Rottweiler, before the Rottweiler it was Dobermans, and before Dobermans it was German Shepherds. Each breeds being deemed as vicious and unpredictable to be around people. Every time there was uproar of the public for bans and restrictions on owning them. It is painfully ironic that the media has turned on the breed once the symbol of our country and our national babysitter.In temperance tests (the equivalent of how many times your kid can poke your dog in the eye before it bites him) of all breeds the most tolerant was the Golden Retriever. The second most tolerant was the Pit Bull. I am sure anyone has heard of the Pit Bulls locking jaw, this is a myth. Pit Bulls jaws do not lock; in fact they do not even have the most powerful bite of dog breeds. Pit Bulls are not human aggressive, in fact studies have shown that Pit Bull puppies prefer human company to their mother’s two weeks earlier than any other breed. Also, another common myth is that they don’t feel pain.They feel just as much pain as any other breed. These are the myths that the media is drilling into the public’s heads. Now this tolerant, patient, and gentle breed of dog is embarrassingly being portrayed as the most dangerous. Now sadly 6,000 Pit Bulls are put to death every day, by far the highest number of any breed to be euthanized. Mistaken identity is a huge problem in the media nowadays as well. There is countless times where headlines claimed that a Pit Bull had done wrong and then later on find out it was not a Pit Bull at all, or they just say Pit Bull because the dog resembled one.And even if the media corrects themselves the damage had already been done, people already have the image of the Pit Bull in their mind doing wrong. For example, a story from October, 2007 has as a headline â€Å"Lynn teacher mauled by Pit Bull. †Then the story goes on to identify the dog as a Lab/Rottweiler mix. The term Pit Bull should never have been used. Another story March, 2006 headline â€Å"Pit Bull attacks 12 year old. †However the picture shown of the captured dog is not a Pit Bull, and does not even appear to be a Pit Bull mix.After complaints to the news station regarding the mistaken identity and the use of the term Pit Bull, instead of correcting their mistake, they took down the photo and just left the story up written the same way. These are just a few examples of hundreds of falsely identified Pit Bull stories. Now there may well be some stories where a Pit Bull or Pit Bull mix was correctly identified, but many times they do not mention the circumstances that the attack happened, or the statistical comparison to any other breed of dog attacks.The Humane Society of the United States says that it is imperative that the dog population the community be understood. To simply pull numbers of attacks does not accurately represent the breed. For example, by reviewing a study that states there have been five attacks by Standard Poodles in a community and ten attacks from Pit Bulls in the same community, it would appear that Pit Bulls are more dangerous. However, if you look at the dog population in that community and find there are 50 Standard Poodles and 500 Pit Bulls, then statistically the Pit Bull would be the safer breed.The media turning them into this bad vicious dog is making the wrong people want to own them. Drug dealers and felons are seeing them as protection dogs, or using them to make some cash by breeding. As a result of over breeding, many communities have much more Pit Bull and Pit Bull mixes than a ny other dogs. With the over population of the breed, people’s fear of them, and breed restrictions many of these dogs end up in shelters or euthanized. On the positive side recently I have seen some great stories about Pit bulls. Many people re starting to get educated that this breed is no more dangerous than any other dog. A story from May 9th of 2012 headlines â€Å"Hero Pit Bull saves owner from train tracks. †This amazing story goes on to explain how the woman fell unconscious on the tracks and Lilly, the eight year old Pit Bull, managed to drag her out of harm’s way. Risking her own life Lilly was badly hurt by being struck by the train. After needing her leg amputated, many surgeries and physical therapy she is still just as happy as ever. The Pit Bull can go through so many traumas and still bounce back and be just as loving as ever.Pit Bulls that have been used as fighting dogs and bait dogs get adopted and act like none of it ever happened. Though th e media has already caused so much damage to the judgment of the Pit Bull breed, I am hopeful that people will wake up and realize these dogs are one of the best companions you could ever have. My Pit Bull wants nothing more than to be loved; he is an 80 pound baby who sleeps under the covers in my bed. Maybe the Pit Bull will one day be known as the symbol of America, and the â€Å"Nanny Dog†again.
Renewable Resource Mechanisms and the Means With Which They Produce Thesis Proposal
Renewable Resource Mechanisms and the Means With Which They Produce Electricity - Thesis Proposal Example Policies relating to production tax credit, standardization policy, renewable energy benefit funds as well as performance standards for buildings, credits for installation of appliances that are renewable resource compliant, mortgages and loans for such buildings will definitely help to the nation to turn towards renewable energy. The researcher is of the view that renewable resource mechanisms for the generation of electricity have not been given its due justice. There is dearth of policies which are being practiced today partly because renewable resources development is a new arena in which policy makers are afraid to venture into. More awareness is needed in the education of political representatives in matters relating to renewable resource mechanisms available for generating electricity, especially its benefits and long-term implications for the nation. The researcher shall endeavor to explore policies which are being adopted around the world with particular interest in the stud y of various policy alternatives available for the US administration to adopt in the future for its people. Sovacool, B.K. 2009. Whats the Best Way to Promote Renewable Electricity? Scitizen. Online accessed on 24 February 2010 from: Author not available 2009. What are renewable portfolio standards (RPS) and how do they affect generation of electricity from renewable sources? US Energy Information Administration. Online accessed on 24 February 2010 from:
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
A Supermarket in California Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
A Supermarket in California - Essay Example This essay examines Ginsberg’s ‘A Supermarket in California’ in terms of figurative language and poetic technique. One of the most overarching considerations is that the poem is partially meant to be a tribute to Walt Whitman and was released on the centennial of Whitman’s ‘Leaves of Grass.’ This is clearly reflected in the poem as Ginsberg makes frequent reference to Walt Whitman within the poem’s very narrative structure. Indeed, Ginsberg wistfully addresses Whitman in a number of ways. Ginsberg states, â€Å"What thoughts I have of you tonight, Walt Whitman, for I walked down the side streets under the trees with a headache†(Ginsberg, 1-2). The poem also contains long-lines that are slightly unique. Partly these long-lines can be attributed to a further tribute to Whitman’s own tendency towards incorporating this form in his poems. Notably, poet Garcia-Lorca is also referenced in this work. In terms of poetic form the p oem is highly unique in that it does not conform to traditional types of stanza or rhyme scheme. What can be termed the first stanza extends for twelve lines; three more stanzas of varying line length follow this stanza. There is no discernable rhyme scheme in the poem, with Ginsberg refraining from even implementing a rhyming couplet. Additionally, these elements that eschew traditional poetic form are clearly in-line with the Beat Movement’s embrace of alternative modes of expression. Additionally, the poem’s narrative -- as embracing American counter-cultural elements -- is perhaps best articulated by an irregular form. The narrative as embracing counter-cultural elements is indeed a major consideration within this work. Ginsberg writes, â€Å"I saw you, Walt Whitman, childless, lonely old grubber, poking among the meats in the refrigerator and eyeing the grocery boys†(Ginsberg, 11-12). Here there is the obvious allusion to homosexuality through the eyeing o f grocery boys. While poetic form constitutes a major element within this specific work, the narrative has perhaps gained the most critical attention. As noted the work is partly a tribute to Walt Whitman. Further analysis reveals a number of notable elements. During Whitman’s there is the recognition of American society as more in direct contact with natural elements. The setting of the poem’s narrative within the supermarket then is perhaps a means of ironically commenting on the nature of industrialized world as far removed from the direct process of hunting and growing their own subsistence. This interpretation is heightened by Ginsberg’s subtly comedic line, â€Å"I heard you asking questions of each: Who killed the pork chops? What price bananas? Are you my Angel?†(Ginsberg, 13-14). Here one recognizes the comedic potential of placing Whitman in a modern day supermarket. While the poem embraces irregular poetic form and counter-cultural elements, t here is also the recognition that Ginsberg expertly interweaves a number of profound themes. One such consideration is the meditation on the present day cultural milieu. Ginsberg writes, â€Å"Will we stroll dreaming of the lost America of love past blue automobiles in driveways, home to our silent cottage?†(Ginsberg, 26-27). Just as Whitman articulated a profound 19th century vision of America, Ginsberg here is working to capture the essence of time. In addition to
Monday, August 12, 2019
The Mexican revolution of the 1910s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Mexican revolution of the 1910s - Essay Example Though much of The Mexican revolution of the 1910’s speaks about bringing down the President Porfirio Diaz from his power; the main idea behind it was to bring justice to the people who were longing for it and ensure proper distribution of wealth through a fight against the foreign imperialists. Though the youth tried to get into politics and begin a fresh phase of rule that would change lives of people to a better standard, they were not given this opportunity. The imperialism that prevailed in the people with power left people in silence though, they had an opinion to express and a wish to elect their leader. But the youth of Mexico however made it to the throne. They acquired the power after a long struggle from the hands of the imperialists and brought their people what they wanted, freedom. The people living in the borders of the Mexico and the United states have seen the worst phase of this revolution. The Mexican people resisted the control the U.S over these places and fought against them. This revolution saw blood of both the Nations. People even migrated from Mexico borders to keep away from this violence. This image shows a family trying to migrate from Mexico border that had seen violence in many forms. Initially it was the rule of the President Porfirio Diaz which weakened their minds and to add to their misery the imperialism by the U.S people left them to going away to safer places. Many of them migrated to California and some people to Los Angeles hoping the war would end in a few months but it didn’t and actually lasted a for years. "We were running away from the rebellion. . . . We came to the United States to wait out the conclusion of the Revolution. We thought it would be over in a few months."(Mexicans and Mexican-Americans). However the boundaries between the two nations (Mexico and The U.S) had been a controversy since ages and this has been the issue for the Mexican revolution of the 1910’s as well. Even today the b oundary separation has its conflicts going on. Though attempts were made to pacify people on the boundaries of the Nations, they proved futile with the discrepancies the people had among the ownership of the lands. The period 1910-1920 has seen the worst phase with wars in many places. The Mexicans attacked the Anglos and their stores and railroads. The picture above shows the Mexican troops marching in Juarez, Mexico during the Mexican revolution in the 1910’s. This Mexican revolution of the 1910’s however would leave an impression on anybody who carefully studies and understands the history and the story behind the imperialistic foreigner’s strategy. I, feel that though there have been complaints about the then President of Mexico, Porfirio Diaz, and his selfish rule that had concentrated wealth and power in the hands of a few, which rendered people of Mexico helpless and other issues pertaining to the rule of their government and confiscating lands from peasa nts, there had always been a bigger issue, the imperialistic foreigners who took away the power of people and controlled their lands. This issue certainly appealed to everybody who knew the history of the Mexican Revolution because the other problems the Mexicans had with their government and the peasants could be solved among them at some point in time and they were categorically domestic issues which needed just the attention of some people of the Nation. But the
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