Monday, September 30, 2019
The Opium War
In this descriptive essay the movement for china to prohibit opium and the formation and the devolution of the first opium war from 1839 till 1842 and its aftermaths for china will be shown. The Opium War was one of the most important points of inflexion in the history of china. Before this war, china was an autonomous feudal state that administrates the state without interventions of other states. After the repression of the Qing Dynasty by the British and the signing of the disparate contract of Nanjing in 1842, china converted step by step to a half feudal and half colonial state.Already in the forties of the 19th century, Great Britain was a high developed, capitalistic State. After it has tightened its colonial control about India, their aggressions adjust against china. In this time china was still a self isolated feudal state with a dominant autarkic agricultural economic system. British industrial goods were not liked and couldn’t be sold in china in this time, so that Britain had to pay big amounts of silver to buy Chinese products like silk and tea.To avoid these high costs, Britain starts to bribe Chinese functionaries by opium. It was brought in rising high amounts to china. For example in contrast to 1820 where they brought 4000 cases with 600 kilo of opium for each to china, they transported 40000 cases of that in 1838 to the empire of the middle, which means that a very high amount of silver leaves china in this years. The price of silver was rising high so that the burden of the Farmers gains and the Qing Dynasty get into financial problems consequently.Thereby the number of opium smokers elevates, the feudal functionaries getting more and more corrupt and the fighting power of the Chinese army was enervated. Finally the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty Daoguang (from 1821 till 1850) was frightened of his authority. Because of that he sends the general governor of Hunan and Hubei, Lin Zexu, as a special representative to Guangzhou to eliminate dealing with opium. In Guangzhou he let arrested the dealers, punished corrupt functionaries and ordered the foreign traders to surrender their opium to him.The foreign traders also had to sign a commitment that they never would deliver opium to china again. The counteraction of Charles Elliot, the British inspector for trade in China, attempts to perforate the prohibition and told the foreign traders that they don’t have to sign the commitment and don’t have to surrender their opium to the Chinese governor. He also commands the trade ships which anchor in front of the Pearl River to get away. After those actions Lin Zexu prohibited all trading actions between Chinese and British people and let guard the British residential area by the army.On the 3rd of June in 1839 he gave the order to a public burn down of 1,15 million kilogram of the surrendered opium at the beach of Humen. Thereafter he wanted to go back to the normal trade between china and Britain with a genera l prohibition for opium. After the public burn down, Charles Elliot pressures the British government to start a vengeance war against china. In April of 1840 the British parliament declares a resolution for a war against china on what they started an offense in June. They first attacked the coast of Guangzhou with 40 warships and about 4000 army soldiers.That was the beginning of the opium war. The Chinese army was prepared well for this offense so that they can kickback the attacks in Guangzhou and later also in Xiamen in the province of Fujian. Later they charged Dinghai in the province of Zhejiang and push along to the north where they accomplished the harbor of Tianjing and menace the capital Beijing. The Qing administration was afraid about this development so that they sent Qishan, general governor of Zhili (today called Hebei), to Guangzhou to start negotiations for peace.But during the negotiations in January of 1841, the British army attacks the fort in front of Humen and c aptured it. Because of that Qishan was affected to sign the convention of Chuanbi which declares the abandonment of Hongkong to Great Britain and the payment of reparations for the burned opium. This convention was an affront for the Emperor Daoguang which threatened his authority. Because of that he declared the war against Great Britain. He sent his nephew Yishan to Guangzhou who should direct this military act. But even before he arrived the British army captured Humen that were protected by admiral Guan Tianpei and 400 soldiers.If they also blast to Guangzhou by cannon, Yishan capitulates, asked for peace and signed the convention of Guangzhou which obligates him to pay 6 million silver dollars as reparation for the war. But the Britain government was disaffected with the advantages of the provisional convention of Chuanbi so that they sent again 26 warships with 3500 soldiers to expand the war of aggressions. In august of 1841 they captured Xiamen and later in October Dinghai, Zhenhai and Ningbo in the province of Zhejiang. In June of 1942 they ineffectively attacked Wusong nearby shanghai and captured later shanghai itself and Zhejiang.In August the British warships advanced the Yangtzekiang River to ship to Nanjing. If they arrived at Nanjing the Qing administration sent a diplomatic, called Qiying, to a British ship for negotiate peace. On the 29th of August in 1842 he signed the infamous Chinese – British contract of Nanjing which was the first disparate Contract of the modern Chinese history. The contract, which includes 13 articles, orders China to open Guangzhou, Xiamen, Fuzhou, Ningbo and Shanghai as trade harbors, to assign Hongkong to Great Britain and pay a reparation of 21 million silver dollars.In the following year Great Britain compel the Qing administration to sign the abstract rules for the British – Chinese trade in five free trade harbors and also to sign the contract of Humen as accessory to the contract of Nanjing, which includes that the maximum duty for British goods is constricted on 5%. It also declares that British people are able to build up houses for permanent living. Through the Nanjing contract and other disparate contracts in the following years china lost its political independence.The inflow of foreign goods started to corrode the Chinese feudal economy. Because of that china developed into a half feudal and half colonial society in these years. In my opinion the opium war was a very important and influencing part of the Chinese history. I made the experience that you can find these influences till today. It especially affects Hong Kong which is a part of china again since 1997 but till 2047 declared as a special administrative region with an own currency and own rules. You can make this experience if you know different parts of china.In Hong Kong you can find many European looking buildings, a lot of western food and about 19. 000 Britain’s. It is a very international, intercul tural city and nearly everybody speaks English. But you can also see the differences if you visit some other cities which were colonized before a long time. For example in Shanghai or Qindao. But every region which was colonized is again a part of china today. In the time of international trade and globalization a European people like me can’t imagine that in our days a region of a country is colonized by another country.And I also think that Daoguang, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty in the time of the opium war, reacts completely correct to this situation because no emperor in this world allow another country to make his nation addicted to drugs and cheat to them about the income of the international trade. So that I can say that I think that the events which happened turned into a negative light only because of the arrogance and presumption of the Britain’s, that captured parts of china, despite to the big resistance of China, to acquire things which were not owned b y them and to browbeat a country which is cultural known for harmony till today.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Explain and evaluate claims made by linguistic relativists regarding the relationship between language, thought and culture Essay
The relationship between language, culture and thought has been a controversial discussion over decades. Many linguists and thinkers have argued that language lead to large differences in culture and thoughts. Some argue that language controls people’s view and thought of the world, where language embodies worldview, and some argue the otherwise. Language, culture and thought may always refer as together, but any one of them implies the other two. In this essay, I am going to focus on linguistic relativism and I will evaluate claims made by linguistic relativists. Linguistic relativism is a weaker interpretation of linguistic determinism. It is â€Å"a window through which to view the cognitive process, not as an absolute. It’s set forth to be used in looking at a phenomenon differently than one usually would. †(Badhesha, 2001) Linguistic categorize and usage influence thought and certain kinds of non-linguistic behavior. Linguistic relativity hypothesis has always been a controversial and serious topic. In late-eighteenth and early nineteenth century, Boas claimed that there’s no intrinsic relationship between culture and language. (Boas, 1911) Acquainted with Boas, Edward Sapir was impressed with Boas’ statement. Later, he proposed a theory which becomes the most famous attempt in demonstrating relationship between language, culture and thoughts, â€Å"Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis†(Whorfian Hypothesis). The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis can be broken into two simple concepts: Linguistic Determinism and Linguistic Relativism. Linguistic determinism holds a stronger view. It refers to â€Å"the concept that what is said has only some effect on how concepts are recognized by the mind†, â€Å"A strict view that what is said is directly responsible for what is seen by the mind. †(Badhesha, 2002) This stronger point is supported by Sapir. Sapir: â€Å"language and culture are not intrinsically associated†but â€Å"language and our thought-grooves are inextricably interwoven, [and] are, in a sense, one and the same†(1921: 228, 232) Sapir believes that language and culture are not explicitly related but language, culture and thoughts are interwoven that cannot be unwoven each other. Sapir also expressed his view that language affects how we perceive the world, â€Å"Even comparatively simple acts of perception are very much more at the mercy of the social patterns called words than we might suppose. †¦ We see and hear and otherwise experience very largely as we do because the language habits of our community predispose certain choices of interpretation. †(1929, p. 210) Sapir here explained that language determines our thoughts and culture, it affects our views of the world and culture is a product of language. Sapir’s student, Benjamin Lee Whorf supported and made his theory stronger. Whorf’s claims are both to the extreme, strongest but to the weaker and more cautious at the same time. The extreme perspective is linguistic determinism, where the weaker is linguistic relativism. In fact, linguistic relativism is widely spread through Whorf’s work. Whorf: â€Å"The background linguistic system of each language is not merely a reproducing instrument for voicing ideas but rather is itself the shaper of ideas. †(1940, â€Å"Science and Linguistics,†Technology Review 42: 229-31, 247-8) In this quote, Whorf proposed the stronger form where language determines thought, language shapes our ideas. â€Å"The world is presented in a kaleidoscopic flux of impressions which have to be organized largely by the linguistic systems in our minds. †(Whorf, 1940a:231) This is a weaker form where Whorf argue that the world is somehow under the influence of our linguistic systems. Both in stronger and weaker form, Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis argue that our thoughts, ideas, behavior and culture are under the influence of language. This hypothesis is supported with evidence. Perception of colors is one of the obvious evidence that support language influences our thoughts. Different languages has their way to encode and categorize colors, in English, there are sixteen basic colors and common two color terms â€Å"dark†and â€Å"light†. However, Russian has different words to distinguish light blue (boluboy) and dark blue (siniy). When Russian and English speakers are put to a test to discriminate the two blue colors, Russian is found to be better at it. As Russian perceive the two blue colors as different colors unlike English speakers who categorize it as blue generally. In both English and Chinese, when giving directions verbally, we tend to use â€Å"left†and â€Å"right†instead of E/W/S/N, this is also true in many other languages. However, Kuuk Thaayorra (aboriginal language spoken in Queensland, Australia), they use E/W/S/N to represent â€Å"left†and â€Å"right†, e. g. when they refer to right hand, they may say east hand. Their perception of the world differs from us due to the use of direction terms. To them, the world needs to include precise orientations. This is an example of perception of space which display language affects our perceptions and thoughts. Grammatical feature is another proof of language affects our culture. Whorf asserts that â€Å"users of markedly different grammars are pointed by their grammar towards different types of observations†¦ and hence are not equivalent as observers but must arrive at somewhat different views of the world†(Whorf 1940b:61) Whorf suggested that speakers of different languages will think about the world differently. Hopi language (aboriginal language spoken in Arizona) is early evidence to Whorfian Hypothesis on language and thought. In Hopi language system, they don’t have tenses such as –ed, -ing, -s in SAE [1], they have different perspective of time from SAE speakers. Also, in Hopi, the concept of time cannot be counted and talked like a physical quantity. Language also affects and reflects our culture and values. In Hong Kong, we refer to relatives in different terms, not only â€Å"aunt/uncle†, â€Å"cousins†unlike English. For example, we have different terms for cousins that are older and younger than us, e. g. â€Å"biu-gor†(older male cousin), â€Å"biu-mui†(younger female cousin). It reflects the hierarchy and projects the importance of respecting senior in Chinese family. We can see that Chinese family, including families in Hong Kong divides and identifies its members. For Chinese people, they perceive seniors as people to respect. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis is the idea that the language that person speaks will affect their perception of the world and accordingly their behavior and culture. In stronger form, language determines the way we think and what we are capable to think of where as linguistic relativity; the weaker form indicates that our thoughts and culture are under the influence of language. Although there are more and more scientific and real life examples that support Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, anthropologists and linguists still argues weather the hypothesis is too strong or not today. Many argue that instead of language determining our thoughts and culture, they are in fact inter-related and none of them should be dominating the other two. The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis has received criticism over the years, and it summed up to be three main criticisms, the idea of causality, the methods and translations. While Whorf and Sapir claimed that language affects our perception of the world and the formation of our cultures. Both of them didn’t include the evolution of language, what made up our language, the cultural values that may have been included while setting language system. It is possible that cultural values that might have developed language helped the way we perceive the world. Humboldt (late 18th century) also questioned Sapir-Whorf’s hypothesis, â€Å"The spiritual traits and the structure of the language of a people are so intimately blended that, given either of the two, one should be able to derive the other from it†¦ language is their spirit, and their spirit is their language; it is difficult to imagine any two things more identical. †He also questioned the causality of such hypothesis. Whether if language is the spirit of thoughts and culture or the otherwise. He claims that it is uncertain which one should be derives and to be the spirit of the others. Another obvious criticism is the methods Whorf’s methods. Some believed that Whorf deliberately translated Hopi language in a certain way to support his own hypothesis, to emphasis another thinking system. Linguists, Steven Pinker accused Whorf’s method with strong attitude, â€Å"No one is really sure how Whorf came up with his outlandish claims, but his limited, badly analyzed sample of Hopi speech and his long-term leanings towards mysticism must have helped. †(Pinker, 1994) He also overthrown Whorf’s claim of Hopi people has different perception of time as â€Å"anthropologist Malotki (1983) has found that the Hopi do have a concept of time very similar to ours. †(Neil Parr-Davies, 2001) Translation is another criticism of Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis. Many critics raised the question, if our thoughts are really affected and determined by language, then presumably certain concepts would only be understandable to people that shared the same language. That suggested that if the hypothesis is entirely true, Whorf would have been failed to understand Hopi people’s concept, needless to say even to understand their first thought. Although criticisms are raised against Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, there are more evidence and claims that support it even in modern days. In fact, psycholinguistic have been studying far beyond perception of color and Hopi language currently, it has been studying and discovering more evidence in modern days such as emotion perception, memory etc. Modern famous researchers like Lera Boroditsky, John A. Lucy believe in Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, that language indeed influences thoughts, however in relatively narrow ways. I agree the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis to a large extent. I believe language does influence our thoughts and perceptions of the world. Recently, I have been studying different accents in the world and discovered that it is evidence supporting the linguistic relativists. For example, if someone speaks English in BBC accents or Queen’s English, we would immediately refer them coming from higher social status in Britain. Indeed, our perception can be easily affected by the trivial elements in language as accents. Even nowadays, there are more and more evidence that prove linguistic relativists; we cannot deny the fact that language does somehow shape our daily thoughts and life. Language changes the way we see different culture, it can reflect a certain culture and background of people. Taking Soviet Ukraine as an example, as the prices and supply of product was centrally controlled, they were very cheap and hard to find, and instead of saying â€Å"What are they selling? †they ask, â€Å"Shcho dajut? †(What are they giving? ). Through the language, we can see the cultural values and background of a country, allowing us to understand and perceive different cultures. Nonetheless, I disagree to a small extent as I believe, on one hand, language may shape our thoughts and culture; on the other hand, our culture and thoughts also shape language. Language may act as a tool merely reflecting our thoughts and culture. Under patriarchy and stereotyping, many European countries referred male as a stronger, rational and more dynamic member of the society while female were emotional, silent and subtle one. Leading European languages like French, Spanish are some examples that reflect social stereotyping under patriarchal influence. In French, almost all sport and daylight activities are referred as male, â€Å"le soleil†(the sun) while almost all night time activities are referred as female, â€Å"la lune†(the moon). Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis is a powerful and leading linguistic theory that suggests the relationship between language, culture and thoughts. It can be interpreted as linguistic determinism and relativism; it remains arguable and controversial whether this hypothesis is too strong. Much evidence arises even until today supporting the hypothesis. It is inevitable that every hypothesis receives criticism, but I truly believe the reason why Whorfianism is still being studied today is because we can never deny the influence of language on our thoughts and culture. Language may not be the one the strongly defines our perception and values, but it does affects us in our everyday life.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Discuss the definitions and characteristics of White Collar Crime Essay
Discuss the definitions and characteristics of White Collar Crime - Essay Example White collar fraud does not carry any act of violence with it. The chief trait of this fraud is to beguile the victims and making them the ‘ insects towards lamp’. Perpetrators are not easily caught and punished, since most of the victims do not make a complaint of their loss at an early stage. By the time the victims realise their plight of being cheated and try to make the issue open to the society, the perpetrators either vacate the scene or gain still more strength of popularity that shields them from the punishments. Naturally neither an individual nor a group of people award punishment for the lapse of the self. At the point of realisation, the question of awarding punishment to the self disappears. Thus analysis of crime and awarding punishment are always carried out in second person only and not in first person. The power of punishing is usually vested with people of higher status of socio economic arena. Crime is simply human. Status difference are not actually correlated to what is termed activities of crime. But since, the powered people are capable of making and breaking the rules, crimes committed by them are generally not treated as violent as the crimes of blue collar people. Sutherland’s definition of white collar crime goes this way: ‘white collar crime is the crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation†. Hazel Croall, (2001), has scrutinised this definition and found some deficiencies in it. He has pointed out that Sutherland’s definition is silent on the issue of identifying the activities of white collar crime. He was very much concerned about the miniature mentioning of white collar crime in many research findings and the low tone in the expressly declared results. The Marxist approach of criminology, which used to control the activities of the low powered or powerless, did keep
Friday, September 27, 2019
Apple Incorporated Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Apple Incorporated - Research Paper Example In fact, its leading innovation in smartphones becomes the ultimate base of competition in its industry at present market situation. However, aside from this, there are other significant things to know more about Apple Incorporated in the context of organizational culture. In this paper, the proponent emphasizes Apple Incorporated as an organization going through organizational transformation or change initiatives. Evaluation of the organization’s culture is included. Regarding this, the analysis of the culture is integrated. In doing this, the following questions are answered. 1. Is culture directly influencing success or failure? 2. What is the role leadership has played in the outcome of the initiatives as it relates to culture? 3. How would have things done differently or what are the reasons in supporting the actions of the organizational leaders? The proponent used internet and library materials and conducted related research in order to find answers to the above stated questions. The US market at macro cultural perspective According to Hofstede’s cultural dimension, the United States has strong individualistic national culture (Neelankavil & Rai, 2009). In a society like this, Hofstede pointed out that people are looking after themselves (Onsrud, 2007). This is the reason that the United States has become home to people who strongly wallow into competition and this is evident in its recent market where there is a strong emphasis on how certain enterprise, group or organization aim at becoming a cut above the other. The US market is home to various organizations, corporations or enterprises. Each of them has specific goal in mind and that is to remarkably achieve sustainability and stay in the competition. In line with this, various strategies flooded in the US market. For instance, Apple Incorporated remarkably has specific strategic plans and certain target market. In the same way, its competitors have various strategic plans as well for i mplementation just prior to the actual execution in the hope that a certain competitive advantage will be achieved in the end. This is evident how Microsoft launched a new strategy as its counterpart against the new strategies or initiatives of Apple Incorporated. Apple is looking forward to a new initiative and that is its iCloud (The New York Times, 2011). Steven Jobs emphasized that this technology would certainly replace personal computers. Just the thought of it, Microsoft should already have something in mind on how to maximize its recent resources in the hope to go with the current market trend and create certain moves to stand as counterpart of that of Apple Incorporated’s. Thus, Microsoft should have created by now certain products that it could present to the market that would at least compete with iCloud. The usual trend in the US market is about creating diversified products in order for customers to have various options. This simply illustrates the fact that base d on his theory of cultural dimensions, Hofstede was right in asserting that the United States is strongly influenced by a strong individualistic cultural orientation. Personal Computers Industry at both macro and micro cultural perspectives The strong individualistic national culture of the US market without question has influenced the Personal Computer
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Manuscript Discussion Section Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Manuscript Discussion Section - Essay Example In this study affinity chromatographic technique has been used to derive binding affinities. With the application of affinity chromatography to direct determination of functional activities, there is problem with determination of functional activities, indicating the fact that affinity in binding may not be directly correlated with the pharmacological action of the drug on the pharmacological target. In case of competitive agonists and antagonists, these properties are related using Cheng-Prusoff relationship, where Ki is the binding affinity of the inhibitor, IC50 is the functional strength of the inhibitor, S is substrate concentration, and Km is the affinity of the substrate for the enzyme. The Cheng-Prusoff relationship cannot be used with NCAs due to occurrence of allosteric interactions. The relative antagonistic activities of a series of noncompetitive antagonists, namely, imipramine, ethidiuum, phencyclidine, dextromethorphan, and mecamylamine expressed as IC50 values towards nAChRs can be measured using data from affinity chromatography on an immobilized nAChR stationary phase using nondirect method of multivariate analysis for assessment of IC50 values.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Priorities of the Office of the Mayor of London and the Greater London Essay - 1
Priorities of the Office of the Mayor of London and the Greater London Authority for a sustainable future of Environment - Essay Example In his tenure since 2008, Johnson has managed to create and implement some policies that are aimed at transforming London into one of the greenest and most energy efficient cities in the whole of Europe. Powers and Responsibilities of the GLA and the Mayor The GLA and the Mayor are responsible for matters to do with: housing, learning and skills, planning, waste management, culture, health, climate change and energy as well as water and sanitation. The GLA is responsible for ensuring that every resident of the city of London has access to good quality life. This includes proper and well maintained housing, a clean environment and easy access to public services such as healthcare and education. In its duty to keep the city friendly for its residents, the Mayor and GLA normally ensure that the infrastructure in the area is well planned and that waste is properly managed (Institute for Public Policy Research, 1997). It is also the duty of the authority to ensure that open and public spa ces remain as clean as possible so that the residents can relax comfortably safely. Another important duty of the Greater London Authority and the Mayor is to ensure that the city operates by international environmental standards. This means that the authority is responsible for looking into and tackling any issues regarding climate change and the environment in all corners of the city. ... to ensure that the environmental condition is such that all Londoners live a quality life free of any kind of pollution and irritants that are characteristic of most major cities all across the world (Johnson, 2008). Some of the environmental issues that have plagued the city for a long time include the lack of enough public space, development pressure, air pollution, noise pollution, litter and graffiti. Although the city of London is well known for its greenness, there is a big problem in how Londoners access green spaces for relaxation purposes. Government funding for green spaces and public parks has been on the decline for the last ten or so years and this has led to the depletion of these important resources (Johnson, 2009). Development has also been a big problem to London’s green environment. Pressure for new housing and public infrastructure expansion has seen most of the open green areas being cleared. The loss of green spaces has also led to the loss of wildlife tha t relies of these spaces for survival. Air pollution has also been a big problem for the city for a very long time, but there are measures in place to ensure that the air quality improves. Noise is also blighting many of the city’s beautiful features. Most of this noise comes from the streets and the airports. According to the World Health Organization, at least 25% of London’s population is affected by noise that is way above the organization’s standards (Greater London Authority, 2010). The Mayor’s Vision for a Better Environment In his mayoral campaigns and post-campaign strategies, the mayor laid down his vision for what he considered a better and greener environment. According to Johnson (2008), some of the plans he had for the city include: 1. Greening the city’s streets and
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Systems Analyst Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Systems Analyst - Essay Example He is the person in charge of and responsible for designing the novel system and applications to be used in meeting the objectives of the business (Shelly 2012, 43). In several organizations, the system analyst does the actual coding of proposed applications for the enterprise. He implements the designs proposed and supervises their operations towards achieving the business goals. In order to perform the demanding tasks effectively, a system analyst is required to possess various skills. Foremost, the analyst needs a wide knowledge of the enterprise he works for. He should have a profound familiarity of how the business operates. In addition, it is fundamental to have a superior comprehension of how businesses in the field operate; particularly competitors. He should have good interpersonal skills in order to enable him get information he requires for viable systems. All the information an analyst requires are fished from colleagues and other stakeholders. In order to get reliable information, he must be able to create a good rapport and correlate with others. Finally, a system analyst must have a reputable ability to solve problems (Shelly 2012, 32). He should be able to think quickly to solve challenging situations and find alternatives to dilemmas. Most important, an analyst must have a deep understanding of changes in the ICT world. He should be able to a dapt easily to the dynamics of the technological field and remain
Monday, September 23, 2019
Causes and effects of child labor during and after the industrial Essay
Causes and effects of child labor during and after the industrial revolution - Essay Example Unfortunately, these families would be disappointed to discover that life was not as attractive as they had hoped; jobs required long working hours and were not paying well. As a result, every family member had to work just so the family would be above the poverty line. Conditions for children who had to work were very harsh; workdays would be as long as 14 hours with few breaks. In the factories, the conditions were very dangerous with injuries and deaths. The machines were very fast and could easily catch ones limbs. Moreover, the factory environment was toxic and polluted which often lead to illnesses and chronic diseases and conditions. The rural areas were not any better for the children; children would spend long hours harvesting crops with extreme temperatures. Children who worked had the disadvantage of not going to school (Grier 2009). Indeed the state of affairs during the Industrial revolution was sad for
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Possible Effects Of Global Warming Essay Example for Free
Possible Effects Of Global Warming Essay If the global temperature swells by another 7 degrees, then it may result in melting of polar ice which may result in about a 3 to 4 foot increase in sea levels. If such thing happens, then many low lying areas in the world especially Bangladesh, Netherlands, Guam, Indonesia, Maldives and Sri Lanka could be engulfed by sea waters. Increase in global temperature may trigger the spread of dreadful diseases like Malaria, Virus fever, dengue fever and other sub-tropical diseases. Ever increasing temperature may upset weather patterns all over the world , causing starvation due to drought in prime food –producing regions namely South Asia , sub-Saharan Africa and tropical Latin America. Due to unprecedented increase in temperature, the whole gamut of species of animals and plants could be wiped out. 7. MAJOR PLAYERS OF GLOBAL WARMING: U. S. A is not only a foremost economy of the world but also the largest consumer of fossil fuels and naturally, it is the biggest producer of greenhouse gasses, comprising of more than 20% of the world’s carbon dioxide emission which is about 5 billion metric tons. Being the most industrialized economy, U. S. A is heavily depending on coal, oil and natural gas for its energy needs and hence U. S. A government is rather reluctant to initiate any appropriate steps to limit the greenhouse gas emissions and charges that Arrhenius theory is only a myth. U. S. A is averse to initiate any immediate action restraining the use of fossil fuels or to limit such use as they fear it would have long term effect on its economy. According to Global Climate Change Coalition, an industry group which is vehemently opposing prescribing mandatory limits on greenhouse gas emissions as it would result in the ruining of economy. Further , a study pursued by the coalition group forecasts that if U. S. A pursues some measures on restricting its greenhouse gas emission , then it would result about a 3% decline in U. S gross domestic product by 2010, resulting in a fall of 25% in the growth rate of American’s standard of living. Fig 1: Source: Pew Centre on Global Climate Change, December 2004. 8. PREVENTIVE MEASURES: An international treaty namely ‘The Kyoto Protocol ‘was adopted in Kyoto, in Japan in 1997 mainly to curb the emissions of greenhouse gasses. The Kyoto Protocol has prescribed mandating limits on carbon emissions which took effect in 2005 nearly after eight years of it was introduced. Regrettably, U. S. A, the world’s top carbon emitter has yet to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. Some Energy companies and economists have proposed to introduce taxing carbon as an enticement to tempt both the industries and consumers to use low carbon emitting fuels. Gases like Chlorofluorocarbons [CFC] are man made ones and this gas was used as propellants in aerosol containers, as refrigerants and also being used as a solvent in the manufacture of computer chip. It has been discovered that CFC were mutilating the stratospheric ozone layer thereby permitting majority of the sun’s destructive ultraviolet radiation to reach the Earth. The World CFC manufacturers have agreed to phase out their production of CFC by signing 1987 Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone layer. It is to be observed that the man made gasses like CFC is damaging the Ozone layer only very little and the major culprit is the carbon dioxide. Further felling the trees also contribute the level of CO2 high in the atmosphere as green trees helps to remove the gasses from the atmosphere or to maintain equilibrium. During the May 2005, New Zealand had introduced â€Å"carbon taxes’ mainly to dissuade excessive use of carbon oriented fuels. Thus, New Zealand had imposed about 6% to home electricity consumption and 9% for business energy cost. By 2012, all signatories to Kyoto Protocol should reduce their GHG emissions to less than 5% which is below 1990 levels. Likewise, The European Union had introduced a regional cap –and-trade policy to make it convenient for high emitting EU countries to oblige. 9. ADVANTAGES OF LIMITING THE EMISSION: Some U. S industries, though initially opposed to prescribe caps on emission, later considered that the stricter policy as not only environmentally essential but also potentially advantageous to economy since it will push for the invention of new technologies. Further, Title IV of the 1992 Clean Air Act demanded industries and utilities to minimize their sulfur dioxide emissions which are released by burning coal. Many companies who have exceeded their target sold their excess allowances to some companies that fall short of complying the above provision. Thus, a market in sulfur dioxide allowances materialized. The trading of these excess allowances is being conducted on the Chicago Board of Trading along with the markets for agricultural products and pork belly futures. 10. THE METHODOLOGY OF GREENHOUSE WARMING EARTH’S SURFACE: The greenhouse phenomenon is nothing about carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases discharged into the Earth’s atmosphere will trap solar heat and such trapping will warm the earth’s surface and earth’s lower atmosphere. The greenhouse gas emission effect has been explained in the following diagram: FIG 2: EFFECT OF GREEN HOUSE GAS EMISSION: Source: National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 11. CRITICS ARGUMENT AGAINST FINDINGS: Some critics like Sallie Baliunas who is Harvard University’s astrophysics argue that in the past century alone, there was an increase of just 0. 5 degree Celsius and not more than a 10 to 20 % of a degree could have been caused by human-made greenhouse gases. According to Baliunas, the 0. 5 to 1. 5 degree Celsius warming foretold by the computer simulations overstates the greenhouse effect created by the equivalent 50% buildup of carbon dioxide. Some critics argue that IPCC disclosure that there is a perceptible human influence on global climate†tosses the finding itself into air. Some critics vehemently lament that sea-level surge predictions are embellished as the temperature in polar region would still remain below freezing. Some points out those supporters have projected an illusion that global warming would result in the spread of malaria and mosquito oriented diseases. Supporters of global warming have forgotten to take into account the advanced technology available as on date like air-conditioning, mosquito repellents and mosquito coils and modern medicines have completely eradicated Malaria from the soil of U. S. A and substantially in other countries. Likewise, critics assailed a report forecasting that algal blooms amplified by warming waters would cause cholera was disparaged as unfounded one by the evidence. 12. IPCC’s FINDINGS ON GLOBAL WARMING: United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC] has made the following revelations about global warming; ? There will be an increase of 15 to 90 centimeters in sea levels or by 6 inches to 3 feet by the year 2100. This mainly due to raising global warming which will melt polar ice sheets and the glaziers and there will be an expansion of water due to its getting warmed. ? Global warming will result in increase of extremely hotter days and there will be shrinking of cold days in general. ? There will be drastic change in weather pattern causing havoc floods like Katrina and some provinces will be engulfed by famine or droughts. ? There will be an intensity of rainfall as scientists would not predict whether severe storms and tropical cyclones would transform the intensity and location. If the sea level increases from half –foot to three feet level , then that would extensively flood the areas like parts of south Florida and southern Louisiana and would create an wide-ranging infrastructure changes in cities like Texas , Dallas , S. C , Charleston and some extent New York City. Further, regional warming trend over the past five decades has made ice shelves along the coast of Antarctica to crumple. Some supporters of the global warming argue that people would be benefit from climate change. According to World Climate Report, warmer climate will pave the way for opening up Siberia and northern Canada suitable for agriculture production, increase the rainfall globally and minimize the perils of winter driving. According to World Climate Report magazine that global warming would usher more advantages and these advantage will overtake its disadvantages. Imagine a warmer climate in poles, Siberia and in Netherlands. It would drastically reduce the energy consumption on heating, reduced clothing expenses, transportation will be less problematic and overall death rates would be at a lower level. Plants absorb the carbon dioxide through their leaves, employ it in the process of photosynthesis and then emit oxygen. Thus, the oxygen released by plant is taken up by the animals for their existence. Thus, carbon dioxide released by animals is returned to atmosphere and once again taken up by the plants as well as by oceans that envelop the Earth’s surface. 13. FUTURE ACTIONS TO BE PURSUED: United States, China and India are the three countries which have to be involved for the long-term reduction and these countries are not part of Kyoto’s Protocol first round. Since United States is not a signatory to the Kyoto’s Protocol, cutting emissions below 1990 level would be impossible to achieve. 14. ALTERNATE ENERGY: Wind energy is being employed in a large capacity in Germany and in a substantial way in countries like India, Denmark U. S, and Spain. As of today, wind energy is growing in a fast space due to technological advancement. It is to be observed that wind energy does not harm the environment and does not generate any greenhouse gases or atmospheric emission. Wind energy is named as renewable energy as it is replenishable and depends upon the sun as it is a form of solar energy. Hence, as long as sun is there, wind energy can be harnessed without any limit. Tidal energy is being harnessed to manufacture electricity also. A tidal power plant is in operation on the Rance River, an estuary of the English Channel in northwestern France since summer 1966. Tidal power plants will be most effective if the difference between high and low tides is enormous, as in Rance estuary, it is estimated that the difference is around 8. 5m or about 28 feet. Nuclear energy is a clean, competent and cost effective energy of the future. Some argue that though the nuclear energy is costly but it can be tolerated as it is a very efficient form of energy. For example, when set of uranium fuel rods is fitted in a nuclear reactor, it needs not to be replaced for many years. Further, uranium is available in plenty and its supplies are assured for many centuries ahead. As compared to fossil fuel based power plants , nuclear power plants does not emit toxic gasses in the atmosphere which ultimately responsible for global warming. It is to be remembered that a nuclear power plant does not pollute either the atmosphere or the water as compared to a coal-fired power plant.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Pioneer Square Observation Report Essay Example for Free
Pioneer Square Observation Report Essay In Pioneer square there are many places to sit and observe the people whom pass by, but perhaps one of the most interesting places to go is the food court inside the pioneer square mall. I found that the best time to observe all the micro cultures was at lunch time, when people take a break from their busy lives to come and enjoy a lunch from a variety of choices. The environment is one of the other things that I was able to notice right away, not only the setting but also how the environment affects the people at the food court, and the one thing that stood out the most while I observing the food court was the authority within the court. One of the first things I was set out to find while doing the observation in the food court of the Pioneer Square mall was to find the micro cultures. I was able to observe three major micro cultures. There were people who passed by in a hurry, it seemed like they had somewhere to be. They seemed to go by so fast with a phone in their ear, or in their hands to even notice the other people surrounding them. The second micro culture I was able study was the people ordering from various places in the food court. The most common thing I noticed within this micro culture was the way they each stood still for a while as if they were weighing their options of all the food choices they had, then once they ordered their food would sit; whether it was in the lower part or on the stage of the food court, and after that they all seemed to do the same thing. They talked among themselves, and when done they cleaned their space and left. The last and the most obvious micro culture within the food court were the employees working in their little space of a restaurant. Within this micro culture the people seemed very quiet as the food court was empty but as lunch time came around and people started to appear, they seemed to cheer up. When people started coming around the food court into their restaurant, they interacted with the people in a very enthusiastic way, and some would start a conversation or offer free samples all in order to pull people into their restaurant. I was also able to notice that the environment had a lot to do with the actions of people. The environment in the food court was the first thing that stood out as I entered. The environment was serene and very unique from most food courts. They were playing jazz music in the background, which to me made it seem like it kept the food court peaceful and enjoyable. While I was sitting there I was able to notice that the food court was designed to complement the calmness of the environment with its hanging lights, wooden chairs, and what seemed like black granite tables, with a large fountain running in the middle of the food court, where many people eating liked to stare at its beauty. The fountain was something incapable of missing. Another thing that was hard to miss in the food court while eating, was the authority with the mall cops who were passing by every now and then. Surprisingly I was able to find was that they were very friendly to everyone, and in return the public was very respectful and friendly back. I believe that the respect and friendliness that comes from the public comes mainly because of the fact that the mall cops have power, and they have the authority to take you out of the mall, so the public obeys by their rules. To do this observation at its fullest I had to put my ethnocentrism away and be very open minded about the observations I was to do. Doing this was what made it possible for me to get all these observations of the micro cultures, environment, and the authority within a food court at Pioneer Square mall.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Fear Of Crime Female Vs Male Criminology Essay
Fear Of Crime Female Vs Male Criminology Essay Introduction The level of fear of crime across different groups within the community is a major contributor to the Governments focus on the type of support communities require to maintain the feeling of safety. By understanding the dynamics of fear, we are able to predict areas of likely crime through understanding the psyche of the predator and alpha type crimes along with other illegal activities. Due to the generally accepted level of safety within the majority of Australias westernised communities, a common low level of continuous fear to immediate self is evident. Therefore, to qualify this assessment, the Fear of Crime between genders will be considered across multiple situations rather than localities. The analyses derived in this paper are borne from research surveys delivered across a general and random sample of the local community. This will provide an insight into the relationship between gender and vulnerability to crime; whether it is perceived or actual. The study is limited by num ber of people in one country and can be treated as base for developing further research. Previous Research We all must know and understand fear of crime which is explained as peoples emotional response to crime. It can be safely admitted from the surveys conducted that women has more fear of crime than other population groups. Fear of crime is associated with perceptions of local problems, derived mainly from a high incidence of physical and social incivility. Women have been observed to be amongst the most vulnerable groups. There are number of communities having large fear of crime amongst all the population. The problem can be classified as crime as it serious for any segment of population to live with fear of crime. The fear problem has emerged as serious concern since last three decades, and statistical figures of Australian women indicate that womens fear of crime is greater among those who have lower incomes, those in the older age groups, and those living with a partner. Women fear is characterised by dual nature namely: concrete and formless fear. Concrete fear is the fear associated with certain crimes. The implicit assumption here is that some criminal activities cause more fear than others. For example, rape fear is much more than fear than theft. Formless fear, however, is a more generic or less specific fear of crime. Younger generations have reported higher levels of both types of fear. Studies conclude that younger women reported highest results for concrete fear, or fear of specific crimes. Women consider fear of rape equivalent to fear of murder. Fear is stronger in single as compared to married women. Additionally, experiencing specific offences is better predictor of fear from specific happenings than others. The degree of fear may differ from low to high level. Studies are conducted by providing specific situations to the respondents about the degree of anxiety and fear from the situations. The situations are common in our general routin e e.g. a) walking in their neighborhood at night, b) taking public transport, c) using a parking garage, and d) being home. The response categories are segregated as level of fear as: not at all worried (0), and worried (1). Logistic regression was utilized to determine the effect of demographic, experiential, and behavioral variables on fear in four situations. Majority of women narrated having at least once incidence of violence in last 12 months, approximately two thirds (66.4%) of respondents reported receiving an obscene phone call, while three out of five reported receiving unwanted attention from a stranger. Almost one third (32.4%) reported being followed by a stranger in a way that frightened them. A large proportion of women reported being somewhat or very worried walking in their neighborhood at night (61.0%). Factor of personal income is not significant factor in predicting fear while using public transportation. Women with higher levels of education were 5.2 percent mor e likely to be worried while in the transportation situation, 5.1 percent more likely to report being worried while in a parking garage alone at night, but 3.2 percent less likely to report fear while home alone in the evening (Scott, 2003). Research studies also indicate that women who have already experienced violence, especially victims of domestic violence, become more fearful for crime as against other women. It was surprising to note from the revelations that 58 per cent of female homicide victims have assailants who are intimates/former intimates. These facts provide a strong argument for early intervention to prevent domestic violence and provide assistance to dysfunctional and violent families. In another survey from the sample of 6333 respondents, approximately 70% of the Women felt unsafe when walking alone in their area after dark, which is higher than the percentages reported by the 1996 British Crime Survey (47%) and the 1991 Queensland Crime Victims Survey (45.3%). However, these figures are much lower than the result obtained in a study carried out in Edinburgh in 1992 (Carcarh, Mukherjee, 1999). Fear of Crime in the Home Under the crimes at home, there is important contribution of domestic violence. Under this aspect though domestic violence can impact both genders but the history confirms that chances of crime against women are high. This is mainly due to reason that women may be exposed to domestic violence at home on regular basis. The domestic violence is a crime and involves sexual abuse (whether you are married to the other person or not); physical abuse or assault (for example, slapping, biting, kicking, and threats of physical violence); damage to property or anything you value; economic abuse, that is, when the other person keeps money to which you are legally entitled, emotional abuse (that is, degrading or humiliating behaviour, including repeated insults, belittling, cursing and threats), and any other controlling or abusive behaviour which poses a threat to your safety, health or well-being. It was been amazing to observe that Women living with a partner are likely to experience greater fear of violence. The research shows that even the conclusion drawn by Madrizs (1997) indicated that women victims of domestic violence have to face violence at home and violence on the streets that other women face, which increase their level of fear of crime in the community. Women facing physical violence by males will report fear from crime double than the women who have not experience physical violence at all. These results support Madrizs (1997) finding that women victims of domestic violence have to face violence at home and violence on the streets that other women face, which would increase their level of fear of crime in the community (Carcach, Mukherjee, 1999). The Gender Difference in Fear of Crime Studies have indicated that though both genders are prone to crime but majority of the studies confirm the gender differential is the most consistent finding in the literature on fear of crime. There is reporting of fear of crime by women at levels that are three times that of men (Chan, 2008). Since last three decades, there has been lot of concern about women safety in the police communication in Australia, England, Canada and Wales. Police and local authorities issued safety advice to women. One of the research studies conducted (Grade 1989) focus on crime prevention indicating women as prime consumers of targeted advice about personal safety. However, review of data shows that young men are most at risk to personal violence in public. Despite this, women are considered the most important constituency for guidance about danger. Literature Review The effects of demographic variables on fear are mixed. There may be number of incidents of events which can create fear in the minds. One of such thinking is when people walk alone in ones neighborhood at night. Where many demographic variables increase fear while walking in ones neighborhood or being home alone at night (i.e. lower education levels, lower reported personal income, and living in an urban area). Majority of people understand fear of crime centered on findings using respondents feelings of fear or worry while walking in their neighborhood at night. There is another fear i.e fear of strangers which has been suitably referred to as stranger danger. During childhood, all of us are told to be wary of strangers. Women fear the danger posed by strange men even though statistics show that women are more likely to be victimized by individuals they know. It would appear that they are most afraid of the surprise sexual attack by the unknown assailant, despite the fact that stat istics and public service media campaigns are making women aware of dangers of dating and marital situations. Number of survey reports discuss about the fear of crime and indicate relatively small but statistically significant differences between fear rates expressed by men and women. Majority of women are believed to be fearful of crime; and all men fearless (Gilchrist, 1988). Studies are limited to explain why women might harbor anxiety about their personal safety. Skogan and Maxfield (1981) suggest that womens fear of crime is because of their physical and social openness. Womens fear of sexual assault i.e. fear of rape also causes lack of safety amongst the women. Research Questions This research is to assist with the targeting of safety programs and the determination of focus for future community groups and activities. This paper will address the problem of which gender within the local community fears crime, whether actual or perceived, and the times that they feel most unsafe. By understanding this, programs can be directed towards these groups and the understanding of safety and their options when confronted with a situation can be addressed. Based on collected statically data this paper will directly address the aspects of the genders influence of the fear of crime: Do the different genders fear crime differently? What affect does age have on females fear of crime? Do females feel safer at home during the day or evening? Due to the results of the above previous research and general perception within the Westernised Urban Australian culture, it is expected that females will report a higher level of fear of crime. Because of this the second and third questions within this report will focus on the different generations and locations in which females fear crime; including showing the amounts in which it various. If the results unexpectedly show that males are more fearful of crime, then the questions regarding the female generations and locations effects of their perceived fear are still warranted and are able to be used to target female related programs. Method This analysis utilises data collected by previous research groups over the past few years. This offers the advantage of including the indexing of generations over time allowing a slightly more average and round return compared to a frozen snapshot in time. The survey was conducted across all age groups from varying social-economic backgrounds and cultures. Also the location spread of the survey focuses on South East Queensland however reaches into other states and some samples are returned from overseas (Micronesia). Sampling was conducted via a take home survey with instructions included. There was a directed expectation of integrity of answers, which created minimal cross-contamination. Immediately upon completion, surveys were to be returned via either mail or in person allowing coalition and further reducing the possibility of corrupted samples. Fear of crime will be the dependent variable and will indicate the level of felt across the genders in varying situations. The gender of respondent is the independent variable which is being assessed as to whether it relates to the fear of crime and in addition to gender, age [1] and time of day will also be independent variables. All these variables will be determined by the survey responses and the dependent variable will be tested for statistical independence. Analytic Techniques Summary of analysis completed The data is presented in tabular format along with graphs and charts. All descriptive statistics is calculated for each variable on interval or ratio scale. Further, data is analysed using statistical techniques such as chi-square test, one- way ANOVA followed by POST HOC tests, Z-test for comparing mean etc. Level of significance is fixed at 5%. All p-value less than 0.05 will be treated as significant. Dealing with missing data Missing data is almost part of every research. In this study, missing data is limited to a small number of subjects. Hence we opted a list-wise deletion of subjects. Only the subjects with missing data will be eliminated from the study. That is if a subject is missing data on any of the variables used in the analysis, it is completed eliminated. Dealing with outliers, errors etc. Dealing with outliers and errors is very difficult. In this study, we found very less outliers and errors. All subjects with outliers or errors are excluded from the study. Since errors are at random, it makes no much effect on study, if we remove them from the study. Any other problems in completing the analysis (e.g. violations of requirements) Before conducting all parametric tests, all the necessary required conditions are checked and further analysis is done. For parametric tests, normality assumption is checked. All data is found to be approximated normally distributed. Age-wise distribution Gender Frequency Percent Male 162 45.6 Female 193 54.4 Total 355 100.0 Findings Question one or Hypothesis One: Does fear of crime differ by gender? Table gender * Afraid group Cross tabulation Afraid Score Total Afraid Score less than 4 Afraid score between 4-6 Afraid Score above 6 gender Male Count 83 61 16 160 % of Total 23.5% 17.3% 4.5% 45.3% Female Count 53 76 64 193 % of Total 15.0% 21.5% 18.1% 54.7% Total Count 136 137 80 353 % of Total 38.5% 38.8% 22.7% 100.0% Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Pearson Chi-Square 34.275a 2 .000 Likelihood Ratio 36.068 2 .000 Linear-by-Linear Association 33.650 1 .000 N of Valid Cases 353 Conclusion: Parsons Chi-square is found to be 34.275 with p-value Respondents Perceived Level of Unsafety While at Home During the Day and Gender gender * safe day Cross tabulation safe day Total Very Unsafe Unsafe Neither safe nor unsafe Safe Very safe Never home alone during the day gender Male Count 1 3 4 35 111 1 155 % of Total .3% .9% 1.2% 10% 32.3% .3% 451% Female Count 3 7 24 72 83 0 189 % of Total .9% 2.0% 7.0% 20% 24.1% .0% 55% Total Count 4 10 28 107 194 1 344 % of Total 1.2% 2.9% 8.1% 31% 56.4% .3% 100% Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Pearson Chi-Square 31.670a 5 .000 Likelihood Ratio 33.680 5 .000 Linear-by-Linear Association 24.327 1 .000 N of Valid Cases 344 Conclusion: Parsons Chi-square is found to be 31.670 with p-value Question Two or Hypothesis Two: Are older women more fearful than younger women? Graph age * Fear Group Cross tabulation Fear Group Total Fear Score less than 3 Fear Score between 4 -6 Fear Score above 6 age Age Group 18 -24 Count 12 14 14 40 % of Total 6.3% 7.3% 7.3% 20.8% Age Group 25-34 Count 15 30 13 58 % of Total 7.8% 15.6% 6.8% 30.2% Age Group 34-44 Count 13 14 11 38 % of Total 7.3% 5.7% 19.8% Age Group 45-54 Count 8 9 10 27 % of Total 4.7% 5.2% 14.1% Age Group 55-64 Count 6 6 4 16 % of Total 3.1% 6.8% 2.1% 8.3% Age group 65 and over Count 2 5 6 13 % of Total 1.0% 4.2% 3.1% 6.8% Total Count 56 78 6 192 % of Total 29.2% 40.6% 30.2% 100.0% Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Pearson Chi-Square 7.544a 10 .673 Likelihood Ratio 7.512 10 .676 Linear-by-Linear Association .284 1 .594 N of Valid Cases 192 Conclusion: Parsons Chi-square is found to be 7.544 with p-value > 0.05; hence there is no significant association between fear and age group. Hence we can conclude that, age is not associated with fear. Average Score of Female Respondents Fear of Crime and Age e.g. Table or graph, ANOVA Test Descriptive (Fear) N Mean Std. Deviation 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound Upper Bound Age Group 18 -24 40 5.1162 2.44853 4.3332 5.8993 Age Group 25-34 58 4.3498 1.91327 3.8468 4.8529 Age Group 34-44 38 4.3447 2.24761 3.6060 5.0835 Age Group 45-54 27 4.8770 2.42666 3.9171 5.8370 Age Group 55-64 16 4.6325 2.57747 3.2591 6.0059 Age group 65 and over 13 6.0692 2.60333 4.4961 7.6424 Total 192 4.7226 2.29671 4.3957 5.0495 ANOVA fear2 Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 44.032 5 8.806 1.700 .137 Within Groups 963.469 186 5.180 Total 1007.500 191 Conclusion: there is no significant difference in fear score among various age groups. F= 1.70, p > 0.05, hence we can conclude that the fear score is almost same among persons of all age groups. Female Respondents Received Level of Unsafety While at Home During the Day and Age e.g. Table or graph, ANOVA Test Descriptive (safe day) N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound Upper Bound Age Group 18 -24 39 4.3846 .84652 .13555 4.1102 4.6590 Age Group 25-34 57 4.2456 .66227 .08772 4.0699 4.4213 Age Group 34-44 37 4.0000 1.20185 .19758 3.5993 4.4007 Age Group 45-54 26 4.3846 .75243 .14756 4.0807 4.6885 Age Group 55-64 16 4.0625 1.06262 .26566 3.4963 4.6287 Age group 65 and over 13 3.6923 1.03155 .28610 3.0689 4.3157 Total 188 4.1915 .91074 .06642 4.0605 4.3225 ANOVA safe day Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 7.454 5 1.491 1.838 .108 Within Groups 147.653 182 .811 Total 155.106 187 Conclusion: there is no significant difference in safe day score among various age groups. F= 7.454, p > 0.05, there is no significant difference between feeling safety during day score and age. Female Respondents Perceived Level of Unsafety While At Home Alone After Dark and Age e.g. Table or graph, ANOVA Test N Mean Std. Deviation 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound Upper Bound Age Group 18 -24 34 9.1765 2.25637 1.3036 17.0493 Age Group 25-34 46 7.9130 1.94569 2.1351 13.6910 Age Group 34-44 33 3.5758 1.25076 3.1323 4.0193 Age Group 45-54 25 1.1760 2.59700 1.0401 22.4799 Age Group 55-64 16 1.5125 3.23787 -2.1284 32.3784 Age group 65 and over 11 2.6364 .92442 2.0153 3.2574 Total 165 8.2364 2.035861 5.1069 11.3658 ANOVA safenite Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 2166.272 5 433.254 1.047 .392 Within Groups 65807.509 159 413.884 Total 67973.782 164 Conclusion: there is no significant difference in safe night score among various age groups. F= 1.047, p > 0.05, there is no significant difference between feeling safety during night score and age. Question Three or Hypothesis Three: Average Score of Female Respondents Fear of Crime and Live Alone E.g. Table or graph, z-test of mean differences Descriptive (Fear) N Mean Std. Deviation 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound Upper Bound Live Alone 121 4.6625 2.32150 4.2446 5.0803 Dont live alone 17 6.1000 2.13131 5.0042 7.1958 Total 138 4.8396 2.34008 4.4457 5.2335 ANOVA fear2 Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 30.802 1 30.802 5.823 .017 Within Groups 719.406 136 5.290 Total 750.208 137 Conclusion: there is significant difference in fear score women who live alone and dont live alone at home. F= 5.823, p Female Respondents Received Level of Unsafety While at Home Alone During the Day and Lives Alone E.g. Table or graph, z-test of mean differences Female Respondents Received Level of Unsafety While a Home Alone After Dark and Lives Alone E.g. Table or graph, z-test of mean differences N Mean Std. Deviation 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound Upper Bound safe day Live Alone 119 4.1176 .91296 3.9519 4.2834 Dont live alone 16 3.6875 1.07819 3.1130 4.2620 Total 135 4.0667 .93999 3.9067 4.2267 safenite Live Alone 102 5.5000 13.19747 2.9078 8.0922 Dont live alone 14 2.1429 .77033 1.6981 2.5876 Total 116 5.0948 12.41946 2.8107 7.3789 ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. safe day Between Groups 2.610 1 2.610 2.997 .086 Within Groups 115.790 133 .871 Total 118.400 134 safenite Between Groups 138.743 1 138.743 .899 .345 Within Groups 17599.214 114 154.379 Total 17737.957 115 Conclusion: There is no significant difference in fear score of women who live alone and dont live alone at home during day. F= 2.997, p > 0.05, there is significant difference between feeling safety during day score and living alone status. There is no significant difference in fear score of women who live alone and dont live alone at home during day. F= 2.997, p > 0.05, there is significant difference between feeling safety during day score and living alone status. Discussion/Conclusion Summary of Results: how did you answer each question/hypothesis? Each hypothesis is tested for rejection with appropriate test of significance. The level of significance is set at 5%. All p-values greater than 0.05 will be treated as insignificant and the null hypothesis will be accepted. Implications of findings for theoretical explanations In this, out of 355 respondents, 162 (45.4%) are males and 193 (55.6%) are females. This study clearly shows that there is significant association between gender and fear of crime (p 0.05). The level of fear is almost equal among all age groups in women. No significant difference was found in the average score of fear between different age groups of women (p-value > 0.05). There is no significant difference in safe night score among various age groups in women (p-value > 0.05). There is significant difference in fear score among women who live alone and dont live alone at home (p Limitations of the Research There are limitations to this study. Firstly the sample size only pertains to only one country and considering all are local population, the data does not give diversity of opinion. Australia is a country where population has settled form wide range of countries and their cultural differences have not been considered. The survey is conducted only in English and non English speaking women must be unable to report their experiences of victimization. As a result, these indicators lack sufficient data regarding the prevalence of violence against immigrant women as well as some groups of Aboriginal women. Majority of countries are carving out funds for preventing violence against women. The real effect is yet to be seen. Future research is required to look into use of these funds and any improvement the funds could generate. Moreover, due to the different sources of data used in this document, comparisons over time and between jurisdictions have been done. Moreover, quantitative data may have serious limitations. They cannot portray the reality of violence in the lives of individual women the fear such violence instills and the trauma it causes. It is the answers of women themselves that is necessary to provide the context and texture of that reality. Quantitative data always need to be complemented by qualitative data to give an accurate and complete picture of violence against women. The sample sizes do not permit the disaggregation of data on violence against immigrant and refugee women, women of color, women with disabilities, teenage women and girls, older women, women living in poverty, homeless women, women in rural and remote communities and bisexual women. In the absence of sufficient data on women in all their diversity, these indicators cannot provide a complete profile of the experiences of all women in Australia or their experiences of violence through their lifecycles. It was also noted that there is a lack of national data on the individual economic costs of violence against women including costs of the loss of financial supports, legal services, housing, mental and physical health etc. The study has not assumed the percentage of people not reporting crime because of loss of their self reputation. In certain areas, such as violence against women, methodological shortcomings and lack of reporting, or under-reporting, led to inaccurate data collection, and such unreliable or mislea
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Awakening :: Essays Papers
The Awakening Edna’s awakening, from the beginning in Grand Isle, to her life in New Orleans and finally her death back in Grand Isle, takes place quite suddenly. She goes from a quiet, reserved lady, to an outspoken, strong-willed woman. Despite this dramatic change, one characteristic remained constant throughout the book. She was very confused about who she was and what she wanted in life. She is pursued by Robert, and is surprised when feelings for him stir inside her. At the beginning of the book, she dismisses him, mainly because she was married. â€Å"Mrs. Pontellier was glad he had not assumed a similar role toward herself. It would have been unacceptable and annoying.†As the weeks go on, her attitude changes greatly. Her response to Robert is one of love and passion. â€Å"I love you,†she whispered â€Å"only you, no one but you†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (page 179, fifth paragraph). Edna often doesn’t understand her emotions and what is going on in her head, and she also frequently misinterprets them. Because of this she is a very unpredictable character, her actions and words are inconsistent in their messages. â€Å"Edna Pontellier could not have told why, wishing to go to the beach with Robert, she should in the first place have declined, and in the second place have followed in obedience to one of the two contradictory impulses which impelled her." â€Å"Yes,†she said. â€Å"The years that are gone seem like dreams- if one might go on sleeping and dreaming- but to wake up and find- oh! well! perhaps it is better to wake up after all, even if to suffer, rather than to remain a dupe to illusions all one’s life.†She seemed to welcome her awakening and, at first, enjoyed it. There were drawbacks to it though, just as benefits. People around her were deeply hurt by some of her independent, and sometimes self-absorbed, actions. By letting her feelings for Robert in, she discovered passion, but at the same time, pain and loss. The thought of continuing her life the way it was, and not being able to be with Robert drove her to such despair she came to the conclusion it was better off not living. As sad as this seems, she was at peace with herself when she died, which ultimately was all that she was striving for.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Minimum Wage Should be Raised Essay -- Increase Minimum Wage Essays
Minimum wages go all the way back to 1938, during the great depression, when the stock market crash and bank loan were failing. Families need income of some type, were they wanted to make it fair were individual could get pay the same without a college degree. I am going to start off with a little about minimum wages history and how this could help our Economic. In 1892 Federal Government adopt an 8 hour workday and other wages standard for employee. In 1903 Congress create the U.S. Department of Commerce and Labor. In 1933 Congress passes the National Industrial Recovery Act covering private sector wage hour (Congressional Digest). â€Å"On Saturday, June 25, 1938, to avoid pocket vetoes 9 days after Congress had adjourned, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed 121 bills. Among these bills was a landmark law in the Nation’s social and economic development- Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938†(Jonathan Grossman, Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 becomes basic federal statute governing minimum wage, working hour, equal pay, and child labor. Minimum wages was set at .25 cents an hour (Congressional Digest). Congress could raise minimum wages if our economic growth was better. Congress just cannot change minimum wage overnight. This take time and also studies to make sure the United State business can afford to pay more. But also now that minimum wages is only $7.25. Now, somehow the President and Congress think that a low-income family can live off less than $15,080 a year in 2012, according to David and Doug. Minimum wages did not fall pass the poverty line till about 1980. But also the value of a dollar was worth way more back then. During are economic growth has expanded, in which it means more people, and not enough job... ... in better shape today we would be making more than $7.25. But the value of a dollar is not worth what it once was. I believe that today minimum wage should be raised because everyone will need to have health insurance because it became a law in 2014. Works Cited Cooper, David, and Doug Hall. "Raising the Federal Minimum Wage to $10.10 Would Give Working Families, and the Overall Economy, a Much Needed Boost." N.p., 13 Mar. 2013. Web. 01 Dec. 2013. "Fair Labor Standard Timeline Evolution of Fedral Minimum Wage Law." Congressional Digest. N.p., Mar. 2007. Web. 1 Dec. 2013. "Home - Wage and Hour Division (WHD) - U.S. Department of Labor." Home - Wage and Hour Division (WHD) - U.S. Department of Labor. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Dec. 2013. "Rebuilding an Economy That Works for All of Us." Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2013. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2013.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Bad Side of Social Network
The bad side of social networks Social network is been lately very popular in society. Because of this all the users wants to be aware of what the other person is posting. Social network is a bad influence for most of the people because sometimes it appears windows that you don’t want to see. Social networks has changed the way people interact. In many ways, has led to positive changes in the way people communicate and share information, however, it has a bad side, as well. Social networking can sometimes result in negative outcomes, some with long-term consequences.It’s a waste of time because you don’t take advantage of your free time in some pages like games or Facebook, MySpace, Hi5, etc, while you can be reading a book or cleaning your room or whatever. You’are in diasplay to all the people, like in facebook you upload a photo of the place you are and everybody see’s where are you at. Many social networking sites regularly make changes that req uire you to update your settings in order to maintain your privacy, and frequently it is difficult to discover how enable settings for your appropriate level of privacy. Related reading: The Other Side of EmailBecause of this, many users do not realize how much private information they are allowing to become public by not re-evaluating settings every time the network makes a change. Tagging can also serve as an invasion of privacy. When social networking sites have a â€Å"tagging†option, unless you disable it, friends or acquaintances may be able to tag you in posts or photographs that reveal sensitive data. In other way it can be good to have facebook or other social network, but just for fun and reconect to old friends, like the friend in primary school that you never saw them again.But most of the time social networks are bad because is a waste of time, it can cause an addiction, and maybe cause a lot of problems. In conclussion, while social networking has clearly demonstrable negative impacts, it is most likely here to stay. Deciding whether you or your children will use social networking is an individual choice. By using it responsibly and encouraging your children to do the same, you can harness the benefits of social networking while avoiding the drawbacks.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Enculturation is the process where the culture that is currently established teaches an individual the accepted norms and values of the culture or society in which the individual lives. The individual can become an accepted member and fulfill the needed functions and roles of the group. Most importantly the individual knows and establishes a context of boundaries and accepted behavior that dictates what is acceptable and not acceptable within the framework of that society. It teaches the individual their role within society as well as what is accepted behavior within that society and lifestyle†Enculturation can be conscious or unconscious, therefore can support both the Marxist and the hegemonic arguments. There are three ways a person learns a culture. Direct teaching of a culture is done, this is what happens when you don't pay attention, mostly by the parents , when a person is told to do something because it is right and to not do something because it is bad. For example, when children ask for something, they are constantly asked â€Å"What do you say? †and the child is expected to remember to say â€Å"please. The second conscious way a person learns a culture is to watch others around them and to emulate their behavior. An example would be using different slang with different cliques in school. Enculturation also happens unconsciously, through events and behaviors that prevail in their culture. All three kinds of culturation happen simultaneously and all the time. Enculturation helps mold a person into an acceptable member of society. Culture influences everything that a person does, whether they are aware of it or not. Enculturation is a lifelong process that helps unify people. Even as a culture changes, core beliefs, values, worldviews, and child-rearing practices stay the same. How many times has a parent said â€Å"If all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you? †when their child wanted to fit in with the crowd? Both are playing roles in the enculturation. The child wants to be included in the subculture of their peers, and the parent wants to instill individualism in the child, through direct teaching. Not only does one become encultured, but also makes someone else encultured. Enculturation is sometimes referred to as acculturation, a word which recently has been used to more distinctively refer only to exchanges of cultural features with foreigncultures. Note that this is a recent development, as acculturation in some literatures has the same meaning as enculturation. Rilloraza, Lorna M. Tm09205 Enculturation is the process by which a person learns the requirements of the culture by which he or she is surrounded, and acquires values and behaviors that are appropriate or necessary in that culture. As part of this process, the influences which limit, direct, or shape the individual (whether deliberately or not) include parents, other adults, and peers. If successful, enculturation results in competence in the language, values and rituals of the culture. The process of enculturation is related to socialization. In some academic fields, socialization refers to the deliberate shaping of the individual, in others; the word may be used to cover both deliberate and informal enculturation. Enculturation can be conscious or unconscious; therefore can support both the Marxist and the hegemonic arguments. There are three ways a person learns a culture. Direct teaching of a culture is done, this is what happens when you don't pay attention, mostly by the parents , when a person is told to do something because it is right and to not do something because it is bad. For example, when children ask for something, they are constantly asked â€Å"What do you say? †and the child is expected to remember to say â€Å"please. †The second conscious way a person learns a culture is to watch others around them and to emulate their behavior. An example would be using different slang with different cliques in school. Enculturation also happens unconsciously, through events and behaviors that prevail in their culture. All three kinds of culturation happen simultaneously and all the time. Enculturation helps mold a person into an acceptable member of society. Culture influences everything that a person does, whether they are aware of it or not. Enculturation is a lifelong process that helps unify people. Even as a culture changes, core beliefs, values, worldviews, and child-rearing practices stay the same. How many times has a parent said â€Å"If all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you? when their child wanted to fit in with the crowd? Both are playing roles in the enculturation. The child wants to be included in the subculture of their peers, and the parent wants to instill individualism in the child, through direct teaching. Not only does one become encultured, but also makes someone else encultured. Enculturation is sometimes referred to as acculturation, a word which recently has been used to more distinctively refer only to exchanges of cultural features with foreign cultures. Note that this is a recent development, as acculturation in some literatures has the same meaning as enculturation.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Basketball Sports Editorial
The Stanford Cardinals men's basketball team won, 82-69 over visitng Arizona State on Thursday night. With the win, the Cardinals ended a two-game losing streak and continued their ninth straight win at home. This was an important game for the Pac-10 Conference teams. After the game, Stanford (9-4,13-9) remained a game behind co-leaders UCLA and California. Stanford senior, Matt Haryasz, who scored 22 points, said: â€Å"Right now we just need to win. We're only a game out of first and we think we got robbed out of one at U of A.We're going to be pumped up to play. †Haryasz, who has dealt with vision problems stemming from a poke to the eye two weeks ago at Oregon State, became the 35th player in school history to reach 1,000 points, following Hernandez, who reached the milestone earlier this season. Haryasz also became the 13th player to record 1,000 points and 600 rebounds. â€Å"This injury has put things in perspective for me,†Haryasz said. â€Å"Sometimes you ta ke things for granted like always being able to see perfectly. To go down with the eye injury was tough.It's nice to see again. †Stanford's Chris Hernandez scored 12 points and extended his consecutive free throw streak to 34. Hernandez is now seven shy of Todd Lichti's 41 straight, and 15 short of the school record held by Ryan Mendez. Also a senior at Stanford, Dan Grunfeld, scored a career-high 31 points against Arizona on Thursday. He made 9 of 11 shots from the field and all 11 of his free throws. He now has a total of 914 career points for Stanford. Grunfeld, a first-team all-conference pick last year, injured his knee last Feb. 2 and had surgery on Feb. 23. He missed the final nine games of the season, but his shooting and scoring have both been off from last year. â€Å"The fact that we won is more important, but it is special for me as far as coming back from an injury. †Grinfeld said. â€Å"I'm wearing a lighter brace now, and it's nice to be able to do thi ngs I wasn't able to do before. †Grunfeld began wearing the new brace in Saturday's loss at Gonzaga. Cardinal coach Treant Johnson said of Grunfeld and his new brace, â€Å"He's had a lot of bounce the last week.I thought at Gonzaga he looked real good. It's nice to have Danny back. †Haryas said, â€Å"You can tell he's moving more fluid, and that's good for the team. It's good to know he's able to do so much more. A bunch of times I hit him (with passes), he was wide open. He got a couple of easy buckets, went to the foul line and started rolling. †Stanford's Antwi Atuahene, who scored 10 points, stole the ball and went all the way in for a layin to draw Arizona State within 49-43 with 13:37 to play.He was called for a foul 17 seconds later, and a technical foul assessed on Sun Devil assistant coach Tony Benford moments later. Stanford made all four free throws on the play, and Hernandez added two more foul shots on the ensuing possession to push its lead bac k to double digits. Also on Thursday, Cal sent the University of Arizona Wildcats to their sixth conference loss. The Wildcats are coming to Stanford Maples Pavilion on Sunday at 12:30 p. m. for a key game.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Familiar Writing Style
Speech without circumlocution sometimes can hurt others' heart. – tact: n. The ability to do or say things without offending or upsetting other people Ex) SAT evaluates students' tact to understand a college level education. 6. Appeal to authority: citation of information from people recognized for their special knowledge of a subject for the purpose of strengthening a speaker or writers arguments.Causal relationship: of, involving, or constituting a cause in a relationship; cause and effect relationships Declamation: a rhetorical exercise or set speech. Capricious: given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior. Conciliatory: intended or likely to placate or pacify. Contemplative: expressing or involving prolonged thought. Glib: (of words or the person speaking them) fluent and voluble but insincere and shallow. Linguistic: the scientific study of language and its structure, including the duty of morphology, syntax, phonetics, and semantics.Pretentious: attempt ing to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc. , than is actually possessed. Strident: loud and harsh; grating. 7. L. The author put an anecdote about general misconceptions of familiar writing style on line 1-3. By criticizing the ideas which are opposite to his statement, his thesis can gain more power. This skill is the reduction to absurdity. II. The author used an antithesis on line 7-10. The author emphasized his idea through contrasting his idea with wrong conception.
PESO Online Job Posting System Essay
INTRODUCTION Today, we are living in a modern age engaged in highly computerized technology where computer devices manifest everywhere aiming to enhance individual lifestyle and most especially in the world of business. Manual operations are considered out of date and are left behind because of modern technology. Using computers and modern technology is a great help to every individual most especially to business transaction. Individuals and companies today wants manual operations to be replace with an automated one in order for them to have a better and easy lifestyle and operations. But today, many companies even local government offices are using manual operations that consume a lot of time, money and effort that gives every individual and companies a hard time. As modern technology continues to improve, all processes are automated and are moved onto the web or cloud based. The online job posting system replace the manual operation of the office regarding the posting of jobs, referral and screening of applicants, recording and creation of reports and information and screening and communication with companies. Online job posting will improve the office services and provides convenience on the applicants, employers and office staff. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Public Employment Service Office or PESO is a multi-service facility that was established to provide information and assistance to DOLE clients and constituents of local government units (LGU’s). It makes available under one roof the various employment programs and services of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) to enable all types of clientele to know more about them and to provide assistance on employment and income opportunities or other specific assistance needed. It’s services are to provide job fairs, livelihood and self-employment bazaars, Special Credit Assistance for Placed Overseas Workers, Special Program for Employment of Students and Out-of-School Youth, Work Appreciation Program, Workers Hiring for Infrastructure Projects and Other programs/activities developed by DOLE to enhance provision of employment assistance to PESO clients HISTORY This study focuses on the ordering process in Public Employment Service Office. The Public Employment Service Office or PESO is a non-fee charging multi-employment service facility or entity established or accredited pursuant to Republic Act No. 8759 otherwise known as the PESO Act of 1999. The Republic Act No. 8759 was signed in to law on February 14, 1999. Its purpose is to carry out full employment and equality of employment opportunities. Duties: 1. Ensure the prompt, timely and efficient delivery of employment service and provision of information on the other DOLE programs. 2. Provide a venue where people could explore simultaneously various employment options and actually seek assistance they prefer. 3. Serve as referral and information center for the various services and programs of DOLE and other government agencies present in the area. 4. Provide clients with adequate information on employment and labor market situation in the area. 5. Network with other PESOs within the region on employment for job exchange purposes. Functions: 1. Encourage employers to submit to the PESO on a regular basis a list of job vacancies in their respective establishments in order to facilitate the exchange of labor market information services to job seekers and employers by providing employment services to job seeker, both for local and overseas employment, and recruitment assistance to employers. 2. Develop and administer testing and evaluation instruments for effective job selection, training and counseling. 3. Provide persons with entrepreneurship qualities access to the various livelihood and self-employment programs offered by both government and non-governmental organizations at the provincial/city/municipal/barangay levels by undertaking referrals for such program. 4. Undertake employability enhancement trainings/seminar for jobseekers as well as those would like to change career or enhance their employability. This function is presently supervised by TESDA and conducted by other training. 5. Provide employment and occu pational counseling, career guidance, mass motivation and values development activities. 6. Conduct pre-employment counseling and orientation to prospective local and overseas workers. 7. Provide reintegration assistance services to returning Filipino migrant workers. 8. Perform such functions as willfully carry out the objectives of this Act. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Figure 1: PESO Organization Chart RESEARCH LOCALE Figure 2: PESO Location Map PROBLEM DEFINITION Currently, the Public Employment Service Office at San Jose Del Monte Bulacan is using a manual operation in posting of jobs, referral and screening of applicants, recording and creation of reports and information and screening and communication with companies. Companies having a hard time on submitting reports about the applicants they hire because of the manual operation, thus, the PESO staff are also having a hard time creating reports. Inconvenience, the applicants need to go to the office from time to time for them to know what jobs are available. And the companies must send a representative to communicate and present the needed requirements before they can become a qualified employer for PESO. The problems stated above will all be solved using the proposed system which is the Online Job Posting System. OBJECTIVES OF STUDY Generally this study aims to solve issues that happened in the manual operations in Public Employment Service Office. The study is conducted to find out if minimizing the manual operations with an online job posting system could help Public Employment Service Office customers to achieve quality ordering service. Specifically, it aims to; Identify the key issues relating to the development of an online job posting system and understand the flow posting of jobs, referral and screening of applicants, recording and creation of reports and information and screening and communication with companies. Identify the problem that the staffs, employers and applicants encountered in the existing manual operations of PESO Provide a solution for the identified problem. SCOPES AND LIMITATION . The system which is job posting system will be implemented for the Public Employment Service Office. The system will be used by the staffs, employers, and applicants. The system will allow the applicants to browse jobs and be notified to new qualified jobs. It will also make the registrations of the applicants easy by not needing for them to go to the office. It will also benefit the employers, they will be no longer need to go the office just to communicate and give requirements. It will also make the creation of reports easy on the part of staffs and employers. On the other hand, the system limitations are, only citizens of San Jose Del Monte Bulacan can register online; citizens of other city are required to go to the office of PESO of CSJDM for special cases. The said system cannot be used when there is power shortage and can only be used if there is an internet connection. Notifications through SMS are limited to those who provide their contact information and to those who have a good network signal. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Figure 3: Project Sytem Logo SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY The study will help the PESO to improve and speed up their services. The developed system will greatly improve the processes and replace the manual operations with a more organized and automated processes. It will give benefit the staffs, employers and applicants. Staffs- the proposed system will help the staffs to provide a more reliable and easy to do reports and records, more effective and efficient way of job posting, easier way of screening, giving referrals, communicating with applicants and employers and will eliminate human errors.. Employers-the proposed system will help the employers to provide a more reliable and easy to do reports and records, convenient way of submitting requirements and communicating with PESO staffs. Applicants- the proposed system will help the applicants to register and search for jobs in a more convenient and easier way. It will save them effort, time and money. Proponents. The study allowed the proponents to gain knowledge and experience doing rese arch study and learn how to automate a particular process. The study gives a great aid to the proponents to have a first-hand experience in making a system which can contribute to the suitable solution of the company’s necessity. Future Researchers. The study serves as a guide for future researchers having the same field of topic and subject matter. The study is capable of being an instrument and as future point of reference for the correlated study. The material can be a helpful citation of ideas to the future researchers having the same field of research. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF TERMS User Interface- the space where interaction between humans and machines occurs. The goal of interaction between a human and a machine at the user interface is effective operation and control of the machine and feedback from the machine which aids the operator in making operational decisions. Admin- the admin will maintain the system it can review reject and approve the profiles of every applicant or employer and jobs recruitment request of the company. Profiling- the act or process of extrapolating information about a person based on what is already known. Analysis – is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts to gain a better understanding of it. The technique has been applied in the study of mathematics and logic since before Aristotle (384–322 B.C.), though analysis as a formal concept is a relatively recent development. Login – The process of identifying oneself to a computer, usually by entering one’s username and pas sword. Logout – Once a user has logged in, they can then log out or log off when access is no longer needed. To log out is to close off one’s access to a computer system after having previously logged in. Referral – the process of directing or redirecting to an appropriate agency TECHNICAL DEFINITION OF TERMS Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) – is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation semantics of a document written in a markup language. Its most common application is to style web pages written in HTML and XHTML, but the language can also be applied to any kind of XML document, including plain XML, SVG and XUL. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) Database – is an organized collection of data. The data are typically organized to model relevant aspects of reality in a way that supports processes requiring this information. Database management systems (DBMSs) are specially designed applications that interact with the user, other applications, and the database itself to capture and analyze data. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) – is a domain name that specifies its exact location in the tree hierarchy of the Domain Name System (DNS). It specifies all domain levels, including the top-level domain and the root zone. A fully qualified domain name is distinguished by its lack of ambiguity: it can only be interpreted one way. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) -is the main markup language for creating web pages and other information that can be displayed in a web browser. HTML is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of tags enclosed in angle brackets (like ), within the web page content. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) JavaScript (JS) – is an interpreted computer programming language. JavaScript is a prototype-based scripting language with dynamic typing and has first-class functions. Its syntax was influenced by C. JavaScript copies many names and naming conventions from Java, but the two languages are otherwise unrelated and have very different semantics. The key design principles within JavaScript are taken from the Self and Scheme programming languages. It is a multi-paradigm language, supporting object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) JQuery – is a multi-browser JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML. JQuery is free, open source software, licensed under the MIT License. J query’s syntax is designed to make it easier to navigate a document, select DOM elements, create animations, handle events, and develop Ajax applications. jQuery also provides capabilities for developers to create plug-ins on top of the JavaScript library. This enables developers to create abstractions for low-level interaction and animation, advanced effects and high-level, theme-able widgets. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) Microsoft Excel -is a spread sheet application developed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) MySQL – runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases, though SQLite probably has more total embedded deployments. The MySQL development project has made its source code available under the terms of the GNU General Public License, as well as under a variety of proprietary agreements. MySQL was owned and sponsored by a single for-profit firm, the Swedish company MySQL AB, now owned by Oracle Corporation. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) Network – Is a collection of computers and devices interconnected by communications channels that facilitate communications among users and allows users to share resources. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) Portable Document Format (PDF) – is a file format used to represent documents in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems. Each PDF file encapsulates a complete description of a fixed-layout flat document, including the text, fonts, graphics, and other information needed to display it. In 1991, Adobe Systems co-founder John Warnock outlined a system called â€Å"Camelot†that evolved into PDF. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) PHP – is a server-side scripting language designed for web development but also used as a general-purpose programming language. PHP code is interpreted by a web server with a PHP processor module, which generates the resulting web page: PHP commands can be embedded directly into an HTML source document rather than calling an external file to process data. Server – A computer, or a software package, that provides a specific kind of service to client software running on other computers. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) Web browser- displays a web page on a monitor or mobile device. On a network, a web browser can retrieve a web page from a remote web server. On a higher level, the web server may restrict access to only a private network such as a corporate intranet or it provide access to the World Wide Web. On a lower level, the web browser uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to make such requests. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) Webpage – is a web document that is suitable for the World Wide Web and the web browser. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) Web server – can refer to either the hardware (the computer) or the software (the computer application) that helps to deliver web content that can be accessed through the Internet. The most common use of web servers is to host websites, but there are other uses such as gaming, data storage or running enterprise applications. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) World Wide Web – is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. With a web browser, one can view web pages that may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia and navigate between them via hyperlinks. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) XAMPP – is a free and open source cross-platform web server solution stack package, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages. (L. Grimmer, 2006)
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