Saturday, May 23, 2020
Karl Marx s Theory Of Hegemony Theory Essay - 1518 Words
â€Å"By emphasizing a democratic civil society as a context for democratic government, the recovery of nineteenth century democratic theory promises a richer understanding of the role of citizens and an understanding of the relationship between democracy and freedom as human development†(Niemi, 2010, p. 41). This paper will discuss about Karl Marx; in regards to class systems, Antonio Gramsci; how studying Marxist thought assisted with his theory of Hegemony Theory. The centre-periphery model will also be discussed. Two texts have been chosen to compare and contrast, Barnes, T., Cahill, D. (2012) and Raney, V. (2006). Lastly to apply theories as a reference point for comparison stated in, (Thussu, 2006, p. 1) â€Å"theories of international communication evolved into a discrete discipline within the new social sciences and in each era have reflected contemporary concerns about political, economic and technological changes and their impact on society†. By the end of this paper it should be clear of what is the relationship between Marx, Gramsci and the centre periphery model. Karl Marx (1818-1883), was a German philosopher, social scientist, historian and revolutionary socialist stated in (Kreis, 2008). Early nineteenth century Marx originally developed Marxism with Friedrich Engel to improve society by implementing socialisms within a political ideology; stated in (Williams, 1973, p. 3) which is based on social groups being driven by creating and maintaining wealth. Based on theShow MoreRelatedThe Communist Manifesto And Das Kapital1507 Words  | 7 PagesKarl Marx A German philosopher, economist, journalist and revolutionary scientist, Marx was best known for his work in economics. He laid the foundations for today s theories of labor and capital. The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital were among the most famous of his published works. 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Monday, May 18, 2020
Non Hetrosexual vs Heterosexual Rights - 1610 Words
Non- Heterosexual vs. Heterosexual Rights We would like to think that all people are created equal, but in today’s society non-heterosexuals are struggling to get and/or keep basic rights. John Finnis, John Corvino, and Martha Nussbaum are all philosophers who discuss the topic of non-heterosexuality. I’ll begin by covering viewpoints of each individual philosopher, followed by arguments in favor of my position and arguments against my position. Finally, after addressing the above, I will argue that John Corvino and Martha Nussbaum are correct in arguing that non-heterosexuals deserve to have the same basic rights and freedoms of heterosexuals. Philosopher John Finnis does not believe non-heterosexuals deserve equal rights. In his article, Finnis discusses what he believes to be the correct sexual relationship. â€Å"The orgasmic union of the reproductive organs of husband and wife really unites them biologically; that orgasmic union therefore can actualize and allow t hem to experience their real common good†(Finnis 2009, 290). In presenting this excerpt, Finnis is claiming that the only way to enjoy sex is heterosexually. Having sex heterosexually can also lead to reproduction which is also a positive to sexual intercourse. Later, Finnis addresses non-heterosexuals, â€Å"But the common good of friends who are not and cannot be married (man and man, man and boy, woman and woman) has nothing to do with their having children by each other, their reproductive organs cannot make them
Monday, May 11, 2020
The Fundamentals of the Intertropical Convergence Zone
Near the equator, from about 5 degrees north and 5 degrees south, the northeast trade winds and southeast trade winds converge in a low-pressure zone known as the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Solar heating in the region forces air to rise through convection which results in the accumulation of large thunderstorms and plethora of precipitation, spreading rain around the Equator year-round; as a result of this, combined with its central location on the globe, the ITCZ is a key component of the global air and water circulation system. The location of the ITCZ changes throughout the year, and how far from the equator it gets is largely determined by the land or ocean temperatures underneath these currents of air and moistureâ€â€otter oceans yield less volatile change while varying lands cause varying degrees in the ITCZs location. The Intertropical Convergence Zone has been called the doldrums by sailors due to the lack of horizontal air movement (the air rises with convection), and its also known as the Equatorial Convergence Zone or Intertropical Front. The ITCZ Doesnt Have a Dry Season Weather stations in the equatorial region record precipitation up to 200 days each year, making the equatorial and ITC zones the wettest on the planet. Additionally, the equatorial region lacks a dry season and is constantly hot and humid, resulting in large thunderstorms formed from the convectional flow of air and moisture. The precipitation in the ITCZ over land has whats known as a diurnal cycle where clouds form in the late morning and early afternoon hours and by the hottest time of the day at 3 or 4 p.m., convectional thunderstorms form and precipitation begins, but over the ocean, these clouds typically form overnight to produce early morning rainstorms. These storms are generally brief, but they make flying quite difficult, especially over land where clouds can accumulate at altitudes up to 55,000 feet. Most commercial airlines avoid the ITCZ while traveling across continents for this reason, and while the ITCZ over the ocean is usually calmer during the day and night and only active in the morning, many boats have been lost at sea from a sudden storm there. The Location Changes Throughout the Year While the ITCZ remains near the equator for most of the year, can vary in as much as 40 to 45 degrees of latitude north or south of the equator based on the pattern of land and ocean beneath it. The ITCZ over land ventures farther north or south than the ITCZ over the oceans, this is due to the variations in land and water temperatures. The zone mostly stays close to the Equator over water. It varies throughout the year over land. In Africa in July and August, for instance, the ITCZ is located just south of the Sahel desert at about 20 degrees north of the Equator, but the ITCZ over the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans is usually only 5 to 15 degrees North; meanwhile, over Asia, the ITCZ can go as far as 30 degrees North.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Victimization A Postcolonial Reading Of George...
Beyond the Obvious Victimization: A Postcolonial Reading of George Orwell’s â€Å"Shooting an Elephant†In my short teaching career, I have experienced two paralyzing instances of student tears in class that required my response. One of those such instances was in response to reading George Orwell’s essay â€Å"Shooting an Elephant†: my sensitive student was so sad about the elephant’s fate that she needed to leave class to recover from her grief. Such a reaction is not unreasonable to Orwell’s tragic essay, the story of a British soldier’s experience attempting to support and maintain colonizing efforts in Burma that results in the tragic and painfilled death of the animal. A postcolonial perspective is not necessary to see the tragedy in†¦show more content†¦He claims he was hated, yet he seems to ignore that the minor discomforts of his life, the jeers and taunts and negligible hurts and humiliation, constitute the ext ent of Burmese ability to express their unhappiness. He notes, â€Å"No one had the guts to raise a riot†(2605), failing to recognize that not bravery is lacking but rather knowledge of the punishment sure to follow such action. He regrets that he must kill the elephant, but he elides further exploration of potential alternatives, immediately rejecting other ways such as testing the elephant’s behavior to predict its reaction (2609). Not only does Orwell’s own essay reveal that he is not victim but rather someone in power, but also, scholars agree that Orwell is not the victim he perceives himself to be. Criticism of â€Å"Shooting an Elephant,†especially postcolonial criticism, recognizes that Orwell is not the victim he believes he is. Ouzgane and Coleman note that â€Å"the rifle, the symbol of colonial power . . . makes George Orwell the inauthentic authority†(paragraph 16), correctly assessing that he is both the one in charge and further the one who should not be in charge. They do not describe him as a victim, they describe him as compulsive, power-wielding, and superior (paragraph 16). Further in support of Orwell’s non-victim status are Moosavinia, Niazi, and Ghaforian. In their postcolonial work applying Said’s Orientalism to Orwell’s works, they mention that Orwell â€Å"wrote Burmese Days,
Deciding On a Vehicle Type Free Essays
string(71) " people would consider their vehicle to be an extension of themselves\." Many factors influence the automotive design process. Some of these include the target price, workload intended for the vehicle, safety in crashes, aesthetic appeal in design, fuel economy or fuel efficiency, ergonomics, and mechanical design. These factors deeply affect the vehicular design procedure. We will write a custom essay sample on Deciding On a Vehicle Type or any similar topic only for you Order Now This paper will travel into each of these aspects and deeper to explain why they are so influential. DECIDING ON A VEHICLE TYPE The first step in the development of an automobile is to decide what kind of vehicle it will be. A truck is most useful for construction, moving, farm work, and things of those natures. However, people employ a minivan or sedan in transporting families or taking vacations. There are sports cars, designed only to get its passengers there fast and in style. The engineers cannot even initiate more complex design phases until the car’s basic style is decided, thus making it one of the most important steps in the entire process. PRICE Price appears at the same stage in development as choosing the car type. Money is a major factor in the development of any new technology or product. Not only will the price have to be suitable for the consumer, it must also be feasible to put the amount of funding required into the project. Developing a new automobile takes thousands of hours of work and millions of dollars in funding to make a reality. Companies must make sure that they are putting their millions of dollars into a worthy cause, as most concept cars never see the assembly line. Before designing the car’s performance and feature list, the engineers must know in what price range the car is to be sold. Budgets have to be set, and they assist in determining the outcome of the car. FUEL EFFICIENCY Along the same general lines as price is the fuel economy of the vehicle. Manufacturers must meet certain emission standards to make their creations street-legal. Drag exerted on the vehicle greatly affects fuel economy. Engineers use the drag coefficient formula to determine how much force drag applies on their design. The formula for the drag coefficient is where FD is the drag force. P is the density of the medium through which the object is traveling. In automobile design, this medium is the air, whose density is a relative constant. U is the speed of the body journeying through the medium (which in this case is air), and L is the scale of the body measured in square units1. This formula is used to calculate the drag coefficient of a vehicle. The independent variables in the above equation are measured using a wind tunnel and other standard measuring techniques. The higher the drag coefficient is the more drag is exerted on the car and the worse its fuel economy would be. Lowered fuel economy is, naturally, undesirable and makes the consumer less likely to purchase the vehicle. With the rising fuel issues, a growing interest in creating new environmentally friendly engines has become known. Millions of dollars are being poured into projects that will lead to highly efficient motors to power the world’s automotive force. This is another section, and alternate engines will be discussed later in the paper. As previously acknowledged, cars are tested in wind tunnels to assist in measuring the drag forces on the vehicle. Wind tunnels are essentially large tubes with an enormous fan at one end. The object to be tested is placed in the wind tunnel, and the fan is started, causing air particles to accelerate and generate wind. The wind then reaches the object to be tested. However, the human eye cannot see exactly where the wind goes when hitting the object. Therefore, wind tunnel technologists use smoke to view the airflow around their subjects2. Automotive engineers use the data gathered in wind tunnel testing to calculate the drag on the vehicles. Another factor of the fuel economy of a vehicle is its weight. Generally, lighter cars boast better fuel efficiency. Engineers wage a constant war between lightweight and heavyweight vehicles. Lightweight vehicles are more efficient than their heavyweight counterparts are, but they are also considered less safe. Lighter vehicles also maintain their tires better, further increasing their efficiency. In recent years and through most of automobile history, the clear choice has been to go with the safer vehicles and simply postpone the efficiency until better technologies exist to improve upon it. During the 1980s, however, the trend of producing smaller, more compact cars was introduced. A standard called the Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standard (CAFE) was set at 27.5 miles per gallon, forcing automotive manufacturers to create smaller, less safe cars to meet the optional CAFE standard3. This standard has been blamed for many deaths because lighter cars are more insecure. Safety issues will be discussed later. The 1990s brought back the era of the large vehicle, and we have since been seeing monstrous SUVs rule the market. Perhaps one day, engineers will unearth the perfect balance between efficiency and safety. As for now, great strides are being made in improving the safety of the smaller vehicles and more and more sports cars are being made small. Plastics are making it possible to create safe, lightweight vehicles. From body panels to interior parts, plastic may very well be the future of automotive design. The tires on a vehicle also contribute to fuel efficiency, so the lighter cars have yet another advantage in the efficiency department4. AESTHETIC APPEAL The overall look of a car is sometimes enough to sell a buyer on purchasing a certain vehicle. Thusly, the design of the vehicle’s exterior is a major concern in the designing of a vehicle. The curves of a car are what define it and give it its personality. A vehicle with personality is appealing to the consumer, and they are sometimes able to identify with the vehicle. Many people would consider their vehicle to be an extension of themselves. You read "Deciding On a Vehicle Type" in category "Papers" People judge one another by what kind of car they drive and even recognize each other as they travel. A person’s vehicle can tell an entire story about its owner. Therefore, it is nearly unnecessary to state that the exterior styling of an automobile is of paramount importance because nobody wants a vehicle that is going to reflect poorly upon them and their lifestyle. Concept cars usually feature aggressive lines and bold design features. Why is it then that if all the cars on the road were once a concept are there relatively few aggressively styled vehicles on the road? The answer is simple: the manufacturers of the automobiles must get the most value out of their designs, and that involves toning down the design’s outrageous factors in many cases. The aggressive and bold lines are attractive, however, and demand attention from the heads of companies. The sad truth is that sometimes the extreme designs are simply infeasible due to another section to be later discussed, compatibility with current configurations at the plant that builds the vehicles. However, innovations in design must occur at some rate because if progression stops, so does the automotive industry. Progression is the force that keeps the world moving. Companies make slight changes to their vehicles annually, and every so often, a completely new vehicle on a completely new framework can be introduced into the market. New cars often share the chassis of a similar car to avoid the need to create a new frame for the car. When a company finally does introduce a radical new vehicle into the market, the manufacturers must have made sure that the investment was worth it, because the vehicle could be a complete failure in the rough and tough world of commerce. Style is not an objective concept. Different people from varying backgrounds have differing opinions about what looks good. The artists involved in styling the vehicle’s exterior must take into account the target audience of the product. Before production, they must implant their idea of style into the public’s mind to take note of the reactions, usually done at auto shows. There are, for example, several styles of trucks: big and powerful trucks, small and sporty trucks, and family-oriented trucks. Obviously, a family with young children would not find the styling of the large, tall, powerful truck to be appealing because their children would not be able to enjoy fully their investment of an automobile, which is more than likely unsatisfactory. ERGONOMICS OF THE INTERIOR The interior of a vehicle is just as important in the design of an automobile as the exterior styling of the vehicle. Many times, a test drive will turn away customers. If the consumers do not like to be in the vehicle, they are far less likely to purchase the vehicle than if the interior is pleasing. Many drivers like to have a full range of features at their disposal, while others like to keep their dashboards as free of clutter as possible. Design engineers keep this in mind when developing the interior of their creations. Cheaper cars tend to have far fewer luxurious devices, while the more expensive vehicles have gadgets galore. This is most likely because it is the gadgets that increase the price, making a costly car what it is-expensive. To keep the market moving forward, as it must, new car parts need to be invented annually and implemented either in concept vehicles or in reincarnations of old vehicles. Comfortable seats are a necessity in a vehicle. In a car, the seats must be adjustable to accommodate the differently sized people who use them, because it is unfair to discriminate against either short or tall people. In trucks, designers have been paying attention to this as well, and have developed power foot pedals since the seat in a truck is often nonadjustable. There is an entire science dedicated to creating comfortable seats. Companies pour hundreds of thousands of dollars into designing and producing comfortable chairs for automobiles. Therefore, there are numerous products on sale across the world claiming to give the most comfortable trip possible. They range from gel pads to masterfully designed and engineered pads built into the seat. In mathematics, the letter r is used to represent confidence in an arithmetical estimation. Through extensive research, engineers have developed formulas to measure comfort. They have experimented and have found r to be as high as .638 when they asked two questions of a subject: Does this provide lower back support? Is this chair comfortable? Researchers believe that lower back support is the key to extreme comfort. Pressure should be evenly distributed and not focused on any particular region. No pressure should be put on the sciatic nerve, or discomfort will surely ensue. This pressure is diverted to other areas by the clever usage of curves in the chair and padding. This diversion also reduces blocked blood flow, leaving the user comfortable. However, simply designing a rigid yet ideal structure for the seat in an automobile is not enough, because people are naturally disproportionate to one another. Active comfort systems are being designed to conform to each person individually, rather than setting a standard in which everyone should fit. 5 ELECTRONICS SYSTEM According to Bayerische Motoren Werke (BMW), the electronics system accounts for more than 30% of the overall design cost for a new vehicle6. Currently, the mechanical design of automobiles is the core, but it is predicted that the electronic components will become the nucleus, and mechanical innovations will grow fewer and fewer. Some future electronic innovations projected to arrive in the automotive market are more complex power train management systems, Electronic Control Units (ECU) that control dashboard displays, and the ability to communicate wirelessly with other vehicles and road signs. Designers must take extreme care in designing such electrical systems because the more complex a system is the more room for error exists. Power and drive train and management systems currently exist and manufacturers commonly implement them. Traction control and limited slip differentials are excellent examples of such systems. In the future, ignition control systems will be used to create more efficiency in the ignition process. An ECU will be used to regulate the amount of fuel injected into the engine’s cylinders. This will assist in fuel economy because no fuel will be wasted, and will increase the power of the engine. There will be systems to utilize more effectively the weight distribution of the vehicle in steering and braking. Automotive corporations are developing more intricate and advanced systems to transmit the power to the wheels that permit absolutely no loss of grip during acceleration or braking. Dashboard controls have an effect on the overall effectiveness of the gauges in a vehicle. If a device could cull what gauges were relevant, more gauges would with less clutter than the typical dash of today, provided the gauges are displayed digitally. The coding necessary for such an electronic display would likely exceed 45,000 lines and take more than 262,800 man-hours to develop fully. Such an effort would probably need millions of dollars in financial backing, and currently nobody has been willing to invest so much money in something that would probably not gain as much as it costs. According to OSEK (In English, Open Systems and the Corresponding Interfaces for Automotive Electronics), â€Å"Vehicle manufacturers traditionally focus on production cost rather than on development cost-the sensors and the actuators, along with the bare ECU, represent almost the entire cost for electronics in the car. †However, although software does not have a â€Å"production†cost, it is not for free! The software development costs are skyrocketing: today, they are about twice as much as the development costs for hardware.†New technologies such as bluetooth will allow vehicles to interact with both people and their electronic objects. For instance, a cellular phone is inserted into a jack in a vehicle. The vehicle downloads the phone’s data such as addresses, phone numbers, and other information. The car’s own speakers deliver any phone calls that come through the line, and this allows the driver’s hands to remain free while they talk on the phone. This technology exists, and is readily available. Design engineers are always keeping up with the times, and realize that cellular phones are now of utmost importance to many people. Possible future technologies will allow vehicles to communicate with one another and will assist in stop and go traffic. Perhaps an adaptive cruise control will be designed that monitors traffic and can alter its setting on the fly, allowing greater functionality of the cruise control unit. Bad electrical design can lead to exceedingly dangerous situations. Design engineers have finally realized the human mid has its limitations and cannot process an infinite amount of information at one time. Having to fumble around to find the right button to change the radio station is not only dangerous, it is annoying. BMW has integrated stereo systems into its steering wheel, and is interested in â€Å"x-by-wire†technology. It will remove the mechanical linkages in the steering wheel, brake system, and shifting mechanisms, creating new phrases like steer-by-wire, brake-by-wire, and shift-by-wire. They think that the steering wheel will only turn 160à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. This will allow for vastly enhanced maneuverability in parking and other situations7. General Motors has also shown great interest in the x-by-wire technology and debuted its Autonomy in late 2002, a vehicle that is essentially a flat board attached to wheels. While they have created a drivable version, they admit that the technology to actually produce such a vehicle is still years in the working. They will surely verify the electrical integrity of the x-by-wire electrical system before allowing it to be released into the market, or else they risk endangering citizens and being sued. One new safety feature already available is the lane departure system from Siemens VDO Automotive. Upon the vehicle changing lanes without signaling, it will beep, informing the driver of the unintentional lane change. This will be monumental in the field of driving safety and is made possible by the electrical engineers who work on such projects. PERFORMANCE DESIGN Automotive designers must take into account the mechanical design of their vehicles. They must decide whether to use an existing frame for the vehicle or design a new one from scratch. If they do decide to design a totally new vehicle, they must decide at what caliber performance the vehicle will be created. The specific needs of the vehicle to be created decide what performance features will be implemented in the vehicle. An offroad vehicle will likely require an active suspension and four-wheel drive, among other things. A sports car should have rack and pinion steering and an aerodynamic body to create downforce and reduce drag and should be lightweight to allow for high-speed maneuvering. New technologies in performance engineering are always developing. Vehicles are becoming more well rounded and are suiting many needs. For example, a truck can now be used to haul freight or haul a family of five. In the past, trucks were meant only to drive offroad and carry cargo. Still, there is the need for specific performance standards in vehicles. Horsepower reigned king in the day of the muscle car, but now new technologies in gearing and energy transmission allow less horsepower to do more work toward the ultimate goal of propelling a vehicle into motion. It is incontrovertible that the engine is one of the most vital components of any automobile. The transmission is able to harness more of the engine’s power with our new, advanced technology. Nowadays, greater measures have been taken in engineering safety measures, allowing vehicles to travel faster while increasing previous safety standards. A smaller vehicle does not necessitate a large engine being installed. However, what may be a vivacious engine for a lightweight vehicle may prove to be a sluggish one for larger vehicles such as trucks and some sports cars. Many new engine types are being developed. There have been diesel powered engines for a long period, and they get slightly improve fuel efficiency over their gasoline counterparts. In recent years, engineers have been pushing hybrid electric-fuel engines. The Honda Insight is likely the most well received hybrid vehicle. It boasts sixty mile per gallon on the city streets and sixty-six on the highway. It has an electric engine that uses regenerative braking to recharge itself, allowing for the vast improvements in gas mileage. The Insight is an excellent model for engineers to follow, as everything related to it is state of the art8. Also introduced recently is the hydrogen motor. It is just as promising as the hybrid motor, and one day it will probably replace the outdated, fossil-fuel burning engines. Lightweight materials such as fiberglass are making it possible for the automotive industry to make large cars lightweight. The Chevrolet Corvette is a prime example of fiberglass body panels. As stated earlier in this paper, lightweight vehicles are more efficient and can lead to higher performance levels. Advances in suspension are evident in recent past. Independent suspensions have been installed in many Ford vehicles. The independent suspension system allows each half of an axle to be affected by the road free of its counterpart. With each wheel acting freely, the vehicle rides much more smoothly. Engineers must consider what type of terrain on which their vehicle is intended to be driven. They must exceed these expectations as they need their vehicle to be able to stand up to more than is expected and repeat customers will exist. Going beyond what is expected is something most automotive and design engineers take great pride in. CONCLUSION The vehicle type is of utmost importance in the automotive design process. People do not wish to drive a two-person vehicle if they need to take their family on vacation. Therefore, a suitable marketing scheme must also be derived. The price of the vehicle may attract or turn away some buyers. The price should not be set too high if the company wishes for the vehicle to be its marquee attraction because most people do not have unlimited amounts of money to invest in a vehicle. In these days of soaring oil prices, the automotive design process is greatly affected by the fuel efficiency of a vehicle. Fuel is a precious commodity and the industry realizes that. Therefore, we are seeing an increase in the fuel economy of all vehicles. Cars must be attractive to be sold. Sometimes a company must make an audacious move in the field of styling, but they always weigh the chances of it flopping once it reaches the market. Bold styling is a necessity, however because of the key word to all industry-progression. The interior must be both electronically tuned and comfortable to be in. Safety is of great concern here, and airbags should be installed. There should be as low as possible of a chance of fire due to electrical failure, and electrical engineers are responsible for assuring this. All new vehicles must be able to perform well and travel along the roads without slowing down the rest of the traffic flow. Certain vehicles are designed to perform, while others are designed to be as simple as possible while still meeting all standards and codes set by the government. The automobile industry is a vastly complex and ever changing one. New technologies are being developed constantly that can change the industry’s outlook on the future. It is factual that any industry cannot survive if it does not continually progress and adapt to the changing markets and desires of its patrons. New software is developed to more accurately model and simulate situations that will occur in automobiles. Technologies in this field have become so advanced that the need for real-world prototyping is almost eliminated. Now, the prototypes are merely displays for the public to catch a glimpse of the future of transportation; all the real work is done virtually. From wind tunnels to test tracks, the automotive design process is one that encompasses many varying disciplines and each field must work together to create a final product that is desirable, functional, efficient, and aesthetically pleasing to its consumers. How to cite Deciding On a Vehicle Type, Papers
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest by Ken Kesey Essay Example For Students
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest by Ken Kesey Essay One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, written by Ken Kesey in 1962, is a book about a lively con man that turns a mental institution upside down with his rambunctious antics and sporadic bouts with the head nurse. Throughout the book, this man shows the others in the institution how to stand up for themselves, to challenge conformity to society and to be who they want to be. It is basically a book of good versus evil, the good being the con man R. P. McMurphy, and the bad being the head nurse, Nurse Ratched. McMurphy revitalizes the hope of the patients, fights Nurse Ratcheds stranglehold on the ward, and, in a way, represents the feelings of the author on society at the time. Before R. P. McMurphy arrives, the ward is your basic average mental institution. Men line up to receive their medication, they do puzzles and play cards, and the evil head nurse and her muscle, a group of big black fellows, carry patients off to be shaved or for electroshock therapy. The people cant do anything about it, though. After all, some of them are vegetables, and according to society theyre all nuts. Then one fateful day, McMurphy blows in and breathes some fresh air into the ward. Hes loud, he cracks jokes, and, as he said of himself, Im a gambling fool and whenever I meet with a deck of cards I lays my money down. Nobody was sure whether he was crazy or he was just acting like it to get out of the work camp he transferred from. Soon enough people realized that either way, he had it out for Nurse Ratched. At first, the head nurse Nurse Ratched, tries to ignore him. After all, plenty like himself had come and gone. Most of them had been treated with a little electroshock and they were down to normal, or as normal as someone in a nuthouse could be. She tried to get him to the shower, a cleaning process all incoming patients have to go through. He says that hes plenty clean. Soon it became clear he had to be dealt with. He taught the patients how to play blackjack, and he even had a deck of cards with pictures of naked ladies on them. He also tried to teach a large Indian man (who was the narrator of the story) to play basketball. He tried to get the work schedules changed so the guys could watch the World Series, and he snuck into the nurses station to turn down the loud waltz music they always played. Basically, McMurphy was the protagonist who would screw up Nurse Ratcheds perfect system, which seemed almost automatic and robotic at times. The patients and nurse have a group therapy session. This is where everyone can talk about things theyve done that bother them. McMurphy points out that Ratched is controlling them, and he has her all figured out. He says that they are like a bunch of chickens, pecking out the weakest one. Ratched uses divide and conquer to keep the patients under control. He also said of his fellow patients, Jesus, I mean you guys do nothing but complain about how you cant stand it in this place here and then you havent got the guts just to walk out? What do you think you are for Christ sake, crazy or something? Well, youre not! Youre not! Youre no crazier than the average out walking around on the streets. This signified that he believed they could be cured. Later on in the book, a patient named Billy Bibbit regained his masculinity after he had sex with a woman, but soon after Ratched cut him back down and he committed suicide. This also shows the nurses power over the ward. The nurse was like the mongoose to McMurphys snake, or the snake to his mongoose. I dont know animals. Either way, the clash between the two was a metaphor for the society author Ken Kesey was living in. .u29310649b6b7f3102b4d70fd33379500 , .u29310649b6b7f3102b4d70fd33379500 .postImageUrl , .u29310649b6b7f3102b4d70fd33379500 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u29310649b6b7f3102b4d70fd33379500 , .u29310649b6b7f3102b4d70fd33379500:hover , .u29310649b6b7f3102b4d70fd33379500:visited , .u29310649b6b7f3102b4d70fd33379500:active { border:0!important; } .u29310649b6b7f3102b4d70fd33379500 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u29310649b6b7f3102b4d70fd33379500 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u29310649b6b7f3102b4d70fd33379500:active , .u29310649b6b7f3102b4d70fd33379500:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u29310649b6b7f3102b4d70fd33379500 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u29310649b6b7f3102b4d70fd33379500 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u29310649b6b7f3102b4d70fd33379500 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u29310649b6b7f3102b4d70fd33379500 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u29310649b6b7f3102b4d70fd33379500:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u29310649b6b7f3102b4d70fd33379500 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u29310649b6b7f3102b4d70fd33379500 .u29310649b6b7f3102b4d70fd33379500-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u29310649b6b7f3102b4d70fd33379500:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Pre -Twentieth Century Prose EssayMcMurphys rebellion against Nurse Ratched is a metaphor for the counterculture movement of the time. He represented the free spirited hippies who believed everyone deserved a shot at happiness, while the nurse represented the man, corporations, those who wanted everything to be uniform and nothing to be spontaneous. McMurphy slowly converts everyone to his side. Theyve hated the big nurse for so long, but they never had a leader to help them become vocal until now. Kesey had plenty of experience with this counterculture. The Chief, the narrator of the book, was actually inspired by LSD. Ken Kesey had himself worked at a hospital as an orderly, and his experimentation with drugs led to a hallucination of a large Indian man sweeping the halls. Many of the characters in the book were inspired by his old job. He was even sued by a lady who believed Nurse Ratched was based off of her and made her look bad. McMurphy gave hope to the patients by fighting against the nurse-tatorship of Nurse Ratched, which symbolized the fight between corporate America and the hippie counterculture. In a way, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest influenced society as much as society influenced it. College students everywhere read it just as they were beginning to rebel, and it is considered a masterpiece. It was even transferred to the silver screen, with Jack Nicholson starring as R. P. McMurphy. I felt this was an excellent book. It was humorous, but it also represented the great struggle of good versus evil, and the worth of self-reliance, independence, and courage.
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